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Tag "weapons industry"

Comfortable places for proxy wars, Jewish strength, monarchy, Terminator 2 and other news

July 8th, 2017 by Scott Humor and Baaz   Family photo at G20 Germany tried to place Trump at the end of the line, but Macron jumped in and saved the moment. Family photo #G20Germany tried to place Trump at the end of the line :)Good boy Macron jumped in, saved the moment — Scott's Humor (@ScottsHumor) July 7, 2017 Emmanuel Macron jostled his way to the front of

World SITREP August 22, 2016 by BAAZ

RUSSIA Russia: Kalashnikov opens own-brand store at Moscow’s Sheremetyevo airport Russia Defense Report: Nukes, Bugs, and Gas in Hybrid Wars Russia: Four militants killed in anti-terror op in St. Petersburg – officials Launch of Kalibr cruise missiles from Mediterranean Sea against Jihadists facilities in Aleppo World’s Best Portable ManPad missile Russian Verba The Russian Ministry of defense published the first official video of the fifth generation PAK FA Sukhoi T-50

Week of Victories Russia SITREP June 25th, 2016 by Scott Humor

It’s been a truly amazing week for Russian society with many huge victories, some unexpected.   On Wednesday, President Putin signed a Federal law prohibiting the  Central Bank of Russia changing auto insurance rates during the year after their establishment, reported the official Internet portal of legal information. The essence of this news is not insurance. Vladimir Putin. Banned. The Central Bank Of Russia. Let’s for a moment ponder about

Following the Chinese example, India decides on a strategic partnership with Russia

by Avarachan President Putin visited India on December 11th for the 15th annual Indo-Russian Bilateral Summit. Some interesting agreements were signed, and there are very interesting agreements in the works. According to The Hindu, The highlight of the meeting — part of an annual summit between the two countries — was the unveiling of a vision statement on atomic energy cooperation, where Russian nuclear agency ROSATOM and the Department of
