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Tag "Cuba"

Reporting from Cuba: The absence of right…wing politics

by Ramin Mazaheri It is with great regret that I have to leave Havana after 1 month of special-assignment reporting for Press TV in order to return to Paris. That may surprise a lot of people, but think of what type of work I am returning to: Stories about unabashed capitalism, chauvinistic neo-imperialism, anti-Muslim xenophobia and the upcoming presidential contest in which the only 2 serious contenders are a right-wing

Goodbye Fidel

by Jimmie Moglia  “He was a man, take him for all in all, I shall not look upon his like again.” Hamlet, act 1, sc. 2 For many across the world, the death of Fidel Castro strikes us with an obscure sensation, like that which would be felt from the sound of darkness. And though expected, there was an indistinct unuttered hope that this news could be postponed to a

Did the US Treasury, IRS just threaten Vatican Bank before Pope Francis meeting with Patriarch Kirill? by Scott

Today, I want to tell you a huge secret. The deepest and the biggest Russian secret of all. The secret so profound that it will shake your entire being. Wait for it… The Head of the Russian Orthodox Church His Holiness Patriarch Kirill meets with Pope of Rome Frances on February 12th, 2016 in Havana, Cuba to discuss something about the plight of Christians. We don’t know what they will

The Latin America SITREP February 2016, by Jack

Contents: 1) Main events in Latin America in 2016: US elections, Pink Tide Fights Back? (Venezuela, Argentina, Brazil) Peace in Colombian? Cuba: in from the Cold and OAS v CELAC in Haiti. 2) Recommended Latin American Sources. 3) Conclusion about Latin American prospects in the coming period. 1. The coming year: Bernie Sanders v The Rest. Foreign policy is incredibly unimportant to US presidential elections but extremely important to the

Latin America SITREP December 1st, 2015 by Jack J.

The Shifting Pink Tide [Updated] Kirchnerism is out of the presidency in Argentina but remains a force to be reckoned with, controlling both houses of congress, whilst Kirchner herself is free to stand again in 4 years’ time. Paraguay: Colorado Party lose Mayoralty of Asunción to Revolutionary February Party. Important elections in Venezuela immanent. Latin America Pope a ‘Progressive Leader’. Ecuador: Correa unexpectedly pledges to step down. Brazil: Rouseff beset

Latin America SITREP October 28th, 2015 by Jack

1) Latin American Left: the Pink Tide: 1999-present? Two recent pieces on the status and prospects of the progressive governments, social movements and multilateral institutions collectively known as the ‘Pink Tide’. Raúl Zibechi: Taking stock of ‘Progresismo’ in Latin America [source] Immanuel Wallerstein: The Latin American Left Moves Rightward [source] (NB I have the utmost respect for both these writers, but the optimist in me has to say that it

US Embassy in Havana – The Cuba Caper

by Peter Koenig The lame duck, Obama, extending a conciliatory hand to Cuba by opening an embassy in Havana, by reopening, after 54 years of a criminal and crippling embargo, diplomatic relations? – At the same time Obama is making not a single concession in terms of lifting the blockade. This smells like a trap. Cuba beware! Imagine – a US Embassy in Havana – it would open the floodgates

Reflections by Fidel Castro: The Yankee Bases and the Latin American Sovereignty

by Fidel Castro Ruz for The concept of nation emerged from the combination of common elements such as history, language, culture, costumes, laws, institutions and others related to the material and spiritual life of human communities. Bolivar, who worked the great heroic deeds that made him be known as ‘The Liberator’ during his struggle for the freedom of the peoples of the Americas, urged them to create what he

Fidel Castro: My Questions For Obama

Many thanks to Toufic for this very interesting contribution – VS The brightest and best of the presidential hopefuls seeks to extend a cruel, immoral Cuba blockade By Fidel Castro It would be dishonest of me to remain silent after hearing Barack Obama’s speech delivered at the Cuban American National Foundation last Friday. I feel no resentment towards him, for he is not responsible for the crimes perpetrated against Cuba

Ron Paul on US policies towards Cuba

Struggling for Relevance in Cuba: Still No Cigars by Rep. Ron Paul Since Raul Castro seems to be transitioning to a more permanent position of power, the administration has begun talking about Cuba policy again. One would think we would be able to survey the results of the last 45 years and come to logical conclusions. Changing course never seems to be an option, however, no matter how futile or

Cubans treat man who killed Che

BBC – Cuban doctors working in Bolivia have saved the sight of the man who executed revolutionary leader Che Guevara in 1967, Cuban official media report. Mario Teran, a Bolivian army sergeant, shot dead Che Guevara after he was captured in Bolivia’s eastern lowlands. Cuban media reported news of the surgery ahead of the 40th anniversary of Che’s death on 9 October. Mr Teran had cataracts removed under a Cuban

The Tragic Ordeal of the Cuban Five

Victims of National Security Injustice By Saul Landau In 1953, a man I knew got busted for masturbating at a public urinal. A cop had hidden in the ceiling grate above him “to find perverts.” The lawyer, a friend of our family, charged him $5,000. “I gave $500 to the cop,” the lawyer explained, “bought the judge a present and paid two witnesses $250 each to testify that he was
