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Tag "egyptian revolution"

Egypt’s revolution betrayed: Fuel for al-Qaeda fires

(Though I am personally far more critical of Morsi and his gang of losers, I do agree with Eric that Egypt future looks extremely bad – The Saker) by Eric Walberg During the past few months, dozens of Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood (MB) members have been murdered and their offices sacked and burned. The police openly refuse to protect them. Rather than ordering the opposition to drop their demand that Egypt’s

Egypt’s Morsi: Biting the bullet

by Eric Walberg At last Egyptian politics is moving. President Mohamed Morsi is slowly building on his summer ‘coup’, when he stared down Egypt’s generals and put his men in the top army and defence positions, following terrorist attacks in Sinai which the army, so old and bumbling, so involved in Egyptian internal politics, failed to prevent. Now, he has stared down Israel’s generals, and dealt as an equal with

There Never Was an Egyptian Revolution

by Ahmed Amr for Dissident Voice The thrill is gone, the euphoria has faded and our mass delusions have been swept away to make room for the reality that there never was an Egyptian revolution. Eight months after deposing the old despot, Egypt is now in the firm grip of a new and improved military dictatorship – the Supreme Counsel of the Armed Forces. Any lingering doubt about the intentions

Egypt’s pro-Israeli establishment strikes back

Al-Jazeera has just announced that the Egyptian military junta is: a) Re-activating “emergency laws” including b) Indefinite detention without trial c) State Security court trials Well, now the regime is showing its true face. It remains to be seen if it has the means to crush the people. Either way, the hatred for the Israel and the USA will only become deeper and more widespread. The Zionists are really in

Lovefest around the “Only Democracy In The Middle-East”

First, it was Erdogan who declared that henceforth the Turkish Navy would escort ships headed for Gaza with humanitarian aid.  It sounds fantastic, of course, but its all hot air.  Turkey is not going to confront the Israelis on the high seas because their US masters will simply not allow that.  Still, it says something about the public opinion in Turkey. But the really amazing thing is what happened in

Very interesting interview of Phyllis Bennis by Paul Jay

Many interesting issues are alluded to in this interview. I wonder if you guys could comment on the following topics: The Salafi <-> Muslim Brotherhood relation. Is there a “porous border” between these two groups? Does the MB have a salafist wing? The Foreign Ministry <-> Military relation. Is there a real power struggle taking place between these two ministries? Assuming that the USA will do all it can to
