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Tag "Canada"

A Canada Day Surprise: How a ‘Synthetic Nationalism’ Was Created to Break the US-Russia Alliance

By Matthew Ehret for the Saker Blog As a Canadian author associated with a Canadian geopolitical magazine and a book series rooted in the thesis that Canada is still under the dominance of the British Empire to this very day, the July 1st holiday known as “Canada Day” is a bit of a strange thing to celebrate. As I have recently written in my articles The Missed Chance of 1867

Appeal of Russian organizations in Canada

Activists of the Russian community of Toronto, Montreal, and other North American cities will protest against the blanket ban on the Russian National Team of Paralympic athletes from participation in the Rio 2016 Olympics. The decision to ban the athletes demonstrates an absolute disregard for the legal right of people to the presumption of innocence. We cannot allow such blatant attacks on our morals, ethics, and democratic freedoms. Unfortunately, we

Toronto Parks Officials try to thwart Victory Day Celebration

Foreword by Marina:  Several Russian Canadian organizations coordinated events celebrating the 71st anniversary of the victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 on May 8th in Toronto. However, we would like to bring to the attention of people around the world the fact of apparent sabotage by the local city officials of our peaceful and non-political event. What a shame! Despite their destructive efforts, the Immortal Regiment and following

Canada’s Guantanamo

Just what will it take to wake Canadians up to their government’s lies and subterfuge, wonders Eric Walberg A scandal erupted last week in sleepy Ottawa with the revelations of Canada’s chief diplomat in Kandahar in 2006-07, Richard Colvin, who told a House of Commons committee on Afghanistan that Afghans arrested by Canadian military and handed over to Afghan authorities were knowingly tortured. His and others’ attempts to raise the

Israel in Canada: Promised Lands

by Eric Walberg The Teflon cloak Israel has tried to wrap itself in since Operation Cast Lead, the invasion of Gaza in December 2008, looks as strong as ever in Canada. “Canada is so friendly that there was no need to convince or explain anything to anyone. We need allies like this in the international arena,” gushed Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman in July. Toronto’s new Israeli consul, Amir Gissin,
