By Cristian Junior for the Saker Blog.
Its done. Brazil reached 350 thousands of pandemic deaths. Although there is the biological factor – the virus itself -, it looks small in front of its social nature. This disease doesn’t mean a “natural accident”. It is the result of the material relations that mankind lays down to the environment. Unplanned urbanization and the destruction of ecosystems, to say the least of the minimum. It’s an interesting look, that although the virus causes death, it doesn’t do it for itself. It depends, to kill, on a social factor. I mean, how human beings reacted socially in front of the problem. To kill, it depends on a lack of vaccines, inputs, ICU vacancies. It depends on a lack of a government that pays the right attention to the problem. Here is the first step to understanding the exorbitant amount of deaths that this pandemic has provoked.
Today it’s not an illusion to think about 500 thousands of deaths until the end of the semester. Some people say that there are just a few if you consider the 12 million people who were infected. It’s a Brazil thing. A country what don’t valorize the human sciences and, because of that, the deaths are count by cold numbers (which are also social elements, not just naturals) and not by History and Sociology ways.
Here everybody knows what is needed to defeat the pandemic. And it is not medicine, since no cure or treatment exists. Basically, 1) an emergency aid to hold people into a 2) severe lockdown (but quickly, because nobody can hold on staying in the home forever) and then yes 3) mass vaccination. And this vaccination has to be exaggerated quickly, to cut the disease in the bud. With a slow vaccination like the one that has been promoted (for social and governmental issues as well, because the government has refused to buy vaccines since August last year – sic) – new strains appear and then we never get out of this vicious cycle! And we, Brazil, understand this, since we have already been a worldwide example of vaccination to be followed. We have the competence and historically articulated strategies. We eradicated measles, we have already vaccinated more than 5 million people in a single day. It is nothing surreal, but very real.
In other words, there is nothing new under the sun, as the famous Portuguese writer Eça de Queirós would say. Workers continue to risk their lives by going to work without the conditions of protection for the performance of their duties. Continue to wonder if your jobs will withstand the new traffic restrictions. Informal people, who have already passed 30 million (a scandalous number!), Have lost hope of formalizing themselves and, contributing to the INSS for social security, who may one day retire in a dignified and humane manner. In fact, although retirement is already a word outside the horizon of expectation. What remains is to work, until death (literally). On the other hand, what you see most today are “sell” or “rent” signs where specifications used to work. Like small companies, indebted to the neck, they are also unsure about the future. They don’t know if they can repay the loan, payrolls, suppliers. They think they have to fire employees, even without having the capital to pay for the repairs. Loans to repay loans.
The emergency aid served, among other things, to show how unequal our society is. R$600.00 was enough to boost the economy with a boom in food and construction. People like you and me, who with that extra buck in their pocket went to the corner grocery store to buy food or finish that roof in the garage. Meanwhile, 20 Brazilians join the Forbes list of billionaires, with record growth during the pandemic. Banks need no comment. This money also served to increase the popularity of Mr. President. Everything indicates that the next one, a quarter of the value, will do neither.
Meanwhile, Mr. President on Saturday strolls through establishments, fomenting agglomerations, without wearing a mask, and, moreover, threatens traders and local officials that the restrictions imposed by governors and mayors will cause them to be “without pay”. Hearing this from anybody, when you are already on the overdraft, with all your credit cards with overrun limits and still haven’t paid that energy bill, makes you feel discouraged. Now, to hear this from no one else than the President of the Republic, speaking directly to you, uh … We are in depression. Both ways.
Cristian Junior is a Brazilian History researcher and teacher. Twitter and Telegram: @cristianlifes.
A course of OffG is the proper therapy for this brainwashed Con-19 cultist. I recommend the author start here:
Then work his way back through the archives in Off-Guardian, the website for Con-19 Truth.
I’m not a con-19 cultist. I just see how this was a real problem that we didnt fight back with the same force. I will do, as you say. And hope to speek with you again.
Hi once again Cristian
I would treat this off-guardian article with the utmost caution as it is based on some fundamentally flawed premises.
These flaws were well exposed by both Amarynth and Shazadahl in the previous Cafe…see links below. As pointed out it basically underwrites the Bolsanaro ‘strategy’ which has already proven itself disastrous. From where I am looking Brazil could very well do without more of the same!
Sorry to say but, “O povo tem o governo que merece!”.
Esse vídeo é bem esclarecedor, dispensa outros comentários e reflete bem a situação do Brasil.
Esclarecedor? Um programa como o M.C? Com todas as pessoas que ajudaram o Bozo a se eleger. Vc eh uma piada de mal gosto. Wake up, please!
DeepL translation to English – MOd.
Clarifying? A program like M.C? With all the people who helped Bozo get elected. You are a bad joke.
I read all your text but could not find “why?”.
For example: what would happen if the effects of the pandemic were minimized since the beginning? Under massive and growing unnemployment and reduction of the salary mass, equally massive outbursts would be seen accross the nation.
The political accountability is: 500,000 people can die of covid-19 in order to keep the theatre, even if this toll comes for government. It’s still less than the toll of massacrating 5,000 people in the streets to restablish its “order and progress” (from our national flag, “Ordem e Progresso). Maybe 50,000, who knows the number …
Bolsonaro knows it. Our Armed Forces know it even better. Their “constitutional” mission is to keep safe the property and to keep safe the exportation lines. To put our wealth on the port docks. So, let the people die. Capital is safe.
You are right and I agree with the reasons that you expose.
The purpose of the text was exactly be as a weekly report of the situation… I should have done as you said. I was afraid that if i stopped to write more, as the things are going so quickly right here, the text could stay out of date.But I promise to elaborate a more panoramic view of the process, includind the “why”s, so we can discuss.
Excellent reading, consistent with the current Brazilian situation. The sad thing is that the Brazilian people remain in love without realizing the rotten hand taking care of everything and, I dare say that some people no longer know how to differentiate the moment when the rotten hand is cut off from the moment of assuming the mistake. Will the people always love the magnificent deeds of anyone who is a little harsher and who places sacred functions in their speech, that is, who is the enemy of Brazil? Here is the question.
Realmente, nossa sociedade é totalmente desigual quanto a isso e outros assuntos que preside no nosso país. Saber diferenciar é o mesmo que reclamar de “barriga cheia”. Todos tem o direito, mas poucos tem condições de enfrentar uma pandemia de tamanha contaminação.
“…severe lockdown…mass vaccination…”
With all the power given to governments to coerce vaccinations and lockdown whole societies at will, 500k deaths will be peanuts compared to what the sociopaths running things will perpetrate in coming decades.
Thanks for you comment.
I believe you didnt understand me.
Im not agree with a mass vacinacion like a dictactor thing, as the ideia that you got it, but a mass vaccination based on a no government obstacle, at least… And a severe lockdown, but quickly, 2 weeks or less, just to stop the contamination…
“since no cure or treatment exists”
Complete nonsense. Do a search for the Zelenko Protokol. It is translated into 20+ languages. There is the prophylaxis and the treatment
Do not take any vaccine from the West. They is not really vaccines. They are untested. It will change your DNA.
Improve your immune system. Less alcohol. No smoking. Take vitamins D3, C and Zinc. Relax. Enjoy life. Don’t wear unhealthy masks. Go for walks in the sunshine every day. Turn off the TV.
Realmente, falta uma perspectiva mais abrangente sobre o real contorno do problema.
Infelizmente, antes de chegar ao tema que interessa à comunidade do Saker, é preciso abordar a questão COVID-19, porque ela está sim vinculada ao objeto de interesse do sítio.
O número de óbitos indicado, conquanto haja dúvidas acerca das causas reais em relação a muitos deles, é um indicador claro da má-gestão da doença no Brasil, mas ele não revela tudo.
Primeiro, sugiro ao autor um estudo cuidadoso das informações contidas no sítio abaixo, em que são elaboradas meta-análises de estudos científicos sobre os efeitos de diversas substâncias no tratamento da COVID-19, algumas delas obscenamente baratas e já sem patente em vigor, com efeito muito bons.
