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Tag "Chechens defending Russia"

Ramzan Kadyrov Forms Brand New ‘Akhmat Regiment’ Within the Russian Defense Ministry

Translated by Leo V. Ramzan Kadyrov Forms a New Regiment National units are a long tradition of the Russian Army. Original link: Article by Sergei Kozlov, a military historian and Soviet-Afghan War Veteran. In relation to the Special Military Operation (SMO) in Ukraine, President of the Chechen Republic, Ramzan Kadyrov demonstrates a solid patriotic position. And he personally oversees the activities of the national Chechen units of the Russian

Chechen Soldier in Mariupol Recalls Moment Where He Saw Azov Battalion’s True Face

Translated and subtitled by Leo V. April 25, 2022 Zaur – Military serviceman of Akhmat-Khadzhi Kadyrov’s Regiment: It’s possible that before I came here, I doubted [the stories] a little bit. But back then when we freed the first prisoners from the house, which was directly situated nearby the Azovstal’ [factory], when those prisoners and civilians came out from the basements, they hugged and kissed us. And told us that

Ramzan Kadyrov offers Putin his own *personal* volunteer Chechen special force

Amazing video, thanks so much to all those who translated it in less then 24 hours!!  The video begins by showing the Chechen special forces equipped with Russian military and police special forces uniform.  Notice that the average age seems to be in the 30s.  You can tell that these are hard core, experienced fighters.  Will Putin actually use them and, if yes, how so?  It is hard to tell. 
