By Femi Akomolafe for the Saker Blog
A confession: I borrowed the title of this article from a disillusioned CIA agent, John Stockwell, who wrote the book, In Search of Enemies: A CIA Story.
Let me share some quotes: “The CIA was casting about for the next war, amoral, ruthless, eager to do its thing. Its thing being covert little games where the action was secret and no one kept score.
But history increasingly keeps score, and the CIA’s operations are never secret for long. Inevitably they are exposed, by our press, by whistleblowers in our government, by our healthy compulsion to know the truth. Covert operations are incompatible with our system of government and we do them badly. Nevertheless, a succession of presidents and Henry Kissingers have been lured into questionable adventures for which, they are promised by the CIA, they will never be held accountable. Generally, they are not, they move on to sinecures before the operations are fully exposed. Our country is left to face the consequences.
Claiming to be our Horatio at the shadowy bridges of the international underworld, the CIA maintains three thousand staff operatives overseas. Approximately equal to the State Department in numbers of staff employees overseas, the CIA extends its influence by hiring dozens of thousands of paid agents. Operationally its case officers “publish or perish”-an officer who does not generate operations does not get promoted. The officers energetically go about seeking opportunities to defend our national security.
Already we are paying dearly for indulging ourselves. As we have succeeded in making ourselves more like our enemies, more like the KGB, the world has taken note. Throughout Africa, Latin America, and Asia, at least, every legitimate American businessman, teacher, and official is suspiciously viewed as a probable CIA operative, capable of dangerous betrayals. The world knows that, in fact, numbers of actual CIA case officers are posing as just such people, while they recruit agents, bribe officials, and support covert adventures. The positive contribution of such activity to our national security is dubious. But mounting numbers of victims, the millions of people whose lives have been trampled or splattered by CIA operations are increasingly cynical of America. Because of the CIA, the world is a more dangerous place. Americans have reduced credibility. Worst of all, by retaining the CIA we are accepting ourselves as a harsh and ruthless people. It’s the wrong game for a great nation. And the players we’ve got are losers.”
Alas, since Mr. Stockwell wrote his book in 1984, absolutely nothing has changed in how the US approaches the world. If anything, it has gotten worse; more and more victims of US unprovoked aggressions keep piling up as American officials got haughtier and naughtier and blood-thirstier.
I am not a geneticist, so I am unqualified to venture a guess as to whether a genetic defect is responsible for the inability of Europeans, whatever they call themselves wherever they find themselves, to coexist in harmony with either nature or their co-sojourners on the Earth that we all call home.
Of course, apologists will point to other places where human beings also kill one another.
I do not argue that cruelty and killings are peculiar only to Europeans.
I talk here about people who consider the unprovoked killing of human beings on industrial scales as a way of life! I refer to a people who must constantly generate and distribute anxiety and confrontation! I talk about people who are in a constant state of agitation and restlessness unless they are engaged in some antagonistic behavior. A people who believe in their divine right to dominate others, even if it means total extermination of indigenous populations.

History recorded the following:
Greece = Pelasgians
Rome = Etruscans
America = Native Indians
Australia = Aboriginals
New Zealand = Maoris
South Africa = Khoisans, Hottentots.
Let us not mentioned the truly horrendous masacres in Africa, India and South America by people who claim to be on civilizing missions.
Unlike most cultures that I know, the “free world” European culture appeared to be designed to engage in perpetual hatred of The Other.
One of the Culture Shocks that I experienced during my sojourn in Europe was the penchant to blame FOREIGNERS for everything that is wrong in society.
Unlike in Africa where we blame our stupid and inept leaders for keeping us pinned down in a neo-colonial state of underdevelopment, Europeans consider the Immigrant as the CAUSE of all their problems.
It’s just a way of life, and it did not start today, as history recalls bands of Germans (Judenschläger (Jewbeaters) and Armleder (‘arm leather’) were among the most notorious) who roamed the streets of 14th century Germany to seek and kill Jews who they blamed for everything wrong with their society.
Those who like to excuse Europe should point to a single example of other people who can match the records of European atrocities in Iraq, Libya, Syria, Somalia, Yemen, and Afghanistan. Let’s not mention small-scale wars against Grenada and the proxy wars against Nicaragua, etc.
It baffles greatly that just a few weeks after their ignominious and disastrous exit from their 20 or so years of rape and pillage in Afghanistan, Europeans are already engaged in a titanic, one might even call it existential, war with Russia.