Agora, o autor deve comparar a atuação da mídia (no Brasil e no exterior) em relação a essas substâncias e a outras, caríssimas e ainda com patente em vigor:
A) em relação à ivermectina e à cloroquina (esta intencionalmente usada em pseudo estudos científicos {vide o caso ocorrido na The Lancet} em situações em que sabidamente não produziria efeitos ou, ainda pior…), por exemplo, quem simplesmente nelas fala é taxado de ignorante e negacionista da ciência pela mídia, de modo incisivo e reiterado;
B) em relação a uma substância não aprovada em lugar nenhum do mundo para nenhum uso médico (não vou nominar), veja se a mídia atacou Trump (sem nenhum julgamento acerca do personagem) quando ele comprou toda a produção do laboratório responsável após sua aprovação para uso emergencial pela FDA contra a COVID-19, ou a Agência de Vigilância Sanitária brasileira quando a aprovou para uso no Brasil, a despeito dos resultados pífios nos estudos científicos abordados no sítio acima.
A diferença? Acho que seria interessante verificar os custos do tratamento….
Quanto a este tópico, lembro:
1º – que para pescadores brasileiros o uso preventivo de cloroquina é corriqueiro, quando o ponto de pesca é a bacia Amazônica, infestada que é do mosquito transmissor da malária;
2º – que a embaixada da China no Brasil divulgou um documento muito minucioso sobre a doença e sua abordagem, deixando claro em quais situações a cloroquina é usada no tratamento antiviral (a China teve sucesso?).
Outra questão: a vitamina D3 (na verdade um hormônio, por sintetizado pelo próprio corpo) é responsável pela modulação do sistema imune humano.
Há médicos no Brasil que insistentemente apontam (pasmem, para um país tropical) uma epidemia de hipovitaminose de vitamina D3 dentre a população e, ainda, questionam a sistemática redução dos índices considerados clinicamente normais e as “recomendações” para a população não tomar sol justamente nos horários em que ocorre a síntese do dito hormônio.
Interesses da indústria farmacêutica?
Qualquer um pode imaginar os efeitos disso no curso atual da história brasileira: sistema imune fragilizado e doença.
A esse respeito, para os leitores brasileiros ou lusófonos sugiro o seguinte vídeo, em que um médico entrevista outro médico, este especialista em vitamina D3:
Ressalto que nesse vídeo é mencionado um estudo alemão com pacientes em torno de 60 anos de idade dando entrada em hospitais com diagnóstico de COVID-19, os quais foram submetidos a testagem dos índices de vitamina D3 no sangue, no qual foi constatado que:
1 – abaixo de um piso, o índice de óbitos atingiu 100%;
2 – acima de um teto, não ocorreram óbitos;
3 – entre o piso e o teto, os falecimentos diminuíram gradativamente até zerarem.
Mas, para voltar ao que interessa ao site do Saker, uma análise fria e dura do cenário internacional, é preciso deixar claro que a pantomima em torno do Presidente Bolsonaro é absolutamente intencional.
Sim, pois enquanto se discutem as asneiras diariamente proferidas por ele e sua abordagem da doença (como se vê dos estudos, não de todo negacionista), atrocidades contra o interesse nacional são praticadas, com o feliz beneplácito das Forças Armadas.
Em resumo: o Presidente Bolsonaro e sua verborragia incontida servem apenas como cortina de fumaça para a alta finança se apropriar da riqueza nacional enquanto o debate político é cuidadosamente controlado, com a dita esquerda preocupada com moralidade comum e questões de inclusão (que sim, são bandeiras de esquerda, mas muito marginais ao tema principal, a distribuição da riqueza entre as classes sociais).
Conveniente, não?
Ainda mais se isso está ocorrendo sobre o pano de fundo do drama relacionado aos infames (sou da área) processos a que submetido o Presidente Lula, com o Supremo Tribunal Federal (capturado? rsss) ora indo, ora vindo acerca da anulação dos ditos processos.
Lula e Dilma (questiona-se se esta já se entregou antes ao Império), os Presidentes que associaram o Brasil às estruturas financeiras BRICS que poderiam anular os efeitos deletérios da atuação do FMI e do Banco Mundial.
Como se vê, certo estava o historiador brasileiro Evaldo Cabral de Mello Neto, com sete obras muito boas sobre o Brasil holandês, quando dizia que não se poderia dissociar a história do Brasil da história do mundo.
Pobres brasileiros, intencionalmente mantidos na escuridão da ignorância.
Lembro tema oportuno: as reservas de petróleo brasileiras foram garantidas pelos EUA antes do desenrolar do cenário atual, em que problemas de abastecimento energético podem advir do confronto que ora se discute, por possivelmente se estender ele ao Oriente Médio e ao Golfo Pérsico.
Outra vez: conveniente, não?
Yandex translate. Mod:
Indeed, it lacks a more comprehensive perspective on the actual outline of the problem.
Unfortunately, before reaching the topic that interests The Saker Community, it is necessary to address the COVID-19 issue, because it is rather linked to the object of interest of the site.
The number of deaths indicated, although there are doubts about the real causes in relation to many of them, is a clear indicator of the mismanagement of the disease in Brazil, but it does not reveal everything.
First, I suggest to the author a careful study of the information contained in the site below, in which meta-analyses of scientific studies on the effects of various substances in the treatment of COVID-19 are elaborated, some of them obscenely cheap and already without patent in force, with very good effect.
Now, the author must compare the performance of the media (in Brazil and abroad) in relation to these substances and others, expensive and still patent in force:
A) in relation to ivermectin and chloroquine (this is intentionally used in pseudo scientific studies {see the case occurred in The Lancet} in situations where it would knowingly produce no effects or, even worse…), for example, those who simply speak of them are labeled as ignorant and denier of science by the media, incisively and repeatedly;
B) regarding a substance not approved anywhere in the world for any medical use (I will not nominate), see if the media attacked Trump (without any judgment about the character) when he bought all the production of the responsible laboratory after its approval for emergency use by the FDA against COVID-19, or the Brazilian sanitary surveillance agency when it approved it for use in Brazil, despite the results of the scientific studies covered in the above site.
The difference? I think it would be interesting to check the costs of treatment….
As for this topic, I remember:
1º – that for Brazilian fishermen the preventive use of chloroquine is common, when the Fishing Point is the Amazon basin, infested that is the mosquito transmitter of malaria;
2º – that the Chinese Embassy in Brazil released a very thorough document on the disease and its approach, making it clear in which situations chloroquine is used in antiviral treatment (did China succeed?).
Another question: vitamin D3 (actually a hormone, by synthesized by the body itself) is responsible for the modulation of the human immune system.
There are doctors in Brazil who insistently point (Amaze, to a tropical country) an epidemic of vitamin D3 hypovitaminosis among the population and also question the systematic reduction of the indices considered clinically normal and the “recommendations” for the population not to sunbathe precisely at the times when the synthesis of the said hormone occurs.
Interests of the pharmaceutical industry?
Anyone can imagine the effects of this on the current course of Brazilian history: weakened immune system and disease.
In this regard, for Brazilian or Lusophone readers I suggest the following video, in which a doctor interviews another doctor, this specialist in vitamin D3:
Note that in this video is mentioned a German study with patients around 60 years of age entering hospitals diagnosed with COVID-19, which were subjected to testing of vitamin D3 indices in the blood, in which it was found that:
1-below one floor, the death rate reached 100%;
2-above a ceiling, no deaths occurred;
3 – between the floor and the ceiling, the deaths gradually decreased to zero.
But to return to what interests The Saker website, a cold and harsh analysis of the international scene, it is necessary to make it clear that the pantomime around President Bolsonaro is absolutely intentional.
Yes, because while discussing the Daily mistakes made by him and his approach to the disease (as seen from studies, not from every denier), atrocities against the national interest are practiced, with the happy approval of the Armed Forces.
In short: President Bolsonaro and his incontinent verbiage serve only as a smokescreen for high finance to appropriate national wealth while the political debate is carefully controlled, with the said left concerned with common morality and inclusion issues (which yes, are left flags, but very marginal to the main theme, the distribution of wealth among social classes).
Convenient, right?
Even more if this is taking place against the background of the drama related to the infamous (I am from the area) processes to which President Lula submitted, with the Federal Supreme Court (captured? rsss) now going, now coming about the annulment of said processes.
Lula and Dilma (it is questioned whether this has already surrendered to the Empire), The Presidents who Associated Brazil with the BRICS financial structures that could nullify the deleterious effects of the IMF and the World Bank.
As it turns out, right was the Brazilian historian Evaldo Cabral de Mello Neto, with seven very good works on Dutch Brazil, when he said that one could not dissociate the history of Brazil from the history of the world.
