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Tag "david rovics"

The Terrorist in Chief by David Rovics

David is still, in my opinion, the “beautiful voice of the American Resistance”.  I wrote about him in 2009, then I interviewed him, then I met him.  He still makes me laugh, and cry and hope.The Saker “Obama gave a speech, I wrote a song.” Terrorist In Chief It’s September 11th and Obama gave a speech On the War on Terror and its mighty reach The arm of the law

If Only It Were True…

David came up with another fantastic song.  Here is what he writes about it: Ever since the rightwing nutjobs started complaining that Barack Obama is a tree-hugging, socialist, immigrant-loving, peace-loving Muslim I’ve thought, “if only it were true.” This morning it occurred to me to write a song about it. Check it out: <p><br><br><br><br><br><br>I love<br></p> I love the man, there is no other way to put it :-) The Saker

Hawaiian singer surprises Obama summit with ‘Occupy’ song

The Raw Story reports: A popular Hawaiian recording artist turned a top-security dinner of Pacific Rim leaders hosted by President Barack Obama into a subtle protest with a song in support of the “Occupy” movement. Makana, who goes by one name, was enlisted to play a luau, or Hawaiian feast, Saturday night for leaders assembled in Obama’s birthplace Honolulu for an annual summit that is formulating plans for a Pacific

“Osama Bin Laden is Dead” by David Rovics

It was a commando operation of courage and skill Navy Seal helicopters flew in for the kill They had a firefight and they shot him in the head Now the mastermind of terror, Bin Laden is dead For all those who love freedom it’s a glorious day In DC and New York they’re chanting USA Fatherless children clutching teddy bears Legless veterans with catheters and wheelchairs Can all rejoice that

Please help David Rovics record the “Song for Bradley Manning”

Dear friends, I just got this email from David Rovics: ——- Hi folks, Since I recorded “Song for Bradley Manning” on my iPhone less than two weeks ago it has been viewed many thousands of times. This is a lot more than usual for a song that was recorded badly and has received no radio airplay or media attention aside from the occasional blog. I’ve been getting emails from lots

Song for Bradley Manning by David Rovics

David just email me his new song ‘Song for Bradely Manning’.  He has not made a professional quality recording of the song yet, but he has shared it by posting a homemade video of him singing it on YouTube. I recently met David face to face for the first time and introduced him to my wife and kids.  It was a huge joy and honor for me to finally give

Keep your eye on for the US Boat to Gaza launch videos

They said it couldn’t be done, that Americans couldn’t raise money fast enough to buy a boat to join Freedom Flotilla 2 in the fall. But never underestimate American determination in the face of Israeli intransigence and brutality. The launch of the US Boat to Gaza began last night in New York, and Free Gaza was there to participate. Listen to Col. Ann Wright’s eloquent speech, then watch our TWITTER

David Rovics releases 10 fantastic new songs

Email from David (with my own favorite songs in red):——- Hi folks, Here are ten new songs, most written while I was on tour in Europe over the spring. If you like them and feel compelled to do something to support my musical efforts here are 3 things you can do: 1) Share these songs with your friends. (Especially your friends who host radio shows and organize festivals.) 2) Volunteer

10 Questions for David Rovics

It is truly a huge pleasure for me to publish this Q&A with David Rovics, a phenomenal artist whose music I have only recently discovered, and about whom I wrote a piece entitled “David Rovics – the beautiful voice of the American Resistance“. Three months have passed since I wrote this piece. I discovered more of David’s songs and I came to the conclusion that he is probably the most

Report from Cop-enhagen

by David Rovics The signs up all over the airport and various places elsewhere in town are calling it Hopenhagen, but everybody I know is calling it Cop-enhagen, which seems far more appropriate. The international media has been giving this lots of coverage, and rightly so. Of course much of the media is unable to walk and chew gum at the same time, so other things, such as the reason

David Rovics – the beautiful voice of the American Resistance

In a country which has practically turned into a world-wide symbol of the pretend and fake, it is an amazing thing to discover something so true, so powerful, so genuine that it leaves your head spinning. Have you ever felt the exhilarating feeling of coming out from a deep long dive and taking a lung-full of fresh sea-smelling water? Have you ever had the chance to breathe some pure oxygen?

Barack “no we can’t” Obama gets the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize.

The American people put the Democrats back in power in Congress specifically to stop the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. What did they get in return? The “Surge”. Then they put Obama in power to stop the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. What did they get since? a) not a single anti-war Democrat in Obama’s cabinetb) the foam-at-his-mouth Zionist extremist Rahm Emanuel as Obama’s Chief of Staff (see note at
