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Tag "Brainstorm"

Is Russia’s Deep State In Civil War Just Like America’s?

Note by The Saker: as has been the case so many times in the past, I am posting an article with which I disagree, rather strongly, in fact, but which I find nevertheless worth posting precisely because it represents a point of view different from mine and because it asks some interesting questions.  My own two cents about all this is that the Russians are seeking opportunities to appear to

The Clock is ticking: Russia’s partial military withdrawal from Syria

By Brainstorm On March 14, 2016, Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered Defence Minister Sergey Shoigu to start the withdrawal of Russian forces from Syria beginning the next day. Russia will, however, keep its military presence at the port of Tartus and at the Khmeimim airbase to supervise the observation of ceasefire agreements. “I consider the objectives that have been set for the Defense Ministry to be generally accomplished. That is

Immigrant Crisis: Facts, Myth or Plot?

by Brainstorm The designed, created and carefully articulated immigrant flow to Europe, generating one of the biggest crises in after the Cold War as the byproduct of US waged wars in the Middle East, is rolling out according to the already written screenplay. As the pretext for rising extreme right sectors within the EU boundaries, revival of nationalism, racism and fascism, dramatic changes to European societies bring to the reality