And, like that was not troubling enough, they are already pivoting to beat the war drums against China in the Asia-Pacific region! The psychopath who was dismissed as Trump’s NSA even called for sending American troops into Taiwan! And, before we forget, they continue to threaten Iran with annihilation.
I don’t know of any other definition of Pure Insanity! It certainly cannot be considered NORMAL to simultaneously confront Russia, China, and Iran.
It is time that the question is asked: What exactly is wrong with the “free world”?
Why the unbridled penchant for unremitting confrontation and bloodletting?
The behavior of the “free world” disturbs greatly. Whichever way one throws it around, it is difficult to call it a Natural Behavior!
Thanks to V Putin, the war in Ukraine reveals to even the most skeptical what exactly the “free world” is – spoilt, untrustworthy, unprincipled, amoral, duplicitous, agreement-incapable, and very narcissistic people!
Let us not even begin to examine the arrogance which is largely born out of ignorance, especially of other cultures.
The “free world” does not know, and they don’t want to know that they do not know. Decades of indoctrination by the ideological institutions that they call universities have produced a people for whom history and culture are of no interest.
Incapable of learning or understanding history, geography, and culture the “free world” imagine a world where people still admire them and look up to a White Messiah. And like the spoilt brats that they are, the “free world” continue to delude themselves that the disgustingly decadent and degenerate ‘values’ that they propound are so much admired by other people that they should be violently imposed on the rest of us.
Russian SMO in Ukraine also reveals Westerners as the most abjectly-zombified people on earth.
What exactly do the “free world” leaders feed their people to make them so compliant and so bereft of any agency to ask critical questions?
The speed and the alacrity with which the “free world” jumped, at the say-so of their leaders, to condemn every Russian is simply beyond belief.
In his illuminating 1968 essay, ‘Social and Psychological preparation for war’, Jules Henry had this to say: “…It is clear, therefore, that in preparation for modern war an interdependent world political economy has within it sufficient conflicts of interest to make all nations potential enemies to all others. One of the ‘evolutionary achievements’ of modern culture has been to make the idea that ‘anybody can be my enemy at anytime’ acceptable. A consequence of the definition of the enemy as part of one’s own social system is a psychological predisposition to accept any nation at all as inimical when the government chooses to so define it.”
What makes it possible for the “free world” to be so easily streamlined overnight, and made to sing from official narratives without blinking eyelids? What makes it possible for a people who tout their rationality to cheer wildly as officials and official media cancel out alternative views?
Not even George Orwell could have envisioned the type of dystopia we see in the Collective West today.
To think that these same people gallivant around the Global South purporting to teach commodities like democracy, human rights, and press freedom to some savages!
Sanctimonious hypocrisy of the highest order!
For an observer from the Global South, it’s both funny and sad to watch as the Zombiefied and propagandized people in the West lost track of their bs propaganda.
Per their narratives at the beginning of the hostilities, the sweet darling Nazis in Ukrainian army uniforms have rolled over the godless, poorly-armed, and badly-led Russians – thanks to the superior firepower of the high-quality weapons the US/NATO/EU shipped to the gallant fighters who were resisting Russia’s unprovoked war of aggression.
That was the original script sold to the dummies in the West in February and March, and they greedily lapped it up!
Ukrainian refugees were welcomed with great enthusiasm by the same people who, a few months prior, maltreated non-white refugees who were escaping from the mayhem the West inflicted on their countries.
In manners that would have dismayed even George Orwell, Western institutions erased, rewrote, blatantly, and, rather audaciously, falsified history. Citizens in the West cheered wildly.
Blessed are the feeble-minded with absolutely no capacity to think critical thoughts
It simply beggared belief that Westerners can’t ask themselves elementary questions like If the Ukrainians are winning so handsomely, why were the Ukrainian kleptocratic misleaders still cajoling and ordering Western governments to ship more arms to the victorious army of Ukraine?
One would have thought that the all-conquering Ukrainian army, with even Ghosts fighting on its behalf, would have captured enough arms from the defeated Russians!
We are in July and while the Russians are not letting up on the grinding of the Ukrainian forces, the West has already lost interest in its latest misadventure.
Many Western countries have already announced that they have no more weapons to spare, and the EU’s powerhouse, Germany, has been reduced to dusting off ancient mothballed tanks to send off to battle against an already defeated Russians!
That’s when German officials are not too busy trying to placate an irascible and ungrateful Ukrainian officials with an obscene and gratuitous sense of entitlement.
Or maybe the Ukrainians should feel perfectly entitled since they were foolish enough to sell off their country for whatever pieces of silver they got!
