The Shifting Pink Tide [Updated]

Kirchnerism is out of the presidency in Argentina but remains a force to be reckoned with, controlling both houses of congress, whilst Kirchner herself is free to stand again in 4 years’ time. Paraguay: Colorado Party lose Mayoralty of Asunción to Revolutionary February Party. Important elections in Venezuela immanent. Latin America Pope a ‘Progressive Leader’. Ecuador: Correa unexpectedly pledges to step down. Brazil: Rouseff beset with problems.

Argentina: Mauricio Macri beats Scioli by 51.5% to 48.5% to take Presidency, promises to be a staunch US ally. Kirchner pledges to play a constructive role as strong opposition with proven track record in government and control of both houses.

Cristina Fernandez wants to become head of the opposition to Macri

“Argentine president Cristina Fernandez made on Wednesday her first public appearance since Sunday’s election runoff when opposition candidate Mauricio Macri was confirmed as the new head of state, and clearly anticipated she will continue in politics and intends to conduct the Justicialista party” [source]

Newly Elected Argentinian President Mauricio Macri Trapped «in the Net» of Populism

“the process of regional integration will be negatively affected at the time the region is going through hard times… Macri is 100% US”. [source]

Argentina: Fatigue and electoral shift La Jornada
“The yesterday’s defeat should not be perceived as the refusal of Argentinians to do justice to the achievements of 2003-2015. It’s rather the result of internal and external factors that exist in the national context of the situation in the Western Hemisphere.” [source]

Why Macri’s Win is Bad News for Argentina Mark Weisbrot
“Argentina and the surrounding region have changed too much over the past 15 years to return to the neoliberal, neocolonial past. The Washington foreign policy establishment may not understand this, but Macri’s handlers did. That’s why they took the trouble to package him as something very different from what he is” [source]

“Argentina’s election has proven a disappointment for the international left, and a victory for the right” [source]

“The former President of Uruguay Jose “Pepe” Mujica said his “fears have to do with institutional instability” in Argentina.” [source]

Macri to Pursue Venezuela Suspension from MERCOSUR, Opposition Celebrates

Correa, MERCOSUR Head Reject Macri Threats to Expel Venezuela from Regional Trading Bloc [source]

Asunción has a new Mayor: Pinktide Gain Stronger Opposition in Paraguay

Revolutionary February Party Wins Key Mayoralty of Asuncion: 51% to 41%, turnout 56%. Ending 14 years of Colorado Party rule. [source[source]

Venezuela: Legislative Elections will be a key test of Bolivarianism, and the Pink Tide.

Washington Seeks Observers That it Can Influence in Venezuela’s Election

US Espionage: Alive and Well in Latin America

US Apologizes for Violating Venezuelan Airspace, Calls for Anti-Drug Cooperation

Latin American Pope: Pink-Tide Leader in the Vatican?

The Argentinian Pope Francis features prominently among world leaders jostling for position against the ‘military-industrial-corporate US empire’. With many of LAs most prodigious leaders having suffered setbacks of one type or another in recent years, and the Pope negotiating ending the US-blockade of Cuba, criticising inequality, environmental destruction and capitalism itself, he is arguably LA’s most prominent progressive leader.

Five Leaders Challenging Western Imperialism Through Diplomacy, Persuasion, and Pressure
“Five leaders setting new agenda on war & peace, equality & inequality, security & terrorism, and environmental protection… The Pope… has greater influence on Christians… Xi

and the Pope have a greater impact on proposals for climate change. Putin, the Pope, Rohani and Xi are prominent in advocating peaceful resolution of conflicts; Corbyn and the Pope on reducing inequalities and securing social justice” [source]

5 Times Pope Francis Proved He’s The Most Progressive Pope Ever (And Pretty Much The Coolest) [source]

Extract from Laudato si “The warming of the planet is a symptom of a greater problem: the developed world’s indifference to the destruction of the planet as they pursue short-term economic gains. This has resulted in a “throwaway culture” in which unwanted items and unwanted people, such as the unborn, the elderly, and the poor, are discarded as waste.”

Pope Francis Suggests a Progressive Freedom of Religion [source]

Ecuador: Correa’s Coming Departure Prompts Debate Among Supporters
“Ecuadorean President Rafael Correa’s surprise announcement that he would not seek a third immediate term in the 2017 elections has provoked a debate within the United Front, the coalition comprised of 14 political organizations that back the government and the political project known as the Citizens’ Revolution.” [source]

Trouble in Brazil:
Brazil in a few short years seems to have plunged from a run of good luck (e.g. big oil finds), competent management (under Lula) and favourable regional/international (LA integration and favourable primary commodity prices) to environmental catastrophe, corruption scandals and unfavourable economic conditions.

The Many Brazils in the World-System, Immanuel Wallerstein [source]

Rousseff’s just manages to uphold vetoes on spending bills; greater challenge in the pipeline [source]

Brazil in shock: a leading senator and billionaire fund manager arrested for obstructing justice [source]

Brazil dam burst: Toxic mud flooding towns, says UN [source]

Brazil to sue Samarco mining firm for $5.2bn over dam burst [source]

Note to readers: The process of compiling these sitreps means that I am keeping abreast of the LA region to a greater extent than would otherwise be the case and for this I thank you. If you want to bring any links to my attention please post them in the comments section (I am conscious of lacking much on Mexico).

Links to and Contents of LA sitreps 1 and 2:

Latin America SITREP November 14th, 2015 by Jack J. [source]

Upcoming Elections: Venezuela Mid-term, Second Round Argentina
Election Results: Belize
News: El Salvador: FMLN National Congress and Ecuador: Correa v Opposition
Analysis: The defeat of the (US’s) FTAA and the emergence of the (Cuba-Venezuela) ALBA-TCP

Latin America SITREP October 28th, 2015 by Jack J. [source]

Argentina: Presidential election First round leads to Second.
Venezuela: Mid Term. Threat of violence. Economic reform. Poll predicts PSUV win.
The United States Wins In Brazil, Raul Zibechi
Mexico: Ayotzinapa, State Violence and Terror By Laura Carlsen
Russia Interested in Joining the Nicaragua Canal Project
Comedian cowboy wins presidency in Guatemala
Cuba: The US isolated on World Stage:
Secret US Sites in Peru Nil NIKANDROV
Evo Morales, first indigenous President of in the Americas, marks 10 years as Bolivia President.
LA Left: Pink Tide 1999 to Present: Raúl Zibechi: Immanuel Wallerstein