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Tag "CIA"

Greek minority member murdered by Albanian Special Forces

  CIA sees instability in the Balkans – Greek minority member murdered by Albanian Special Forces – This is how the plan for Greater Albania unfolds This analysis is made by Evangelos Kokkinos – Pentapostagma Enimerosis and translated exclusively for SouthFront During the “Anniversary of the No”, a day that is celebrated throughout Greece, Cyprus and the Greek communities around the world on 28 October each year, Constantine Katsifas was killed by

Did the CIA stop a bloodbath in Saint Petersburg?

(Here is the original report, for my evaluation, please see below – The Saker) RT reports: The Russian President Vladimir Putin has thanked his US counterpart Donald Trump for help in preventing a terrorist attack in St. Petersburg. Data provided by the CIA enabled Russian security services to find and detain terrorists The Russian leader expressed his gratitude in a telephone call, adding that the Russian security services would also

A Brief History of the “Kremlin Trolls”

by Scott Humor Saint Petersburg, Savushkina, 55 is the most famous office building in the world, thanks to the relentless promotion of the United States government, the CIA, FBI, and by the powers of the entire Western media, financed by Western governments.  VOA, NPR, and Svoboda, by the government of the US; the BBC by the government of the UK; CNN by the governments of Saudi Arabia; the DW, by

Russia’s Foreign Ministry answer to anti-Russia statements by CIA Director Mike Pompeo

Briefing by Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Maria Zakharova, Moscow, August 17, 2017 Факт, о котором в США предпочитают не вспоминать… — Актуальная Политика (@Current_policy) August 18, 2017 “It is strange that Washington forgets the fact that in the run-up to the 1996 Russian presidential election, the Federal Reserve Bank delivered $500 million in cash to the US Embassy in Moscow under a far-fetched pretext of avoiding frenzied demand during the

SBU cleans-up after Ukrainian air force shoots down MH17

Featured image: Since Maidan in 2014, the SBU of Ukraine shares its main building with CIA headquarters. by Scott Humor Part I. SBU orders to destroy all evidence of the conducted special operation MH17 Part II. A few notes regarding the published materials: Upon release of these documents by the Sovershenno secretno newspaper, some observers  pointed out that these documents are most likely fake, because of the reference used in

Give the falling CIA APUSH

“APUSH” is short for Advanced Placement United States History. It’s a class that many American high school students take. That moment when your paranoia turns out to be a perfectly tuned intuition. European ruling classes seriously miscalculated with Erdogan. They thought that he depends on them, turns out they depend on him. Just as seriously they miscalculated with supporting an anti-Russia project in Ukraine and the sanctions. Today people of

Russia and the USA coordinate their joint course against terror

source:;art15808,2077504   translation: Dagmar Henn As “Bild am Sonntag” reported, referring to US-intelligence circles, last week already leading delegations of the CIA and Russian foreign intelligence service SVR met in Moscow. The secret talks were aimed at coordinating the joint military cooperation in the Syrian war. The Americans intend to support future Russian military action against IS in Syria with findings out of their own espionage, so “Bild am

Is Hugo Chavez suffering from delusional paranoia?

Typical headline from the corporate media: “Hugo Chavez Nuttily Claims the U.S. Gives South American Leaders Cancer“. The article explains: Yep, it’s another controversial statement from Hugo Chavez — but he really seems to dial up the Nut-O-Meter to 11 with this cancer conspiracy theory. Late yesterday Chavez decided to go on national TV and drop the mild suggestion (not an outright allegation, he insists!) that the U.S. maybe, just

CIA Launches W.T.F. to Assess Cablegate Damage

by knowledgeempire for WL Central The CIA has launched a new task force to assess the impact of Cablegate. The Wikileaks Task Force, apparently termed W.T.F., will focus on media exposure and the repercussions of the newest cable releases. After Wikileaks published its first batch of classified documents, CIA spokesperson George Little had claimed that the CIA was “unconcerned” about the Wikileaks disclosures. Conversely, on November 8, the following press

Exclusive: Eager for new ‘Curveball,’ CIA may have been duped by Iranian double agent

By Gareth Porter for the Raw Story Despite an Iranian claim that scientist Shahram Amiri was a double agent who gave Iran an “intelligence victory” over the CIA, US officials continue to maintain the line that Amiri had been a valuable long-term US intelligence asset who had provided valuable intelligence on the Iranian nuclear program before he returned to Iran out of concern for the family he had left behind.

