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Tag "economic warfare against Russia"

China openly and officially backs Russia

Well, now we have it from the most official source possible: Foreign Minister Wang Yi who declared on Monday. “If the Russian side needs it, we will provide necessary assistance within our capacity“.  Considering the US rhetoric and imperial mindset which proclaims that “you are either with us or against us” it is pretty clear what such a declaration really means: China is putting the US on notice that in

The biggest threat for Russia and for Putin

Putin’s recent speech to the Federal Assembly contained two part: a foreign policy part which was nothing short of historical, and an internal economics part which was very disappointing to say the least.  In fact, I would say that it was outright frightening.  I won’t post the full text here, but you can consult if for yourself by clicking here.  But here is my summary of Putin’s message: We will

Russia’s Response To European Capital Sanctions In One Word

by Tyler Durden for Zero Hedge While the West continues to press the “Russia is increasingly isolated” meme, it appears – as we noted ironically previously, that Vladimir Putin is finding plenty of friends… most notably China. While threats of ‘asymmetric’ retaliation over European sanctions may have been enough to worry Europe’s leaders, the slew of news overnight regarding increased cooperation between China and Russia is likely more damaging to
