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Tag "ComSec"

About options for encrypted/secure communications – a tiny addendum

Dear friends, I just wanted to let you know that a reader and a member of the Saker community has pointed me to two other products which we can trust with a relatively high degree of confidence: Jitsi Meet: (secure video conferencing through the browser) Open Whisper: (secure messaging and calling) I won’t discuss these here other than to recommend that you look into these options. Kind regards,

Keeping communications private in the age of Big Brother (a practical HOWTO)

Dear friends, I have decided to share with you something which I originally sent out to the key members of the Saker community: my recommendation on how to keep your private communications private in the age of “Big Brother” aka NSA, ECHELON, GCHQ, Unit 8200, etc.  I have been interested in the topic of encryption for many years already, and I have had to use encryption techniques in the past
