Dear friends,

I wanted to draw you attention to an interesting project looking for crowdfunding on Idiegogo: it is called “Misrepresenting Russia – This is a unique opportunity to be a part of a myth-busting, honest documentary series about Russia“.  Take a look at all the details on the projects Indiegogo’s page:

I spoke twice to the author of this series of documentaries and it looks to me that he is on the right track.  I cannot go into all the details, but I will say that the project seems to be going on the right direction and that they will speak to the right people in Russia.

As I have said it many times here, Russia and the Empire are at war, but a new kind of war.  One which is roughly 80% informational, 15% economic and 5% kinetic.  So information, specially in the form of a documentary in the English language, is one of the most precious and powerful forms of “ammunition” we have.  Please help Russia fight and win on your behalf and on behalf of those who oppose the Empire.

Please check out the project’s page and please send a contribution to this worthy project and, if you can, offer them your help.

Thanks a lot,

The Saker