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Tag "crowdfunding"

Interesting myth-busting, honest documentary series about Russia on Indiegogo

Dear friends, I wanted to draw you attention to an interesting project looking for crowdfunding on Idiegogo: it is called “Misrepresenting Russia – This is a unique opportunity to be a part of a myth-busting, honest documentary series about Russia“.  Take a look at all the details on the projects Indiegogo’s page: I spoke twice to the author of this series of documentaries and it looks to me that

Help On-The-Ground American Reporter In Ukraine Buy a Camera

George Eliason is a US reporter who lives and reports from the Ukraine.  Here are some examples of the articles he wrote: George badly needs a new camera and he has launched a crowdfunding campaign to get one.  He posted his appeal for support on this page: Here is the full text of it: Put yourself in the seat with us as we document the