The question here is: Why are Westerners so dumb that they cannot ask where their leaders who can’t find the money to repair their shattered economies, suddenly find the money to provide weapons to Nazis in Ukraine?
Another question: After the war is settled – in Russia’s favor (my bet), do Westerners expect the Russians to forgive them for providing support to Nazis 2.0?
For a people without enough resources to cater for themselves, and one that proclaims its rationality all the time, it is beyond belief that Westerners keep on searching for enemies!
Besotted with their self-generated image of superiority, Westerners appear to live in a bubble, unaware of what goes on outside their self-created cocoon.
The Russians made it plain what they felt about the West’s insane push to their borders. From President V Putin to FM Lavrov to the inimitable Spokeswoman for the Russian FM, Maria Zakharova, the Russians told whoever would listen that there were bound to be severe repercussions if their core security concerns were ignored.
Ignored them, the West did.
Last year, the Russians emphasized the urgency of their concerns by dispatching drafts of Treaties to both Washington and Brussels. The West rather haughtily brushed them aside. The Russians openly warned about taking “technical and military” means if the West persists in its folly.
The West arrogantly ignored the warnings.
Today, we are where we are, and those who refused to listen to the hunter’s cautionary whistle are lamenting that the Russians are no longer interested in talking.
One can only understand the surprise by the West that the Russians are no longer eager to listen to them only when one understands the narcissistic nature of a people who cannot think beyond the SELF.
Ask yourself why you will listen to a people with neither honor nor integrity who spew only bs? Why should one waste his ears listening to people who think that the breaking of agreements shows your smartness?
Having sold themselves the bs that the Russians will not fight or that they will crumble under ‘sanctions from hell’, the West has been exposed as a thoughtless bully with absolutely no capacity whatsoever for deep thinking.
Like most bullies, the West snarl and bark with the hope that the opponent will be scared off and fold under.
Sorry, the Russians are not folding. If anything they have considerably upped the ante in their confrontation with the hegemonic West.
The Russian Foreign Minister, Sergey Lavrov, plainly told the world via an interview with Rossiya 24 news channel: “Our special military operation is meant to put an end to the unabashed expansion [of NATO] and the unabashed drive towards full domination by the US and its Western subjects on the world stage… This domination is built on gross violations of international law and under some rules, which they are now hyping so much and which they make up on a case-by-case basis.”
Nothing could be plainer than this. The “free world” has finally overreached itself. It has ruled the world with both cynicism and disdain. Its selfish nature makes it impossible for Westerners to think that other people also have needs and interests.
Whichever way the war in Ukraine turns out – I don’t have any doubt that the Russians will dust off Ukraine, even if NATO steps in, the end of domination by the West is over!
With little resources of its own, and with the Russians exposing the hollowness of its loudly self-proclaimed military prowess, only a few people will take the Collective West as a serious people from now on.
The current depraved degenerate genitalia-worshipping idiots at the helm in the West have blown away the aura of invincibility their ancestors craftily constructed.
What any intelligent people should begin to do now is to engage in serious thoughts on how they will fit into the new geopolitical order that will soon be birthed.
A few years ago, I wrote a reply to one inebriated fantasist, Robert Cooper, who, in a piece, “The Post-Modern State,” essay in Reordering the World: the Long-term Implications of September 11, Foreign Policy Centre (London), 2002, suggested the recolonization of Africa.
I concluded my article thus: “It is not a question of if but when Europe would have lost it.
Both China and India have already become more important powers than ANY European country.
As the global power paradigm shifts inexorably away from Europe, the central question thus becomes: Who needs Europe with all her reckless bigotry, violence, virulent racism, cynicism, unbridled greediness, selfishness, rampant arrogance, immodesty, and wanton decadence?
When the baton is finally and irrevocably pass from Europe, perhaps the rest of mankind can finally leave Europe, with all her negative baggage, behind and march on to build a new relationship of mankind based on mutual love, respect, peace, fraternity, and solidarity…”
You can read the full article here:
It looks like the Great V Putin agreed with my assessment!
The words of Frantz Fanon ring true today as they did over half a century ago: “When I search for Man in the technique and the style of Europe, I see only a succession of negations of man, and an avalanche of murders…
“Leave this Europe where they are never done talking of Man, yet murder men everywhere they find them, at the corner of every one of their own streets, in all the corners of the globe. For centuries they have stifled almost the whole of humanity in the name of a so-called spiritual experience. Look at them today swaying between atomic and spiritual disintegration…”
Fẹmi Akọmọlafẹ is a writer and a published author.
