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Tag "community news"

Saker community prospects for 2017 and, yes, appeal for support

Dear friends, All in all 2016 has been an excellent year for our community and we are entering 2017 with a great deal of hope, not only because 2017 could truly be a historical year, but also because in spite of some difficult moments (such as the hijacking and subsequent de-recognition of the German Saker blog) our community is doing exceptionally well: we are involved in all the levels of

Interesting myth-busting, honest documentary series about Russia on Indiegogo

Dear friends, I wanted to draw you attention to an interesting project looking for crowdfunding on Idiegogo: it is called “Misrepresenting Russia – This is a unique opportunity to be a part of a myth-busting, honest documentary series about Russia“.  Take a look at all the details on the projects Indiegogo’s page: I spoke twice to the author of this series of documentaries and it looks to me that
