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Tag "Fẹmi Akọmọlafẹ"

In Search of Enemies

By Femi Akomolafe for the Saker Blog A confession: I borrowed the title of this article from a disillusioned CIA agent, John Stockwell, who wrote the book, In Search of Enemies: A CIA Story. Let me share some quotes: “The CIA was casting about for the next war, amoral, ruthless, eager to do its thing. Its thing being covert little games where the action was secret and no one kept

It’s education, stupid!

By Fẹmi Akọmọlafẹ for the Saker Blog Maybe it is time the Collective West does something about its educational system. Watching the performances of Russians and Western officials, one immediately notices that the much-touted and ultra-expensive “education “ provided in the West today is actually not up to par. The Russian actions in Ukraine revealed a West where leaders remain emotional juveniles who continue to REACT jerkily to Russia’s deft