His latest book, “Africa: a Continent on Bended Knees” is available on:
On Ghana Association of Writers Website:
“Greece = Pelasgians”
WHERE exactly did you pick that “history”? Pelasgians was simply a poetic/myth name for generally the people of eastern mediterranean. “Greeks” came into use centuries later, around 7-6th BC.
Spoiler: no, they didn’t kill themselves…
Pelasgians – legendary indigenous population of Greece.
Thank you to the author for an interesting article.
This article is correct in a sense where there was was a pre-Greek population that didn’t speak a Indo Eurpean language and it can be proven without doubt both by archeology,ancient sources and genetics. However according to those same researches there is also proven considerable genetic continuity between those folks and majority of modern Greeks pretty much since Neolothic meaning two communities the Mycenean Hellenes comming from north and Pelasgians blended together with elites gradually spreading their language and costumes and slowly merging with the “natives”.
Similar process happened with South Slavs who didn’t exterminate predecessor populations but absorbed them culturaly to a greater extent. One of the more nonsensical things Albanians do is claiming to be the only “natives of the Balkans” in order to justify a land grab by politicizing Pelasgian theory despite even by their own logic merely speaking Indo-European language means they had to have come from somewhere too (and I wont even go to how it makes no sense for their language to have evolved where they are located now, it had to have come from the interior since all their words for maritime life are borrowings). There is also overwhelming influence of both Slavic and Latin elements in their own ethnogenesis as well as an important import from Greek.
It doesn’t mean however that national identity is irrelevant or fake, it is a tangible thing that get stronger and more real depending on how early the process was finished,all nations are mixed and were forged in temptations and challenges through history over time while their identity was formed, it is nothing to be ashamed about.
Genetic research using the bones of the fallen warriors from the Marathon tomb,has proven almost 100% genetic continuity between them and moden Greeks.
Look it up, it was done by professor Manolis Triiantafyllidis and nobody has ever questioned it.
About the South Slavs and their settlement in greece,some facts:
1) They were in relatively small numbers
2) They were sort of invited by the then byzantine emperors because the countryside was somwehat depopulated for varuous reasons
3) It happened almost 1500 years ago
4)There early Slavs did not intermarry only among themselfs: they created families with the greeks and became quickly assimilated.
There was never a distinct slavic population in Greece and due to their small number they were absorbed.
Did they contribute to modern Greek dna?
Yes to a small degree,no question but not overwhelmingly.
About latin genetic influence: it never really tool place because most romans in greece were either legionaries or state employees.
Small in number and they either returned to Rome or married locals and assimilated.
Tjis is proved by the fact that latin language was never the everyday landuage in Greece.
Actually the Byzantines removed the South Slavs from Greece and Thrace and replaced them with people from Armenia, the Middle East, Italy, etc. as part of their “Themes”. The South Slavs were already living settled in the most southern parts of Greece – the Peloponnese when Byzantines start these themes.
The deportation of South Slavs started happening as the Byzantine Empire gained control over these parts. There is nothing in their writings of the Slavs being a newly arrived people.
“In early 7th century, Constans II made first mass-expulsions of Slavs from Greek peninsula…Justinian II…moved as many as 100-200,000 Slavs from Greek peninsula to Bithynia…
The Slavs were living in South East Europe in large numbers were first mentioned and called by that name. The Byzantines even wrote how they got the Slavs and the Antes (apparently a closely related people) to war with each other.
No,that’s false.
Byzantines never removed slavs.
The small number of slavs ALLOWED (capital letters for emphasis,not shouting) was assimilated with the indigenous greeks, like I mentioned earlier
You do know the difference between population removal/displacement and gradual assimilation, correct?
They also never imported people from the middle east and armenia in order to replace anyone.
They didn’t want to, had no reason to and was completely impractical with the transport means of the era.
And last, but not least, due to arab conquest the middle east was already lost when the slavs established!
No offence you have a lot of reading to do in order to understand the “Theme/Themata” model of governance and Greek history in general.
I don’t blame you, Greek history is huge and requires a lot of time to become somewhat informed, even for a Greek.
That’s why it’s important not to express opinion for stuff you are not sufficiently informed.
That’s all….
Oh come on…
There is no such thing as “pre-greek” population, except in the historical sense where different names prevailed at different eras. And there is no such thing as “indo-european” language either, except as a recently made-up bogus theory.
We are talking the same people and a usual evolution in time from early neo-lithic period.
Nothing called “greeks” came from outer space, or fell from the sky or appeared magically from a mysterious and undetermined ‘somewhere else’ …exterminating something called “pelasgians”.
