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Tag "Conventional military forces"

High alert: Russia tests army’s readiness in massive snap exercise in west & south

High alert: Russia tests army’s readiness in massive snap exercise in west & south Russian Army units as well as the Air Force, Airborne Troops and the Navy’s Northern Fleet have been put on high alert as part of a large-scale snap exercise which the Defense Ministry says will check troops’ readiness to tackle emerging crises. “According to the decision of the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces [President Vladimir Putin],

The Russia-U.S. Conventional Military Balance

This column was written for the Unz Review: In a recent column for the Unz Review I wrote that “under any conceivable scenario Russia does have the means to basically completely destroy the USA as a country in about 30min (the USA, of course, can do the same to Russia). Any US war planner would have to consider the escalatory potential of any military action against Russia.” This still
