Russia: Kalashnikov opens own-brand store at Moscow’s Sheremetyevo airport

Russia Defense Report: Nukes, Bugs, and Gas in Hybrid Wars

Russia: Four militants killed in anti-terror op in St. Petersburg – officials

Launch of Kalibr cruise missiles from Mediterranean Sea against Jihadists facilities in Aleppo

World’s Best Portable ManPad missile Russian Verba

The Russian Ministry of defense published the first official video of the fifth generation PAK FA Sukhoi T-50 in honor of the Day of aviation of the Russian army

Putin’s New Testament:  Russia gathering the Christian Orthodox countries with Turkey as their ally

This is a story that will determine the fate of each of us!

American analysts argue that Putin and Erdogan secretly try to divide Europe.  In addition to Russia and Turkey, the new political-economic bloc includes Serbia, Greece, Bulgaria, Macedonia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. This new Holy Christian -Turkish Pact is the greatest danger to American national interests, warned the CIA which calls it the “Orthodox Axis.” According to the paper this alliance will include 126 million Christians, plus 140 million Russians, Christians and Muslims, plus 88 million Muslims.

This idea is not new, but this is the first time Washington expressing fear over a development of this plan.

Shantar Islands: Braving the Storm

Travel to the sea of Okhotsk to visit the islands where a human population of just seven live cheek by jowl with 200 bears. Meet the killer whales and brave a climate so severe that icebergs linger through the summer and September sees the first snows.

Board a snowy-white yacht on a mission to find the largest colony of seals on the shores of the Shantar Islands. Expedition members, intrigued by the remote archipelago, set sail across the Sea of Okhotsk with nowhere to hide from severe weather and with only sheer determination pushing them forward. The thrill-seekers sail alongside majestic, playful white whales, encounter horrendous hungry bears and get treated to conversation and cloudberry jam at a local hunter’s house



Donetsk People’s Republic Donbass

Special Battalion “Patriot” Training Clips, Donetsk, DPR. August 14, 2016



He Who Panics First Panics Best!

Or, as my German professor puts it, “They have a few hiccups.”

Germany is to announced a civil defense plan in a face of an attack that would threaten its existence.

Germans to store 10-day emergency stock of food, water in case of attacks – leaked defense plan


Someone put together the list of fake reasons of the Western democracies to star wars on the Eastern democracies

1990: babies taken out of incubators to die on cold floor

1990 Iran building the bomb

1995 Milosovitch responsible for war crimes

1990-1999 Saddam building weapons of Mass Destruction

2001 Osama responsible for 9-11

2001 Iran building the bomb

2001-2003 Saddam has weapons of Mass Destruction

2003 Iran building the bomb

2005 Assad gassing his own people

2010 Iran building the bomb

2011 Kaddafi killing his own people

2012 Assad gassing his own people

2014 invisible Russian soldiers in Ukraine attack Ukraine

2015 Russia a threat, planning invasion


Russia and the West

Putin: NSA spying should be regulated

How long before Orwell’s ‘Big Brother’ state becomes a reality – whereby every US citizen is under constant surveillance by the authorities? In this outtake, Putin explains that while revelations of the magnitude of NSA spying did not put a serious damper on US-Russian relations, the effects of an unregulated, all-encompassing authority may be more destructive to the privacy of ordinary US citizens, more than anyone else.

This speech is from 2014, since which the “Patriot Act” has extended its questionable surveillance authority. It no longer serves the moral cause of terrorism-prevention, but exhibits outright police-state tendencies.



Putin: Success in Syria Ignored by US


The US

The Unbearable Awesomeness of the U.S. Military

Unrepentant, always wrong, U.S. warmongers Michael O’Hanlon and David Petraeus have authored “America’s Awesome Military: And How to Make It Even Better,” to explain to the rest of us that there is absolutely nothing wrong with the greatest American frack-yeah military ever AND that it is in such a pitiably weak state that if trillions more aren’t wasted on it we’re all going to die.

Dozens of locals rallied in Florida Keys, Tuesday, demonstrating against plans to release genetically-modified (GM) mosquitos in the Key Haven area.


The Empire Files: Chevron vs. the Amazon – Inside the Killzone

A U.S. court just handed another victory to the oil giant Chevron Texaco, in its decades-long battle to avoid paying damages it owes in one of the worst environmental disasters in history.

In the Ecuadorean Amazon, the most biodiverse area of the world, the energy titan deliberately poisoned 5 million acres of pristine habitat and subjected tens of thousands of indigenous peoples to destruction of their health and culture.

In Part 1 of ‘Chevron vs. the Amazon,‘ Abby Martin takes The Empire Files inside Chevron Texaco’s Amazon killzone to see the areas deemed “remediated” by Chevron, and spoke with the people living in the aftermath.



Secretary of Iran’s National Security Council, Ali Shamkhani, also noted that the two countries are exchanging their capacities and potentialities in their battle against Takfiri groups in the Arab country. Shamkhani’s comments came after the Russian Defense Ministry announced Russia’s warplanes flew out of an air base in the central Iranian province of Hamedan to conduct airstrikes against terrorists in Syria’s provinces of Aleppo, Dair al-Zawr and Idlib. According to the statement, the attacks destroyed a number of training camps, command centers and large arms and fuel depots belonging to the militant groups. Russia’s Defense Ministry said a large number of militants were killed in the air raids.



Syrian sources say the government has reached a deal with Kurdish forces on ending conflicts in the northeastern city of Hasakah.

Published on 21 Aug 2016 The agreement has reportedly been made with the Asayish group which is linked to the Kurdistan Workers Party or the PKK. A Kurdish source, however, has denied the report, saying more talks are due on Monday to finalize the deal. The agreement seeks to conclude cessation of hostilities, Kurds returning seized areas, and transfer of the casualties to the nearby city of Qamishli. Clashes between the US-backed Kurdish forces and the government troops broke out after Kurds demanded that the National Defense Forces be dismantled in Hasakah.



Bulgarian Foreign Ministry Warns Bulgarians Travellingto Ukraine on 17 August 2016

Sofia, August 17 (BTA) – The Bulgarian Foreign Ministry Wednesday recommended to Bulgarians travelling to Ukraine to avoid areas in the large cities where protests and rallies are taking place and to use caution and vigilance for theft of unwatched objects, money and documents from their cars.

The warning is prompted by the increased public tensions and the exacerbated crime situation in Ukraine.

Bulgarians are advised to register on the Ministry’s Travel Assistant webpage or with the Bulgarian Embassy in Kiev and the Consulate General in Odessa, specifying the period and place of their stay, and to leave a telephone for regular updates on the situation. LI/LG





Ukraine Aug 20-Two soldiers killed, 8 injured in Donetsk

20 Aug 2016: “Shelling in eastern Ukraine has left two soldiers dead and eight injured in 24 hours.

The Ukrainian defense ministry says the shells hit the Donetsk region, setting a building ablaze and destroying two cars. August has been the deadliest month of fighting between Ukrainian troops and pro-Russians in eastern regions. The tensions have raised fears that the fragile ceasefire could collapse. The fighting in Ukraine’s east has claimed around 9600 lives over the past two-and-a-half years.

Political analyst Alex Christoforou believes that Ukraine shirks its commitment in fulfilling the Minsk agreement by invading Crimea. He says Germany’s Merkel has also boxed herself in against Russia by asking Moscow, as a non-party in Minsk, to stay committed to the accord. ” Press TV News

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