Poor Brazilians, intentionally kept in the darkness of ignorance.
I recall a timely topic: Brazilian oil reserves were guaranteed by the US before the current scenario unfolded, in which energy supply problems may arise from the confrontation that is now being discussed, possibly extending it to the Middle East and the Persian Gulf.
Again: convenient, right?
Hi Desiludido
You raise many excellent points.
And to paraphrase and revisit the old cliche of THE most terrifying sentence in the English language.
…”we are from Uncle $am Land and we are here to help”
You Sir are clearly under no illusions!
Excellent arguements. I am not as “desiludido” as you but I´d sign every word of your comment and I do agree its due time to put the global pandemic into context with a wider range of events (local and geopolitical). Connecting some of the dots we may get a better glimpse of what is going on in Brazil and elsewhere. So I took the freedom to use your outstanding comment as base to throw some more bits from my perspective. I hope you don´t mind.
Like the Saker I have been an legal “alien” for more than two decades now, under palm trees too (hahaha), only here in Pindorama Brazil. The problem of political polarization is overwhelming. The fundamental question boils down to this: Do you believe there is treatment for this desease? If you do, you might be proud of being part of a zone B well connected and informed minority but, unfortunately through cognitive dissonance, here in Brazil you will be automatically brandmarked as a “Bolsominio” (a minion of the one that should not be named). On the other hand, If you assume, like the author does, that there is no treatment, you can feel a certain comfort of being in sync with the majority of the populace, just spill your wrath at reigning chaos and blame the government. But, then you delve in zone A, where we become sitting ducks of the unavoidably severe side-effects of rentier capitalism gaining ever more traction in Brazil (some of them aptly described by the author here) only that they get potentialized by the total collapse of the health system, without even mentioning future problems with our human ressources (the ones that really should count) by shutting down kindergardens, schools and universities for longer than a year now. Because there is nothing else left to do than distancing, masks, lockdowns and waiting up for efficient and secure vaccines, right? That sounds like a stupid approach to me if one confronts it with Brazils reality on the ground. Assuming that distancing and lockdown might work elsewhere, where every family member has its own room. How do we implement that in a Brazilian favela, where 10 people live on 30 square meters? How do we keep remote education going for a family with 5 kids having lessons simultaneously? Even if they all had a smartphone/computer they lack the broadband internet. How do we keep virus transmission in check under such dubious sanitary conditions? In fact we can´t. Any virus will thrive there even more so under forced lockdown. One doesn´t need to have a PhD in virology to grasp that. So no famous brazilian creativity here, just a copy of a global playbook.
I was to share the same link but I am glad you already did that . Those meta analysis I call science with no political strings attached. It speaks for itself but only if one reads it. I´d like to add that consensus may be something feasible in politics but to science it´s like a death sentence (at least for controversial state-to-art subjects). Force consensus onto science and it will morph into religion, based on some axioms, that nobody needs to prove. Ironically, that seems to be the general modus operandi in the west, proof is something dispensible wherever you look now. Just control the narrative and declare what the truth is, Showcase an expert, desireably with a PhD on the subject, be it (geo)politics or public health. Pronto. Next step, morph university and science into centers of inquisition and censurship.
Even if we doubt the efficacy of any of those treatments, the fact that “scientists” and politicians put their only bet on one horse (vaccines as the final solution) doesn´t seem to be so smart of an approach. Interestingly, it also goes contrary to the Hippocratic oath. As long as you do no harm, every chance of treatment, even those with only a remote chance of success, should be readily pursued. That is the fundamental duty and right of a practicing physician. But at present, this millenial right is in danger. In Brazil, physicians are called ugly names (if not sued in court for their insuccess every now and then) for daring to treat their patients early on at phase I of Covid19. Hey, at least they tried something….
Even public university in Brazil, considered an oasis of cultivating diversity of opinion and scientific debate, have a hard time these days, to put it mildly. More than a month ago, some professors of the faculty of medicine at UFMG did sign an open letter by physicians to state government openly slandering their collegues that treat patients to their best knowledge available with drugs from early treatment protocols. Moreover, signatories of that letter called government to take action against those “charlatan” physicians resembling a call for outright persecution. As a matter of fact a very large number of physicians are so massively brainwashed by the Rockefeller influenced curriculum, or otherwise willingly implicated, all they learnt to wish is to wait for an official protocol from the CDC (USA) how to treat that illness. I wonder why that protocoll never arrived? MSM blames a lack of evidence for treatment efficacy which should be provided by type A1 evidence, i.e. the gold standard of science, a large double blind test completely randomized with a control group. That´s a double lie. First because containes that top notch evidence for proposed treatments and, second, if that really were the compulsory precondition to accept any treatment, I have to warn you. You will be amazed by the fact how many treatments do exist and are considered routine but are based on weaker evidence. So who can blame those physicians if they don´t treat early on, instead say: go home and come back when your symptoms get worse (happens a thousand times every day in Brazils UPA´s, a kind of public hospital for immediate attandance). Does that mean there are no protocols? Of course there are; but they come from the wrong source, not the CDC but the quite competent staff that was organized within the Ministry of Health last year who dared to apply genuine epistemology in search for tangible facts and solutions to the crisis. Based also on their honourable efforts pursuing evidence based medicine (when possible) in Brazil well informed physicians treat successfully based on the Madrid Protocoll (quite adequate and affordable for the average Brazilian). Do they promise 100% of success with their treatment, of course not. Obviously, timing is key to success. Treatment should comence in phase I. One year ago, the time window for treatment in phase I was considered 8 to 10 days from the first day of symtoms, today´s mutation from Manaus has shrunk that to about 5 days! If you treat then and there (with little to moderate cost) you avoid patients evolve to phase II and III, whose treatment costs grow exponentially. Experience gathered in Brazil by now tells us hat, unfortunately, for some 10% or so of patients nothing works, not even the most “secret while officially not approved” treatments. For them only faith in God…..but that´s exactly the normal (no phase I treatment, only faith in God) available for the majority of Brazilians now, Not believing in coincidences, if facts don´t add up in logical manner, I look for an agenda.
Borrowing from Pepe Escobar, Brazil is very complex and it is sheer impossible to comprehend the whole “out of this world mix of telenovela with the shadow Kabuki theater” that Brazil is going through right now (
If you don´t have time for the whole extensive interview of Pepe with Michael Hudson go right to 42:53 and 1:34:33 and see for yourself. You´ll find marvels of Michaels testimony there like Joao Goulart take on the reason of his own ouster from presidency in ´64 or the shadowy deals Lula had to strike in order to stand a chance to become president and survive it. At the heart of it all: the Brazilian financial elite with its myriad tentacles in the media, politics and the utterly corrupt judiciary. We all know how largely financialized pharmaceutical industry has become. Cui bono? Who gains with the demonizing and outright prohibition of patentless inexpensive early treatments but promotes astronomically expensive treatments especially for the later stages, where patients who eventually make it to recover suffer exponentially higher risks of sequelae, hence becoming conveniently trapped by Big Pharma as eternal patients. And we haven´t even touched the controversial subject yet of vaccine efficacy and security, I don´t know of any other industry publicly declared excempt from legal consequences in case they don´t deliver quality. If I were a richly paid executive in a pharmaceutical company, that sounds like a successful new business model to me.
But coming back to the Kabuki theater, the villain may have shown us some (though tiny) heroic side. Despite his severe ignorance to many problems, the president has set in motion policies that at least tried to implement an alternative to lockdowns and costly vaccines. Although nearly all his efforts were destroyed by an equally ignorant opposition on state and county level one could actually admire his firm stand against the greed of Big Pharma (I know that sounds farfetched considering that government opened all doors to Monsanto (now Bayer) for Brazilian agrobusiness to use all sorts of chemicals prohibited in Europe). At least the villain may have surprised us with some honourable act. Judging by the treatment he gets from Brazilian MSM, he clearly fell out of favor. Not so much surprising if you calculate in the annoyance he surely caused in the financial elite working in tandem with big pharma by opposing their brilliant new business model. Accordingly, the hero may have disappointed us with a not so honourable act. In his interview Pepe made reference to a recent now famous press conference, where Lula presents himself as the rightful defender of a national project based on industrial capitalism and correctly debunks all the sins commited by the Guedes gang with its neoliberal Chicago boy approach to forward financial rentier capitalism in Brazil (or neo-feudalism if you like). Yet he didn´t mention that Lula criticized (ridiculed) the use of Hydroxychlorquine, exactly a key component in any serious protocol for early treatment (please don´t confound that with prophylaxis). If by extension Lula ridicules all known treatments or negates their existence, than some questions arise, Is it possible that the financial elite, tired of the sitting president, shiftet its favor and now envisions better working conditions (supposedly subservience to their Covid19 business model) with forces from the opposition? Using past events (Michaels and Pepes testimony) as the best predictor for future events, are we witnessing a sort of deal already in the making, Lula at least signaling readiness to the elite if not already striking a deal with them? That might explain the sudden change of tide in his favor from the judiciary and MSM. Clearly, I am only speculating.
