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Tag "Dr. Mahmoud Braham"

Samuel Gregg’s “Reason, Faith, and the Struggle for Western Civilization”: A critique.

by Dr. Mahmoud Braham, Algeria, for The Saker Blog Introduction Samuel Gregg who holds a doctorate in moral philosophy and political economy from Oxford University is the Director of Research at the Acton Institute based in Michigan. In 2016, he published “For God and Profit: How Banking and Finance Can Serve the Common Good”. Making from the pope Benedict XVI’s Regensburg Lecture[1] and some of his controversial statements on the

Harari’s Homo-Deus: A Futurist Vision on a Darwinist Backdrop

by Dr. Mahmoud Braham for The Saker Blog This work: Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow, by Harari, the Israeli historian and futurologist, is rather a Darwinist interpretative narrative of the evolution of the human species, coupled with a searching gaze into an uncertain and perilous future awaiting humanity, and supported by very insightful scenarios. This sequential account reveals that the human species that was struggling, at first, against
