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Tag "China by Godfree Roberts"

Sitrep : China

By Godfree Roberts – selected from his extensive weekly newsletter : Here Comes China Ten Predictions for 2021 GDP expands 10%. Western experts predict GDP will expand by 8% and, since they are always 25% low, expect 10%–a $2.4 trillion addition to the economy and the fastest growth ever. Bonus Predictions: Wages  rise 12%, the EU signs the Investment Agreement, the EEU merges with the RCEP. Most Fortune 500 companies are Chinese. More than 140 Chinese companies

China Newsbrief & Sitrep

By Godfree Roberts from his extensive weekly newsletter with further up to date editorial notes: We start off with the Three Gorges Dam, a Wild Party in Wuhan and the always logical Nathan Rich with some views on Pompeo’s ‘clean networks’. We now see filtering through the Chinese media some news on the Three Gorges Dam as a result of a major flooding in China. News is widely available but
