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Tag "fear"

The ‘Underwear Bomber’ story reeks to high heaven

The Strange Case of Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab by Tom Burghardt for Dissident Voice Despite some $40 billion dollars spent by the American people on airline security since 2001, allegedly to thwart attacks on the heimat, the botched attempt by Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab to bring down Northwest Airlines Flight 253 over Detroit on Christmas Day was foiled, not by a bloated counterterrorist bureaucracy, but by the passengers themselves. Talk about validating

Americans treated like cattle, electric torture used everywhere

One of the most worrying trends in the US society since 911 has been the grotesque bloating of the power of the various intelligence, police and security forces in the USA. Even the TSA goons at the airport randomly yell at people not immediately obeying them. The ‘trademark’ of the new post 911 US is that those in authority now want to be obeyed immediately and if the citizen does