However I am convinced that by jumping the band wagon for denial of any treatment, the workers party PT will risk the betrayal of its own base (whether the base realizes that or not) because the struggle for power has clearly overshadowed the importance of tackling the pandemic. For an alien like me, this telenovela not seldomly appears like: they are craving for more chaos, the more chaotic the public health crisis the better the chances for the opposition to reach power while the finacial elite makes a killing by sucking up the wealth of the hard hit base undisturbed. There really “is nothing new under the sun”. In that particularly, I agree with the author. Who has to pay the prize will always be the same….
My dear sir, such lengthy replies will not be read even by your friends. I suggest you go to the gist ( the core of your message) and try to send the same message in a couple of sentences that most readers will go through and decide.
I suggest that you edit what you want to communicate and after doing it, do it again.
Bolsanaro is in favour of Ivermectin. Why is it not being used?
Could it just be that most of these deaths were WITH “the virus” and not OF? Could it be that most of these people would have died anyway (the death rate in 2020 / 21 was marginally higher than the previous 3 yrs, and lower than pre 2000…
Could it just be that it was restrictions, lockdown and scaremongering that is the reason for the slight increase in deaths?
Brazilians are mostly dark skinned. They MUST have lots of sun to produce vitamine D, crucial to the immune system. This winter was ‘their” summer and too many were locked in, instead of Copacabana, sunlight, beach and excersise, in dark apartments.
Could it be?
Exactly ! …and could it be that the Brazilian population is aging? By 2025 Brazil has the 6th largest population over the age of 65 years in the world – average life expectancy is 75.5 years – and could it be that the health care system is in a bad shape and not able to handle all of that – could it be?
Exactly…. I would also add that good hygiene is of paramount importance. Here in the US the black community complained that the virus was attacking them mor e severely. I theorized that people living in large numbers in small apartments and homes that don’t sanitize religiously, including changing the sheets etc.. would be more susceptible to spreading any virus from the common cold to any of the various Coronas that have been plaguing us for years. Also a variable is nutrient content and vitamin intake which can strengthen your overall immune system.
Just to add my 2 cents.
No, Brazil is predominant white with close to 50%(48%) of its population white.
Blacks 20% to 22%. Mixed and everything else the rest.
There is this tendency, since the last CENSO, to say that Brazil is predominant non white because in the last one the whites went below 50% for the very first time.
But, this non-white its not a group or race, so, hold your horses…the biggest GROUP by far is white people.
IN case you’ feel afraid or uneasy to say it ‘s a pendulum wobbling between crime and stupidity, , then you can safely say the Bolsonaro Govt is at best an undescribable mess.
The present brazilian government can be evaluated by two very recent facts.
-1-A national budget that should have been voted and wrapped up in early Feb the latest. But because of a few billion handed over to Bolsonaro”s congressional ‘basis’
(the so called Big Center) is an empty bag needing contortionist movements to be signed
2- The serial eco-killer who seats on the chair of the Eco system or Environment Ministry, a certain Dick Salles, has hastened to the d.e.f.e.n.s.e, publicly, of a company in the Amazon who was responsible for the cut-down of literally thousands fo majestic hard wood trees (worth many million bucks) but had been caught by a local federal police chief. AND the end story was last week that the fed chief was fired and substituted.
The agro poison and chainsaw business is so powerful that if the case had a few notes on the papers , it didnt strike any headlines.
i would want to see All deaths and the reasons b4 i will allow myself to get awed by your fear-porn like message.
i must admit i am to lazy right now to do proper research bc im about to “escape reality” and play Fortnite right now.
But i am quite sure the numbers are both depressing/sad but also illuminating and most of all, giving a fuller picture.
Hi Christian
Your comment…”since no cure or treatment exists”…intrigues me. I personally know of at least 2 treatments that are spectacularly effective in the control and treatment of Covid-19. Admittedly they are non-mainstream and so they could easily have escaped the attention of many like yourself.
Because they [ #1 Ozone Therapy, and #2 Ivermectin] are a huge threat to Big Pharma’s profits a lot of effort has gone into burying both of these methods. The tragedy is that if these two protocols were used in tandem and if people bolstered their immune systems with the correct vitamins and healthy lifestyles the disease could be easily and affordably irradiated in very short order without any use of risky unproven vaccines whatsoever.
NB.. Ozone therapy uses no drugs = huge threat to Big Pharma’s profits
Ivermectin is a dirt-cheap off-patent treatment = huge threat to Big Pharma’s profits
…#1 Ozone notes quoted from the link below…
“The world already has a most inexpensive, safe, and likely effective remedy for deadly viral diseases, which exploits their redox vulnerability at critical membrane cysteine/tryptophan fusion sites. O…zone therapy could be easily deployed worldwide, even in very poor countries. With few conventional treatments for viral pneumonia, this epidemic could provide impetus to study ozone therapy very ethically under the auspices of an institution’s review board in treating, with ozone therapy, seriously ill patients, who might otherwise expire. Milder cases could also be treated to study the ability of ozone therapy to slow or halt clinical deterioration. Such study could bring ozone therapy to the forefront of all-around infectious disease management, providing answers to our growing problems with resistant infection. Governments should take notice.”
…and #2 Ivermectin notes quoted from the link below…
“Introduction. On May 8, 2020, Peru’s Ministry of Health approved ivermectin (IVM), a drug of Nobel Prize-honored distinction, for inpatient and outpatient treatment of COVID-19. As IVM treatments proceeded in that nation of 33 million residents, excess deaths decreased 14-fold over four months through December 1, 2020, consistent with clinical benefits of IVM for COVID-19 found in several RCTs. But after IVM use was sharply restricted under a new president, excess deaths then increased 13-fold.”
And some fascinating general background and history on Ivermectin and its transition from veterinary drug to an extraordinarily safe human “wonder drug”… quoted from the link below…
“Discovered in the late-1970s, the pioneering drug ivermectin, a dihydro derivative of avermectin—originating solely from a single microorganism isolated at the Kitasato Institute, Tokyo, Japan from Japanese soil—has had an immeasurably beneficial impact in improving the lives and welfare of billions of people throughout the world. Originally introduced as a veterinary drug, it kills a wide range of internal and external parasites in commercial livestock and companion animals. It was quickly discovered to be ideal in combating two of the world’s most devastating and disfiguring diseases which have plagued the world’s poor throughout the tropics for centuries. It is now being used free-of-charge as the sole tool in campaigns to eliminate both diseases globally. It has also been used to successfully overcome several other human diseases and new uses for it are continually being found. This paper looks in depth at the events surrounding ivermectin’s passage from being a huge success in Animal Health into its widespread use in humans, a development which has led many to describe it as a “wonder” drug.”
I hope some of this information can be of some assistance to you in your journey Christian. And my utmost sympathy for the tragedy that is currently playing out in your homeland.
All the very best from Downunder
Thanks a lot for your comment!
Unfortunately no one of this two treatments is being used in Brazil. Ill take notes about it. More than that, no one at all is.
And about the healthy lifestyle, uh… Brazil is growing up on people with no food… thanks for your sympathy. And thanks for the links you got me. Hope you are good and healthy.
Apologies CRistian for mis-spelling your name!
Olá agricultor da Nova Zelândia!
Postei um comentário agora há pouco, que não sei se será barrado pela moderação.
Nele não fiz a abordagem da proposta de tratamento com ozônio, para que o texto não ficasse muito longo, mas sim, o tratamento com ozônio chegou a ser proposto no Brasil, sendo logo atacado pelos interesses que você menciona.
