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Tag "Cristian Junior"

Brazil Sitrep: Foreign and domestic issues

By Cristian Junior for The Saker Blog At the moment, Brazil is going through a Parliamentary Committee of Inquiry, in which the government of the Presidency is having its management during the pandemic investigated for alleged crimes of responsibility. As these facts are still occurring, and the minerva owl only takes off at dusk (to remember a classic Hegel idea), I would like to focus on some international and domestic

Brazil Sitrep – The social dimension of the pandemic in Brazil

By Cristian Junior for the Saker Blog. Its done. Brazil reached 350 thousands of pandemic deaths. Although there is the biological factor – the virus itself -, it looks small in front of its social nature. This disease doesn’t mean a “natural accident”. It is the result of the material relations that mankind lays down to the environment. Unplanned urbanization and the destruction of ecosystems, to say the least of
