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Tag "Echo of Moscow"

Why Did RT Hire Liberals That Are Bringing Harm to Russia? (Ruslan Ostashko)

Translated and captioned by Leo. Guess who started the cycle of documentaries about the “main people of the country” on the state channel RT Russia? From the editor-in-chief of the disgusting Russophobic radio station Echo of Moscow, Alexei Venediktov. It is this person who, in violation of the law, does not liquidate the media despised by the people, according to RT, is worthy of the title of “the main person

Bloody Monday: Grandnephew of GULAG organizer stabbed the Echo of Moscow editor (MUST READ!)

Note by the Saker: a huge THANK YOU to Scott for an outstanding piece of research which he did literally overnight!  This is fascinating and most important, so I added the “MUST READ” tag to Scott’s article.  The Saker On November 23, 2002, fifty armed jihadi terrorists, or “freedom fighters” as they were called by the West, seized the Dubrovka Theater in Moscow taking 850 hostages. The liberal radio station Echo