“history recalls bands of Germans (Judenschläger (Jewbeaters) and Armleder (‘arm leather’) were among the most notorious) who roamed the streets of 14th century Germany to seek and kill Jews”
Looks like the Zionists in Apartheid Israhell love what the Germans did to their ancestors. How else can one explain the exact same goings-on, if not worse, in Occupied Palestine?
A magnificent description of what has been sold to the world as the white man’s heavy burden. His sacrifice of killing in the name of freedom and stealing in the name of the common good.
Just three Kinzhals in City of London, Washington. and Nato’s Headquarter in Brussel and its over.
No more enemies. We have peace and we have freedom.
If I had been in charge I would have resolved this case long time ago. But they always choose people without brain to lead the show. Thats why we are standing in the mud to our neck today!
You make a good point, Tommy, but one more for Langley, VA would be even better.
Que tal 2 piseidons na costa leste e mais 2 na costa oeste, cada um com 50 mgt?
Translation: How about 2 poseidons on the east coast and 2 more on the West Coast, each with 50 mgt?
The wave will roll back and there is risk someone during the wave will fire the entire arsenal, plus there will be a lot of innocent people drowning. Good try, but mine is still the best :-D.
that would be grate, but without a good leader in Russia this will never happen..
Tommy, I’ll add to your list Davos, Tel Aviv, Canberra, Ottawa, Pine Gap and the US marine base in Darwin, all US bases and airfields and docks (both civil and military) and at least a hundred other military installations elsewhere in the world.
And Hillary Clinton’s house just for giggles.
Gunna need a lot of missiles LOL
Femi, thank you, you perfectly analysed the “free world”, the sickness and twisted mentality of Europeans and American.
Thank you Saker for the selection of writers, only a native Chinese writer is missing Here, but they are hard to find.
Before mentioning stuff you do not know,better look them up.
Greeks did not exterminate pelasgians for the simplest reason: pelasgians co-habited Greece and Greeks themselves considered pelasgians their ancestors.
This is not my interpretation,it is written testimony by ancient Greek writers themselves.
Please do not falsify history and do not oversimplificate things in order to prove a point.
“I am not a geneticist, so I am unqualified to venture a guess as to whether a genetic defect is responsible for the inability of Europeans, whatever they call themselves wherever they find themselves, to coexist in harmony with either nature or their co-sojourners on the Earth that we all call home.”
Antes de mais nada, sendo europeu (Português) sempre condenei, sem qualquer hesitação, as políticas seguidas pelos europeus e americanos desde o fim da guerra fria, apesar do meu código genético ser manifestamente europeu.
Mas, com todo o respeito, parece-me que reduzir todos os males do mundo ao ethos europeu é talvez um pouco redutor.
A Europa, geográfica, étnica e culturalmente, não é uma massa uniforme, nem nunca o foi.
Para mais, a tendência “guerreira” dos seus povos não resulta de uma sua inerente tendência para o “mal”; foi antes forjada pelas constantes invasões de que, ao longo da história, foram sendo objecto, vindas de leste e do sul. E acredite que sei do que falo porque vivo num território que é testemunha dessas invasões e fracturas.
E quando me refiro aos povos europeus, incluo, evidentemente, o povo russo, o mais martirizado pelas sucessivas vagas invasoras, mas também o mais fortalecido física e espiritualmente, por elas.
Depois, é importante fazer uma distinção entre os povos europeus continentais e os das Ilhas Britânicas, sendo que estes últimos ou, pelo menos, os de origem anglo-saxónica/normanda, nunca se consideraram verdadeiramente europeus.
Finalmente, é necessário fazer uma grande distinção entre os povos de religião católica, protestante e ortodoxa.
O que sucede é que, actualmente, e depois de três guerras mundiais (incluo aqui a guerra fria) que literalmente a esmagaram e consolidaram o domínio anglo-saxónico sobre parte substancial do mundo após um incalculável sofrimento humano, a Europa e os seus povos são, com excepção da Rússia, Bielorússia e pouco mais, um continente submetido a uma ordem imperial, tal qual a América do Sul ou África.
E se os povos continentais protestantes aderiram desde o início a essa ordem com alguma facilidade, e aliás dela beneficiaram substancialmente -de tal forma que agora, aos olhos do mundo, são confundidos com ela- ( por um conjunto de razões muito complexas para expor num simples comentário), os católicos foram mais ou menos forçados a entrar nela, e os ortodoxos são os que, pelo menos parte deles, a ela mais têm resistido, EM TODO O MUNDO.