Infelizmente, o ataque foi baixo: como uma das vias de aplicação é a retal (são relatados aumentos de 50% na atividade dos macrófagos), o preconceito latino-americano foi logo mobilizado e o tratamento ( que também é possível por meio da auto-hemoterapia maior) foi ridicularizado e ao final marginalizado aos poucos que dele tinham conhecimento anterior.
Yandex translate. Mod:
“Hello New Zealand farmer!
I posted a comment just now.
In it I did not approach the proposal for ozone treatment, so that the text did not get too long, but rather, ozone treatment came to be proposed in Brazil, being soon attacked by the interests you mention.
Unfortunately, the attack was low: as one of the routes of application is rectal ( 50% increases in macrophage activity are reported), the Latin American prejudice was soon mobilized and the treatment (which is also possible through greater autohemotherapy) was ridiculed and eventually marginalized by the few who had previous knowledge of it.”
Desiludido and Col – Please take your conversation to the MFC as its going off-topic. Thx Mod.
Existem dois mundos: o real e o incrível mundo desse pseudo intelectual. Sou do Brasil e digo com propriedade que não há nada de novo no front. Eu sempre fui da tese de que essa gente “politizada” sofre de distúrbios mentais. Quantos bilhões de pessoas existem em Índia, Bangladesh e China? Como a imprensa dos imperialistas reporta 3 milhões de mortos mas só nesses três países eu creio que esse número deveria ser muito maior. Então porque os países sob influência da tal “presstituta” é inquestionável em países sob o seu total domínio como o Brasil? Essa gente que se rotula de “esquerda” no Brasil é tão inútil quanto uma roda quadrada. Eles vivem em um mundo paralelo em que as redes sociais alimentam os seus devaneios. Nenhum pobre depende desses idiotas inúteis. Eu sei disso e não sou o tipo de pessoa que é manipulada por redes sociais. São apoiadores de corruptos e criminosos que vivem como nobres às custas do contribuinte pobre. Verdadeiros parasitas.
Yandex translate. Mod:
There are two worlds: the real and The Amazing World of this pseudo intellectual. I am from Brazil and I say with propriety that there is nothing new in the front. I have always been of the thesis that these “politicized” people suffer from mental disorders. How many billions of people are there in India, Bangladesh and China? As the press of the imperialists reports 3 million dead but only in these three countries I believe that this number should be much higher. So why are countries under the influence of such a “presstituta ” unquestionable in countries under its total rule like Brazil? These people who label themselves” left ” in Brazil are as useless as a square wheel. They live in a parallel world where social networks feed their daydreams. No poor person depends on these useless idiots. I know that and I am not the type of person who is manipulated by social networks. They are supporters of corrupt and criminals who live as nobles at the expense of the poor taxpayer. Real parasites.
Essa pessoa está carente de atenção. No Brasil ninguém depende deles para nada. Eu creio que os leitores desse blog sejam inteligentes o suficiente para saber que no Brasil quadrilhas criminosas ditas de esquerda ou direita explora os pobres ao bel prazer. Um dos modus operandi desses que se rotulam de esquerdistas é posarem de “intelectuais”. São burgueses mimados que querem ser europeus mas só são brasileiros. O Brasil é terra de gente trabalhadora e esses canalhas que fingem ter pena de pobres vivem as custas dos impostos de pobres e ricos. No mundo real são irrelevantes e não creio que pessoas instruídas dos países desenvolvidos vão cair nesse conto tropical enviesados por devaneios ideológicos. Eu imagino que nos países desenvolvidos as pessoas sejam mais racionais e instruídas. Se deixar levar por fantasias de um burguês mimado põe em dúvida a intelectualidade dos participantes desse blog.
Dude, not trying to brow-beat you or disregard your circumstances in Brazil, but this statement suggests that Brazilians have been fed a lie just like most of the rest of the world.
“Here everybody knows what is needed to defeat the pandemic. And it is not medicine, since no cure or treatment exists.”
There are plenty of bona fide medicinal cures for Corona. Hydroxychloroquine plus zinc, for one, Ivermectin for another, and a host of lesser known. Also, just getting lots of Vitamins B, C & D plus minerals to boost immune health goes a long way to keeping Corona in check. The Chinese apparently did really well with traditional herbal medicines.
As for the “vaccines”, pretty much only the Russian and maybe the Chinese vaccines are safe. All the patented American and European “vaccines” will most likely kill you, if not immediately, then in 6 months time or later – they are apparently designed to do that – that includes Moderna, Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson and possibly Astrazeneca. In any case, even the manufacturers admit that these “vaccines” will neither stop you from catching Corona or spreading it.
The rumor is that the drive to “vaccinate” everyone on the planet is just one part of the Great Reset, to help with the eugenic objective to depopulate the planet. Seems they’re doing a mediocre job so far, but the predicted die-off from the mRNA vaccines in the coming years might boost the figures substantially.
Don’t feel bad, most of the Western populations have been lied to and brutalised by their governments over Corona too. In Australia, the government explicitly banned the use of any medicinal remedy for Corona, thereby presenting “vaccination” as our only hope – even though Corona is easily cured with proper early treatment with medicinal and / or nutritional measures. Here in Australia, the government is trying to inject everyone with the Pfizer and Astrazeneca “vaccines”, and I advise anyone who wants to know to avoid getting injected with that experimental crap.
I’d suggest taking a peek at [ ], [ ] or [ ], for example, just to get an idea of what’s really been going on with Corona. Gilad Atzmon has some pretty good articles on the Israel experience with the Pfizer “vaccine” on [ ].
Finally, I’m sorry to know there’s been so many Corona casualties in Brazil. You deserve way better than that.
Thank you Ultrafart the Brave, for your balanced approach and for understanding that we are getting a report from Brazil (and we don’t need to insult the writer). Thanks sir!
Funny how people believe 9/11 was deliberately staged by the powers that be but don’t think the pandemic is a hoax or at least exaggerated.
Meanwhile, Mr. President on Saturday strolls through establishments, fomenting agglomerations, without wearing a mask,…..
Who told you that a mask is good in any way?
I have friends in Brazil. they need a job, they refuse masking beacause it is not useful and they refuse vaccine also. Mr Bolsonaro is right doing what he did. He, like Mr. Lukashenko in Belarus, Mr. Ortega in Nicaragua and others like the late president of Tanzania do the right things.
You think and write as political adversary of Mr. Bolsonaro not like a science follower.
Bolsonaro is a western-influenced stooge if you want to talk politics, who was ‘helped’ to his position by no one other than Steve Bannon and the Christian right. If you want to talk science, that is another story. I’ve reached ‘peak scientist’ and follow the successful countries. They all mask – sorry, but they all mask. Go look it up.
amarynth :
Você foi ao ponto!
Houve uma campanha maciça no WatZap a favor do Bolsonaro, ninguém nunca tinha visto algo parecido!
Os Evangélicos no Brasil (ligados aos dos EUA) tem muita culpa no que vem ocorrendo desde então (principalmente quanto comparar Covid-19 à uma gripe).
Os “vendilhões da Pátria” estão no Poder.
A coisa começou com Fernando Collor e Fernando Henrique Cardoso.
O único Presidente nacionalista, Getúlio Vargas, deve estar se revirando no caixão ao ver no que o Brasil se transformou.
Uma geração cria, engrandece, a geração seguinte vende tudo, bebe e “cheira”.
Google translation,MOD:
You got to the point!
There was a massive campaign on WatZap in favor of Bolsonaro, no one had ever seen anything like it!
Evangelicals in Brazil (linked to those in the USA) are very much to blame for what has been going on since then (especially when it comes to comparing Covid-19 to a flu).
The “vendillões da Pátria” are in power.
It started with Fernando Collor and Fernando Henrique Cardoso.
The only nationalist President, Getúlio Vargas, must be turning in his coffin when he sees what Brazil has become.
One generation creates, magnifies, the next generation sells everything, drinks and “smells”.
: – \
Dear amarynth, “…follow the successful countries. They all mask – sorry, but they all mask. Go look it up….”
Sorry but:
– Belarus no masks.
– Tanzania n masks.
– Sweden no masks.
– Florida – USA no masks.
– Others US states no masks.
No one of them is a “failed state” on COVID and there are others.
I’m uncomfortable as I noted to continue this discussion. We’re way outside of the Saker’s rules I think.