CIA Crucified Captive In Abu Ghraib Prison

By Sherwood Ross for CLG The Central Intelligence Agency crucified a prisoner in Abu Ghraib prison near Baghdad, according to a report published in The New Yorker magazine. “A forensic examiner found that he (the prisoner) had essentially been crucified; he died from asphyxiation after having been hung by his arms, in a hood, and suffering broken ribs,” the magazine’s Jane Mayer writes in the magazine’s June 22nd issue. “Military

CIA Crucified Captive In Abu Ghraib Prison

By Sherwood Ross for CLG The Central Intelligence Agency crucified a prisoner in Abu Ghraib prison near Baghdad, according to a report published in The New Yorker magazine. “A forensic examiner found that he (the prisoner) had essentially been crucified; he died from asphyxiation after having been hung by his arms, in a hood, and suffering broken ribs,” the magazine’s Jane Mayer writes in the magazine’s June 22nd issue. “Military

Are the Iranian Election Protests Another US Orchestrated ‘Color Revolution’?

by Paul Craig Roberts for Information Clearing House A number of commentators have expressed their idealistic belief in the purity of Mousavi, Montazeri, and the westernized youth of Terhan. The CIA destabilization plan, announced two years ago (see below) has somehow not contaminated unfolding events. The claim is made that Ahmadinejad stole the election, because the outcome was declared too soon after the polls closed for all the votes to

Are the Iranian Election Protests Another US Orchestrated ‘Color Revolution’?

by Paul Craig Roberts for Information Clearing House A number of commentators have expressed their idealistic belief in the purity of Mousavi, Montazeri, and the westernized youth of Terhan. The CIA destabilization plan, announced two years ago (see below) has somehow not contaminated unfolding events. The claim is made that Ahmadinejad stole the election, because the outcome was declared too soon after the polls closed for all the votes to

Hezbollah fighters take much of Beirut

U.S.-backed security forces protect government buildings but avoid street clashes. “The situation is chaotic,” says one official. By Raed Rafei and Borzou Daragahi for the Los Angeles Times BEIRUT — The Shiite militia Hezbollah today handily took over much of the capital in a dramatic escalation of the months-long confrontation with the Western-backed government, security officials said. As Hezbollah swept through West Beirut, Lebanon’s security forces, which received more than

Is the CIA behind the “Free Tibet” campaign?

The Dalai Lama has been on the CIA payroll since the late 1950s. He is an instrument of US intelligence. by Michael Backman (Mathaba News) An understanding of this longstanding relationship to the CIA is essential, particuarly in the light of recent events. In all likelihood US intelligence was behind the protest movement, organized to occur a few months prior to the Beijing Olympic games. Rarely do journalists challenge the

Russian Press Blasts Anglo-Saxon Terrorist Controllers

By Webster Griffin Tarpley In the wake of the terrorist atrocity at a school in Beslan, North Ossetia, in the Russian Federation, Russian President Vladimir Putin has made remarks to the western press which expose the key role of the US and British governments in backing Chechen terrorism. Whatever Putin’s previous role in events regarding Chechnya, his current political posture is one which sharply undercuts the legitimacy of the supposed

Iran MPs brand U.S. army and CIA “terrorists”

TEHRAN – Iranian lawmakers hit back on Saturday at the United States for considering sanctions against the Islamic state’s Revolutionary Guards, branding the U.S. armed forces and the CIA as “terrorist”. A statement, signed by 215 MPs and read out at a session of the 290-seat legislature, criticised the U.S. military and the Central Intelligence Agency for what it called terrorist actions, the official IRNA news agency said. It cited

Harper’s magazine reports on CIA leaks about an attack on Iran

By Ken Silverstein Until recently, I thought the odds that the United States would attack Iran were less than fifty-fifty, but the chances of a military confrontation are clearly growing (as my colleague Scott Horton has been reporting on for some time). Earlier this year, I asked a former CIA official, who was stationed in the Persian Gulf during the first Gulf War and served in Iraq after the 2003