Em suma: aquilo a que hoje chamamos “ocidente” não mais é -como muitas vezes se tem referido neste site- que um império de raiz anglo-saxónica, com ramificações em todo o mundo, sobretudo nas elites de todas as suas etnias, europeias ou não; assim, sendo fácil -e redutor- confundi-lo com a Europa e os seus povos, amalgamando-os sem critério nem distinção, não me parece, com todo o respeito, que essa seja a realidade.
Gostaria de chamar a atenção para o autor do artigo que a civilização europeia continental, aquela que existiu na sua forma mais evidente até Agosto de 1914, talvez hoje seja melhor personificada precisamente pela actual Federação Russa, liderada pelo seu “Richelieu” contemporâneo, V. V. Putin.
Atrevo-me mesmo a dizer que a Rússia é o último reduto vivo ou, pelo menos, pujante, dessa civilização europeia, sistematicamente atacada, desde o sec XIX, pelos anglo-saxões.
Gostaria também de referir que dessa civilização Europeia nasceu também o conceito de soberania nacional (como primeiro configurado no tratado de westphalia) e que serviu de modelo para todo o mundo; uma das coisas de que muito me orgulho, como europeu, é da natureza eminentemente westphaliana do “movimento dos não alinhados”, que emergiu do pós segunda guerra mundial, e tão importante foi para a criação da ordem multipolar que agora nasce. Aliás, muito surpreendido fico que pouco se fale disso.
Também foi da civilização europeia que nasceu a mais anti imperialista das doutrinas, o marxismo que, apesar de todas as suas falhas e erros, serviu de modelo para a luta contra o império, em todo o mundo.
E não posso deixar de referir que essa civilização, ao que sei, foi a única -juntamente com a Chinesa nalguns dos seus períodos- que no auge do seu poder questionou a moralidade das suas acções, nomeadamente pondo em causa, a dada altura, a sua própria ordem imperial e acabando, pelo menos formalmente, com a escravatura.
Se os quase quinhentos anos de domínio Europeu do mundo foram particularmente sangrentos e dolorosos, foram-no mais porque os europeus adquiriam meios técnicos que os imperialistas anteriores nunca haviam detido, do que pelo seu código genético.
Excepção feita, obviamente, aos Anglo-Saxões que, no fundo, continuam a ser os Piratas que sempre foram.
Mas, talvez por isso, foram eles que prevaleceram, pelo menos até agora.
First of all, being European (Portuguese) I have always condemned, without any hesitation, the policies followed by Europeans and Americans since the end of the Cold War, despite my genetic code being manifestly European.
But, with all due respect, it seems to me that reducing all the evils of the world to the European ethos is perhaps a bit reductive.
Europe, geographically, ethnically and culturally, is not a uniform mass, nor has it ever been.
Moreover, the “warlike” tendency of their peoples is not the result of their inherent tendency towards “evil”; rather, it has been forged by the constant invasions they have been subjected to throughout history, from the East and the South. And believe me, I know what I’m talking about because I live in a territory that is witness to these invasions and fractures.
And when I refer to the European peoples, I include, Of course, the Russian people, the most martyred by the successive invading waves, but also the most physically and spiritually strengthened by them.
Next, it is important to make a distinction between the continental European peoples and those of the British Isles, the latter of which, or at least those of anglo-Saxon/Norman origin, never considered themselves truly European.
Finally, it is necessary to make a great distinction between the peoples of Catholic, Protestant and Orthodox religion.
What is happening is that, at present, and after three World Wars (I include the Cold War here) which have literally crushed it and consolidated anglo-Saxon rule over a substantial part of the world after incalculable human suffering, Europe and its peoples are, with the exception of Russia, Belarus and little else, a continent subjected to an imperial order, like South America or Africa.
And if the Protestant continental peoples from the beginning adhered to this order with some ease, and indeed benefited substantially from it-so that now, in the eyes of the world, they are confused with it- ( for a set of reasons too complex to state in a simple comment), the Catholics have been more or less forced into it, and the Orthodox are the ones who, at least part of them, have resisted it the most, throughout the world.
In short: what we call “the West” today is no longer-as has often been said on this website – an empire with anglo-Saxon roots, with ramifications throughout the world, especially in the elites of all their ethnic groups, European or not; thus, being easy-and reductive – to confuse it with Europe and its peoples, amalgamating them without criterion or distinction, it does not seem to me, with all due respect, that this is the reality.
