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Tag "Boko Haram"

October Nigeria SITREP (Boko Haram)

by ‘Fulan Nasrullah’A few salient points on the so called Ceasefire: 1. There is no ceasefire between the trio of Jamaa’atu Ahlis-Sunnah (‘Alal-Haqq) of Sheikh Bukar, Ansorul-Muslimiin Harakatul-Muhajiriin, and the Federal Republic of Nigeria.These groups have been engaged in a heavy battles with the Cameroonians on their side of the Mandara Mountains, and they agreed to a temporary cessation of hostilities with Cameroon in several sectors along the border. Part

Who Are The Boko Haram?

by Fulan Nasrullah Good question. Most people find it hard to navigate through the confusing myriad of stories about Boko Haram. Especially .the lies and half-truths and outright ignorance propagated by contemporary Main Stream Media (MSM) as ‘facts’. To understand what these people are one needs access to them. Apart from Shekau, the rest of the Boko Haram are publicity wary, viewing it as a distraction to their ’cause’ so