But, you have to take your examples and actually go and compare as to which country is ahead of them and which country is below them. And you will find that there is nothing to write home about in your examples.
Then go and have a look at New Zealand and Vietnam for example – and take a look at their full program – and their social support for their people which was the deciding factor in low numbers or not.
With respect, this is why I hate talking to the anti-maskers because invariably they want to turn it into a binary thing .. Yes or No. The countries that I cite had full and good complete programs. It was not only masks, but it was also testing and a raft of other measures (and go and take a look at how they tested and with what) and it was a number of other measures. This mask thing is not binary. There were crazy excesses in mainly western influenced countries. Stupidities that one cannot believe – like a kinda Church of Woke where people wear masks in their homes, mask the kids and I even saw one swimming with a mask. That is idiocy.
But mask or not mask is not an indicator of a country that is working and in control today. The difference would be full epidemiology and public health programs, not binary issues.
I follow just exactly what the real successful countries do .. and I take advice from Russia and China and even little Cuba before I take it from Sweden and Tanzania. Sweden is always popularized in the media as ‘oh so successful’. Really? Go and take a look at numbers and GDP. Florida – sun – Vit D – but not brilliant in terms of numbers – pretty much in the middle of the list and not low. Tanzania – take a look at its neighbors, Kenya and Uganda – the borders are not strict. I bet Tanzania was too scared to report.
So, when looking at these things, look broader. So I will stop this conversation now in order not to fall into moderation problems. I always say go and look at the alt-media of the successful countries and see how much they complain – they don’t, they are proud. Russia was proud yesterday (there are really special questions that need to be asked about their curves) when they had their first meeting with Putin’s speech and they were not masked .. First time in a year plus. We have a Vietnamese guy here that sometimes comments – He thinks the West has lost their marbles about these issues and says .. whoa, do what we do, it works.
The other matter with Brazil which I may have missed if someone commented is that they bought SputnikV, but the process was interfered with by our usual suspects and now they have none, or the Chinese will come and help them out – I’ve seen bits of reporting about this. Although I am surely not very educated on Brazil because it is so complex to start with, I pray for Lula. Perhaps he can change the trajectory. He will certainly take all the Chinese help that he can get.
Bolsonaro has similarities with Trump. The sworn enemies of Trump did everything to just remove him (at any cost, any lie), and similarly the “left” (“woke”) in Brasil (the author seems to be an example for that) apparently has only one thing in mind, to fight him (and any lie is useful for that). Because the woke live in a made world, without reality. They just relate to words, and a simple friend-enemy scheme.
But one should not forget that Trump was *also* an idiot (believing in the “American dream” etc.). And similarly Bolsonaro is *also* an idiot.
It is a very big mistake these days to attach to persons (especially politicians). That Trump did get some things roughly right doesn’t exclude that he got a lot (very) wrong. Same for Bolsonaro.
Brazil is a huge country. Their ‘social’ handling of Covid was and remains atrocious. They are paying the price for it now.
See what this writer said, and not what you want to say. He is looking at the social aspects of an epidemic. We’ve done all the alternative treatments, so, see if anyone can come up with an understanding of the social aspects, instead of wanting to teach the writer what he should know, according to you.
I have a co-worker in Brazil. This co-worker needs to travel now. The ‘dances with tests’ is simply unacceptable for a human being. The level of knowledge suppression is breathtaking in Brazil.
Hope we don’t have to rely on them for anything like fridges, nothing I hate worse than to be held hostage by a refrigerator made in another country.
And then you never get a chance to talk to Mr. B ig about all the problems. Its just cray
Alfred, unfortunetely, brazilian people are brainwashed against the effective treatments… They think ivermectin, hcq, etc… are Bolsonaro’s irresponsible ideas.. Meanwhile, patients come to consultation, feverish and coughing and are sent home to wait with no meds… Of course, they get worse and they can inflate the number of “cases”. It’s absolutely disgusting. They call Bolsonaro “genocida”, but the real crime is to follow the WHO directives. Não é assim, Cristian Júnior?
Google translation,MOD:
Isn’t that so, Cristian Júnior?
Você sabe mais do Brasil do que os brasileiros?
Google translation,MOD:
Do you know more about Brazil than Brazilians?
O Brasil é um país enorme com mais de 4.000 quilômetros de Norte a Sul e outros mais de 4.000 de Leste a Oeste.
Se a “Torre de Babel” existiu, o Brasil é a prova que pode ser revertida a lenda.
Raças, cores, etnias diversas falando a mesma língua (e, isso é um grande problema para os que tentam criar divisão interna.
Há “racismo” no Brasil, sim!
É Financeiro!!!
Nunca subestimem o brasileiro médio, ele não é burro, tão e somente, prefere levar a vida dele sem se incomodar muito se políticos roubam, só pensa nisso a cada quatro anos (o voto é obrigatório – todos tem título de eleitor).
Há Regiões como a Sul, Sudeste e Centro-Oeste ricas, um Nordeste pobre e a Região Norte, uma enorme Reserva Florestal e de água.
O viés nacionalista brasileiro não é testado desde a década de 60 do século passado com a construção de Brasília (e Juscelino Kubitschek provavelmente foi assassinado em conluio da CIA e os militares golpistas da época).
Antes disso, com Getúlio Vargas que privatizou o petróleo, a mineração, e toda indústria de base.
Com Collor e Fernando Henrique e os neoliberais espelhados em Margareth Tatcher, tudo isso foi vendido a preço de sucata (banana hoje está muito cara pra se usar como exemplo) como Yeltsin fez.
Lula e a esquerda brasileira cuidaram muito da população carente mas, foi um tremendo erro se deixarem influenciar pelo modismo do “politicamente correto” e essas manias de LGTBQXYH.
Há mais de 500 anos este território é roubado, desde os portugueses do pau brasil, ouro, passando pelos ingleses com o Nióbio na década de 60 e o fim da picada, a venda de Carajás e a outras jazidas de minério, por último o petróleo do pré-sal.
Atualmente, somos uma enorme placa de petri para teste de vacinas (creio que se Lula estivesse no comando tanto o Butantan quanto a Fiocruz estariam fabricando a Sputnik-V há cientistas e capacidades aqui).
Minha impressão é que, somente uma boa guerra trará o nacionalismo latente de volta ao Brasil.
Não se iludam, aqui temos de tudo que precisamos, algumas bugingangas tecnológicas mais recentes podem faltar mas, como disse Pero Vaz de Caminha em sua carta ao Rei de Portugal, aqui, “em tudo se plantando, dá!”, não morreremos de fome.
Só precisamos de uma faísca nacionalista para despertar, ou, um cara como Putin (que é um Getúlio Vargas sofisticado), só isso.
*moderador, se me desculpe o longo texto.
Google translation,MOD:
Brazil is a huge country with more than 4,000 kilometers from North to South and others more than 4,000 from East to West.
If the “Torre de Babel” existed, Brazil is the proof that the legend can be reversed.
Different races, colors, ethnicities speaking the same language (and, this is a big problem for those trying to create internal division.
There is “racism” in Brazil, yes!
It’s Financial !!!
Never underestimate the average Brazilian, he is not stupid, he just prefers to live his life without being too bothered if politicians steal, he only thinks about it every four years (voting is mandatory – everyone has a voter title).
There are regions such as the South, Southeast and Midwest, rich, a poor Northeast and the North Region, a huge Forest and Water Reserve.
The Brazilian nationalist bias has not been tested since the 1960s with the construction of Brasília (and Juscelino Kubitschek was probably murdered in collusion by the CIA and the coup military of the time).
Before that, with Getúlio Vargas who privatized oil, mining, and the entire base industry.
With Collor and Fernando Henrique and the neoliberals mirrored in Margareth Tatcher, all of this was sold at a scrap price (banana today is too expensive to use as an example) as Yeltsin did.
Lula and the Brazilian left took great care of the needy population, but it was a tremendous mistake if they let themselves be influenced by the “politically correct” trend and these LGTBQXYH manias.
Did they steal?
This territory has been stolen for more than 500 years, from the Portuguese of Brazil wood, gold, to the English with Niobium in the 60s and the end of the trail, the sale of Carajas and other ore deposits, finally oil of the pre-salt.
Currently, we are a huge petri dish for testing vaccines (I believe that if Lula were in charge, both Butantan and Fiocruz would be manufacturing Sputnik-V, there are scientists and capabilities here).