I would like to draw attention to the author of the article that continental European civilization, the one that existed in its most obvious form until August 1914, is perhaps today best personified precisely by the current Russian Federation, led by its contemporary “Richelieu”, V. V. Putin.
I even dare to say that Russia is the last living or at least thriving stronghold of that European civilization, systematically attacked since the nineteenth century by the anglo-Saxons.
I would also like to point out that from this European civilization was also born the concept of national sovereignty (as first configured in the Treaty of westphalia) and that it served as a model for the whole world; one of the things that I am very proud of, as a European, is the eminently Westphalian nature of the “Non-Aligned Movement”, which emerged after the Second World War, and was so important for the creation of the multipolar order that is now being born. In fact, I am very surprised that little is said about it.
It was also from European civilization that the most anti-imperialist of doctrines was born, Marxism which, despite all its flaws and errors, served as a model for the struggle against Empire, throughout the world.
And I cannot fail to mention that this civilization, as far as I know, was the only one-along with the Chinese in some of its periods – that at the height of its power questioned the morality of its actions, namely by calling into question, at some point, its own imperial order and ending, at least formally, slavery.
If the nearly five hundred years of European domination of the world were particularly bloody and painful, it was more because Europeans acquired technical means that previous imperialists had never possessed, than because of their genetic code.
The Anglo-Saxons are, of course, the Pirates they have always been.
But perhaps that is why they have prevailed, at least so far.
saltoafronteira on July 16, 2022 · at 7:16 am EST/EDT
You are in all these extra pieces of information but I think that the aim of the author was centered in the ‘big picture’, necessarelly sintetic in nature. Yes, the recent History of Russia and even of China is kind of heritage of European culture, fitted to national constraints. At the end, is the development of the economic infrastructure that crushes the ideological superstructure from time to time, giving space to the release of productive forces blocked for a long time. What are we seeing now? USA and it’s vassal states trying to stop international trade, the most powerfull force of peace. For this to be fixed, China and Russia have a plan. It is of Africa and Latin America interest to pick the right side. May be Europe decide to join latter
I absolutely agree with your analisis.
However, I believe it is wrong to define peoples and nations based on its geographical and/or genetical origin, the way the author of this article did. After all, ins’t that one of the dangerous evils the russians are fighting against in Ukraine ?
Yes, Europe must begin its own via crucis while the economy and the empire crumble, and yes, perhaps that’s the only way to discover our way for the future.
However, I dont think it to be a good beginning, for the defenders of the new multipolar order, to declare, so passionately, to embrace the same perversions and evils the ukrainians embraced, however casually, en passant, it is dropped.
I agree with this. I also agree that there have been many evils committed by people of European descent over time. But the kind of gross generalization displayed in the article is one of the tools which was used to justify such evils.
I have observed that the greatest evils of the past century have all involved the manipulation of identity, whether it is world wars, invasions, genocide or more subtly the present corruption of western society. And the manipulation of identity usually depends on bad history.
We see the article’s generalizations resonating amongst some of the more nuke happy readers who are all too ready to use its thesis to advocate evils of their own. Perhaps it is easier to see the flaws of this thinking for someone who is their target.
I am “all” European in my origin. I carry a very rare yDNA signature which is associated with Europe’s indigenous hunter gatherers – whose male population in most of the continent was eliminated by later settlers and invaders. But I also have significant autosomal DNA from those same invaders. I believe that if we look into every human population we will find that this is the universal story of mankind.
Many years ago a Chinese student friend asked me how I felt about being “Caucasian“ in view of the many evils perpetrated by people like Hitler and through slavery and colonialism. I replied that my view was that white people are no better or worse than anyone else but that they as a whole have affected the world more than any other group both for better and for worse.
It is a matter of greater agency, and it may well be that that agency is coming to an end and that some of the bills for past abuses of power may be coming due. If so, that judgment is in God’s hands. There is no room for false pride nor false shame. We are all sinners capable of the most wicked things. And to anyone who is given much, much will be required.
Let’s also not forget the technologkes that we take for granted nowadays, such as this one.
Powerfull words.
Russia now, as the Soviet Union previously, found in the African continent the most attentive listeners. Africa, full of natural resources but still unable to enjoy them, will become the hinge of the next transformations. No wonder Russia is not in a hurry, is the international political perpective that really matters.
The empire of lies thought Russia will not fight. Their soft power cultural approach would do the job, even inside Russia. As a consequence of this miscalculation, conquered Ucraine is going to be lost, and the EU is to be diluted into an American extraction colony. For how long…
In the meantime the war against Slavic Russia is the Kenyan Barack Obama’s war and the Democratic Party=The Black Lives Matter Party’s war against Slavic Russia.
