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Ramzan Kadyrov offers Putin his own *personal* volunteer Chechen special force

Amazing video, thanks so much to all those who translated it in less then 24 hours!!  The video begins by showing the Chechen special forces equipped with Russian military and police special forces uniform.  Notice that the average age seems to be in the 30s.  You can tell that these are hard core, experienced fighters.  Will Putin actually use them and, if yes, how so?  It is hard to tell. 

My hypothesis as to why three FBI agents ended up murdering Ibragim Todashev

RT TV is getting better and better, mostly thanks to the truly excellent reporters they hire. And no, I don’t mean Larry King (Larry King Now), though hiring him was a nice PR coup, but rather folks like Peter Lavelle (Cross Talk) and Abby Martin (Breaking the Set) who talk to the right people and ask the right questions. This time, I want to draw your attention to a most

Possible signs of real changes in the Russian security and elite military forces

One of the more exotic technologies for tracking deeply submerged submarines consists of using a satellite based radar to measure the tiny elevation of the water surface of the ocean above an otherwise well hidden and silently moving submarine.  Some less exotic techniques including detecting wakes, tiny differences in water temperatures, magnetic fluctuations and many other “indirect” methods.  What I propose to do today is something similar: to try to

Will the Muslim world ever show enough courage to deal with the Chechen insurgents?

“Emir Dokku Abu Usman” According to the BBC, the self-styled “Emir of the Caucasus Emirate” and former “President of the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria” Doku Umarov (aka “Emir Dokku Abu Usman”) has declared in reference to the bombing of the Domodedovo airport in Moscow that “”This special operation was carried out on my orders and, God willing, special operations like it will continue to be carried out“.  Fair enough –