My impression is that only a good war will bring latent nationalism back to Brazil.
Make no mistake, here we have everything we need, some more recent technological gadgets may be missing, but, as Pero Vaz de Caminha said in his letter to the King of Portugal, here, “everything is planting, give it!”, We will not die of hunger .
We just need a nationalist spark to wake up, or, a guy like Putin (who is a sophisticated Getúlio Vargas), that’s all.
* moderator, if I’m sorry for the long text.
250,000 people in Brazil die every year from cancer.
Brazil should ban tobacco and the sun too.
Lockdowns not only does not save lives (see US and UK deaths) but also destroy small businesses and shops.
I looked at the Brazil mortality rates beginning in 1950. In 1950 the mortality rate was 16.367 per thousand, it gradually declined over the years until 2008, 6.017 per thousand. From 2008 to today the mortality rate has been steadily increasing. In 2018 it was 6.417; in 2019 it was 6.503, in 2020 it was 6.588; and in 2021 it is already at 6.674 deaths per thousand.
So the increase in the mortality from 2018 to 2019 was 1.340%, while the increase in 2020 when Covid broke out was 1. 310%. I suspect the increases in mortality rates is connected to an increase in poverty. Respiratory viruses like Covid mainly affect the elderly who have weakened immune systems. However, when you have governments national and local shutting down businesses under the pretext of saving lives, then, especially in poor countries, not only will you see an increase in the overall mortality rate, you will also see an increase in the mortality rate in all age groups. And it’s not because of the virus.
Besides destroying the economy, lock downs prevent people from acquiring natural immunity. Wearing masks compromises a person’s immune system. Every peer reviewed controlled scientific study has concluded that the protection that masks provide against the transmission of a virus is statistically insignificant. Wearing masks for long periods can lead to serious infections like pneumonia.
Treatments do exist for Covid, such as Ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine, but they were either discredited or obfuscated from the public in order to grant emergency vaccine approval.
There never has been a vaccine that has been effective against Corona viruses. Before Covid, a vaccine was developed for a Corona virus. The animals that were vaccinated developed antibodies, but when the animals were exposed to the wild virus their immune systems reacted violently and they all died. What I fear is that the people who have been vaccinated will become seriously ill when flu season comes along, and that this will be blamed on a new variant. The CEO’s of the pharmaceutical companies who developed these new vaccines have admitted that the objective of the vaccines was not to prevent transmission, but to lessen the severity of the symptoms, to prevent hospitalization.
What is keeping the pandemic narrative alive is Covid “cases,” which is the result of mass testing and the use of the PCR technique to test. Kary Mullis invented the PCR technique to amplify, make copies of small strands of DNA. Kary Mullis, said that the PCR technique cannot detect an infection, and that it should never be used for such purposes. He said that if the test is done well enough you can just about detect anything you want in a person’s body. Above 30 cycles of amplification the false positive rate exceeds 80%. According to doctor Fauci himself above 35 cycles the test is meaningless. Guess how many cycles of amplification most labs around the world are using? 35-45. I wonder what Mr. Mullis would say if he were alive today.
The other important factor keeping the narrative alive is asymptomatic transmission. There has been no documented case of an asymptomatic person transmitting Covid to another person.
People have to wake up and realise that governments are not following the science, governments are following orders that have nothing to do with science or saving lives. The goal is to vaccinate everyone and to use vaccination as a form of control, of enslavement.
Thank you for your perfect explanation, Northern Observer.
Hi Northern Observer
You make an excellent point [re Ivermectin] but then proceed to shoot your own argument in the foot by reverting to what The Saker calls idiotic hoax-hoax memes”.
Please take a look at some successful models that have employed the simple effective tools [that you rubbish] to virtually eliminate the disease and restore their health systems and economies back to relative normality within a few months.
If you start with Vietnam, Taiwan, and NZ you will see that they employed the exact measures that you decry.
Your claims regarding asymptomatic transmission do not fit with these countries’ experiences either. Perhaps you could start with this link below which goes into the dangerous implications of both presymptomatic and asymptomatic spread which can completely wreck a strategy that doesn’t take these serious risks into account.
…quote from…
“SARS-CoV-2 transmission from people who are either asymptomatic or presymptomatic has implications for prevention. Social distancing measures will need to be sustained at some level because droplet transmission from close contact with people with asymptomatic and presymptomatic infection occurs. Easing of restrictions will, however, only be possible with wide access to testing, contact tracing, and rapid isolation of infected individuals.
Quarantine of close contacts is also essential to prevent onward transmission during asymptomatic or presymptomatic periods of those that have become infected. Digital, proximity tracing could supplement classical contact tracing to speed up the detection of contacts to interrupt transmission during the presymptomatic phase if shown to be effective [19,127].
The findings of this systematic review of publications early in the pandemic suggest that most SARS-CoV-2 infections are not asymptomatic throughout the course of infection. The contribution of presymptomatic and asymptomatic infections to overall SARS-CoV-2 transmission means that combination prevention measures, with enhanced hand and respiratory hygiene, testing tracing, and isolation strategies, and social distancing, will continue to be needed.”
…end quote…
Your claims rubbishing ALL PCR testing is a simple regurgitation of falsehoods that are entirely counterproductive to controlling infection spread and which have been proven an integral ingredient in the methods used by the above-mentioned countries. In doing this you in essence support the disastrous strategies of countries like Brazil and completely ignore those that have proven to be exemplary models.
I am as critical of dangerous unproven vaccines as you are, but I highly recommend you attempt to grasp some of these basic facts before making your claims. These are the types of memes that will actually lead to countries using far more vaccines. In reality, using incoherent strategies will result in a serious loss of containment of spread, and subsequently the type of panic where millions resort to completely unnecessary vaccinations on a mass scale, simply because the infection rate is seriously out of control.
Case in point Brazil right at this minute.
“A new study of nearly 10 million people in Wuhan, China – ground zero for the coronavirus – showed that asymptomatic spread of covid does not occur.”
“WHO says that a manual readjustment of the PCR positivity threshold must be done to account for background noise in specimens with high cycle thresholds. The WHO adds, ‘In some cases, the [information for use or] IFU will state that the cut-off should be manually adjusted to ensure that specimens with high Ct values are not incorrectly assigned SARS-CoV-2 detected due to background noise.’
“Editor’s Note: This is what several experts have been saying for months – high cycle thresholds can lead to false positives as the PCR test can replicate any DNA material. Moreover, one cannot say that a person has COVID-19 if that person exhibits no symptoms [see Swiss immunologist explains existing immunity to SARS-CoV-2 and the myth of asymptomatic carriers, also read some articles about PCR testing in article category Are the tests accurate?]. Now, that the WHO has acknowledged the need to look at clinical signs and symptoms of the disease before saying that a person has COVID-19, what shall we make of all the ‘asymptomatic’ cases? How will governments take this WHO notice into consideration in adjusting for their PCR testing strategies?
“One thing to notice though in this recent release from the WHO is that there is no real attempt to guide organizations in limiting the cycle thresholds (Ct), despite science showing that Cts beyond 35 will return more false positives. Is this WHO notice a real guideline, or is the WHO just covering the bases in preparation for its defense in the law suits being planned against it? [See Legal experts plan to sue WHO, governments for crimes against humanity].”
Back to basics and this is not the thread for it. But people forget the purely practical side of this.
There are hundreds of manufacturers of test kits. They are not all the same. Ask the test takers if they were trained – mostly it is no, and procedures differ from different manufacturers.
These are the questions: Is the person taking the test actually trained? What are the procedures in the lab that actually analyze these things? There are videos on how these things are treated and it is not pretty. Overloaded labs, broken ones together with whole ones in one bunch the one affecting the other is but one of the small breaks in the procedure.
In Russia, a case is only a case once confirmed by a blood test. In China, a case is only a case once confirmed by diagnostic tests. China offered to teach the rest of the world how to use these tests (the designer received a Nobel prize for his invention, and that was not for nothing. The initial comments from him came from activism that ‘aids is not a virus’. So, his words are consistently wrongly applied. – his words applied to aids). China actually taught the staff of Johns Hopkins to use these and say clearly that these are not a diagnostic tool, but after diagnosis, at the correct cycle, they can indicate virus density, i.e., high or middle or low viral load which immediately spells out how aggressive the treatment must be.
Most of the west did not accept China’s offer for training how to use these things. In the US, they tried three times to make ’em and failed, and my contention is the last try, which they considered successful, they actually had a test, was not very reliable either.
One has to look at the detail here and not fall for the WHO statements without knowing what is happening. You need to look at your own country’s handling of the whole process, soup to nuts.
Hi Amarynth…are you by any chance turning blue in the face yet…I know I certainly am.
Please note that there are literally thousands of examples globally that would at one time have been deemed asymptomatic cases which have in fact spread Covid-19 far and wide.
They were seen as ‘asymptomatic’ until they subsequently then proved to be symptomatic. In hindsight, they would have been more correctly termed pre-symptomatic at that time…but of course, this is simply not known until symptoms are manifest. So the assumption of a case being non-threatening because it is assumed asymptomatic then potentially becomes a very dangerous situation that could lead to the massive spread of infection.
The other problem is, how do you actually define ‘symptomatic’. Symptoms can range from anything resembling a mild cold right through to being stone-cold dead. In the case of Brazil, which is running rampant at >3000 deaths per day, this is a graphic humanitarian disaster…but of course the Hoax-Hoaxers all dispute this tragedy collectively as well. All in all the study you quote relies on some extremely problematic assumptions and definitions.
If your theory had been followed in NZ, we would have simply lost control of Covid-19 long ago. Furthermore, if we had not used PCR testing intelligently, and deployed it strategically and at sensibly low cycle thresholds, we would have lost control long ago for that very reason too.
The strategies you advocate have resulted in a massive mortality rate in Brazil with a health care system and an economy that are close to collapse. I know which of the strategies I prefer and which country I would rather reside in, even if I am just a dumb Ausy Sheila.
Incidentally, Brazil’s MR is 450% worse than the world average. Nz’s is roughly 100th of the global MR and Vietnam and Taiwan are both very close to a minuscule 1/10,000th!
It is completely farcical for anyone to promote Brazil’s strategies and effectively denigrate those of these three countries when the facts literally and overwhelmingly speak for themselves.
World – Historical Death Rate Data
Year Death Rate Growth Rate
2020 7.612 0.440%
2019 7.579 0.440%
2018 7.546 -0.320%
2017 7.570 -0.320%
2016 7.594 -0.330%
2015 7.619 -0.310%
2014 7.643 -0.310%
2013 7.667 -0.980%
2012 7.743 -0.960%
2011 7.818 -0.960%
2010 7.894 -0.940%
2009 7.969 -0.940%
2008 8.045 -1.010%
2007 8.127 -1.000%
2006 8.209 -0.980%
2005 8.290 -0.980%
2004 8.372 -0.970%
2003 8.454 -0.750%
2002 8.518 -0.760%
2001 8.583 -0.740%
2000 8.647 -0.750%
1999 8.712 -0.730%
1998 8.776 -0.750%
1997 8.842 -0.740%
1996 8.908 -0.740%
1995 8.974 -0.730%
1994 9.040 -0.720%
1993 9.106 -0.810%
1992 9.180 -0.810%
1991 9.255 -0.790%
1990 9.329 -0.800%
1989 9.404 -0.780%
1988 9.478 -1.180%
1987 9.591 -1.150%
1986 9.703 -1.150%
1985 9.816 -1.130%
1984 9.928 -1.130%
1983 10.041 -1.400%
1982 10.184 -1.380%
1981 10.327 -1.360%
1980 10.469 -1.350%
1979 10.612 -1.330%
1978 10.755 -2.240%
1977 11.001 -2.180%
1976 11.246 -2.140%
1975 11.492 -2.090%
1974 11.737 -2.050%
1973 11.983 -2.480%
1972 12.288 -2.420%
1971 12.593 -2.360%
1970 12.898 -2.310%
1969 13.203 -2.260%
1968 13.508 -3.710%
1967 14.029 -3.580%
1966 14.550 -3.450%
1965 15.070 -3.340%
1964 15.591 -3.230%
1963 16.112 -1.560%
1962 16.367 -1.530%
1961 16.621 -1.510%
1960 16.876 -1.480%
1959 17.130 -1.470%
1958 17.385 -1.950%
1957 17.731 -1.910%
1956 18.076 -1.880%
1955 18.422 -1.840%
1954 18.767 -1.810%
1953 19.113 -1.780%
1952 19.459 -1.740%
1951 19.804 -1.720%
1950 20.150 0.000%
As you can see the numbers for 2020 are unremarkable, despite the extraordinary efforts to convince the public otherwise. The facts are that the average age of people dying with Covid or because of Covid in the majority of nations, if not all, is approximately equal to the life expectancy age for the nation in consideration. In other words the majority of people who supposedly died from Covid were fragile at the end of their lives. In the past a cold or the Flu would be the tipping point which would progress to pneumonia and death. But for some reason there has been a 98% decline in influenza cases around the world. Covid has supplanted the Flu.
Covid is not a threat to humanity; it is not the plague. Do you actually believe that lockdowns, social isolation, muzzling people, massive testing, and endless vaccinations for the many variants that are to come will result in zero Covid, which is the desire of many politicians? The common cold is a coronavirus, is it extinct ? Death is a part of life, you don’t stop living because you’re afraid of dying. Anyways, no need to turn blue on my account, goodnight.
“Covid is not a threat to humanity; it is not the plague. Do you actually believe that lockdowns, social isolation, muzzling people, massive testing, and endless vaccinations for the many variants that are to come will result in zero Covid, which is the desire of many politicians? The common cold is a coronavirus, is it extinct ? Death is a part of life, you don’t stop living because you’re afraid of dying. Anyways, no need to turn blue on my account, goodnight.”
Hahaaa … no, I’m not turning blue. I actually turn logical. Every single issue that you mentioned in this long sentence is governmental excess and the inability to govern and politicizing. It’s very bad to confuse all this with a virus.
I love Brazil, this great country full of amazing people and vitality ! If you are able to bypass the world octopus of the MSM, then this site is for you, and if you communicate what is not sympathetic to the values of corrupted governments, all those who follow the money, then Saker’s is heavily inclined in your favour, thank you for this article !
In Africa, the presidents who go against the likes of IMF, Who and BMGF are being killed… Bolsonaro is safe because he’s such a clown that everything he says is immediately ridiculed… And these foundations and institutions are the ones in charge. So, no effective medications for brazilian people, unless the person is really lucky to find a good doctor. But the people is not dumb, the “povão” is watching. Every politician who denies them the real treatment…. Or do merchandising for Pfizer in their speeches… Will be remembered for that. Another great utility for Bozo… Will help alienate the people from the (so called) left.
Just a note: In South Africa, a few organizations banned together and took the government to court and got the use of Ivermectin re-instated. Doctors may now use it, without permission – they just have to report sometime later that they used it. The government lost wholesale in this court case.
Each country used their resources differently. there are specific circumstances (like Brazil, people density) where lockdowns could be kinda impossible. Each country needs to be looked at, and these huge comparisons ‘worldwide’ is just internet nonsence.
And a note on another issue: People that say the virus is not real do not take into consideration the massive changes in our world, even if it is a memetic virus. Social media tries to look at this in black and white but we have major shades of grey here with immensely problematic aftermath. This is a complex issue, and it will not change the realities on the ground to simplify it – and we can thank our writer from Brazil, who touched on these complex issues.
Where is Ramin Mazaheri? I would love to hear his take on current events.
“Basically, 1) an emergency aid to hold people into a 2) severe lockdown (but quickly, because nobody can hold on staying in the home forever) and then yes 3) mass vaccination.” – Total nonsense. Utter rubbish.
Ivermectin + Doxycycline + Zinc
If they had implemented this in August 2020 we’d have been done by the end of September. If they had done this in December after the senate testimony by Dr Kory it would be OVER BY NOW.
Professor Thomas Borody in August 2020 said:
“It’s easier than treating the flu now”. “You can actually eradicate it”. “We know it’s curable”
and the senate testimony by Dr. Pierre Kory (FLCCC Alliance, ) in early December.
And Uttar Pradesh is still doing great. Check out Dr Kory when he goes over this with graphs that make you laugh at anyone who says Ivermectin doesn’t work. Go to the 20 minute mark:
The COVID-19 Humanitarian Disaster in India (April 28, 2021). And it was all preventable and predictable just like Peru.