Perhaps Russia should import a million Nigerian Legal Immigrants a year into Russia.
There we go, text book Western racist obsession with the evil other, perhaps Western predatory financial and government destabilization from Europe and the U.S. should leave Africa.
Losing is bad, but it can serve as learning, and everyone in the global South, Africa and Asia knows it. With every blow of the European pirates, immeasurable suffering befell these peoples, but they learned to resist (there was no other way).
Today we see things reversed and those who have always mastered, sacked and destroyed are going through the mourning of loss. A tip for those who have not yet understood their feelings and want to justify the absurdities and 500 years of Western nonsense.
Watch your feelings fit.
1 – Denial
2 – Anger
3 – Bargain
4 – Depression
5 – Acceptance
You forgot to mention Zulus, Mongols, Japanese (in WW 2). ALL humans are capable of murder on a grand style. It’s just America’s turn now.
““When I search for Man in the technique and the style of Europe, I see only a succession of negations of man, and an avalanche of murders …”
Much in western society is accounted for by its negation of positive manhood and the corresponding replacement of rational thought with feminized and easily manipulated emotional decision making.
The phenomenon appears to be inherent in the culture, facilitated and encouraged by its corporate financial environment, nowhere more so than throughout the anglosphere, having little, if anything, to do with any importation of others.
The writer of the article mentioned George Orwell and the book “1984” came to mind What is called “Oceania” is what is euphemistically called “the international community” aka “the free world”. Can’t getting any more Orwellian than that.
I remember having read one of Franz Fanon’s books when I was in the university. Unfortunately I am not sure if it was either “The Wretched of the Earth” or “Black Skin, White Mask”. Either way, it really opened up my eyes as a young man of color.
Indeed. The former Soviet republics were generally known by individual name by US corporations until the last decade, at which point they mysteriously became more collectivised as “Eurasia”.
Those living on the African continent (and Asia) of course know this well, but Russia, Ukraine and some other former Soviet countries continue to train many doctors, scientists, military professionals, etc. who then usually return home with their newly acquired skills. This legacy from the Soviet era always struck me as being what international relations should be about.
The great tragedy is that all this was totally unnecessary. After 1989, as after 1919, there was a very real prospect of an era of unparalleled peace and prosperity. Some measure of stability and conflict resolution were brought to South Africa and Northern Ireland. With a minimal amount of goodwill and common sense, remaining seemingly intractable disputes like Palestine could have been settled. But the opportunity was squandered. Instead, one bloodbath followed another, mayhem piled upon mayhem. Afghanistan, Iraq, Gaza, Iraq again, Gaza again, and Gaza again, Lebanon, Palestine, Syria, Yemen, Somalia, Congo, Ethiopia, the list is endless. Millions of lives lost, millions maimed and bereaved, tens of millions of refugees, trillions of dollars expended for no tangible result whatsoever.
And now events have reached their logical conclusion, direct Great Power conflict already a reality, and with the prospect of simultaneous wars against Russia, Iran and China, and nuclear Armageddon, staring us in the face. We will be very fortunate if this is avoided. We can only rely on the Grace of God. If we have to rely on the wisdom of the Bidens and the Johnsons and the von der Leyens of this world, then heaven help us.
The very best that can be hoped for is that the worst is avoided, and we “merely” experience endemic, sustained instability, insecurity and uncertainty, together with grinding poverty and austerity, always on the verge of another explosion. Or maybe not. Maybe Armageddon would be a more desirable outcome at least to put us out of our misery.
Terribly misleading assumptions. The author tries to build a timeline of “western” guilt.
The Pelasgians date back to the time when Greeks hadn’t coalesced yet. Ionians,Dorians,etc.
Jump forward to Mycenaean era and Pelasgians are still there.
The Etruscans were the ruling power of Italy of which Latins were an offshoot.
We can throw in Japan methodical colonisation of Eastern Asia and modern day Israel.
To say nothing of Russian and Chinese history.
Or the Mongols
It’s almost as if conflict and conquest is a universal phenomenon.
When commiting murder, justify that someone else does it to, I’m sure a judge would let you off for that. Typical shallow and insipid Western aboutism argument.
Except in this case, there’s no trial for the other murders. In fact; there are no arrests. Just one.
And yes, if people committing the same acts get different judgements, you absolutely can argue to a judge to let you go.
It’s called jurisprudence.
In my opinion more of a timeline of facts not guilt. We need to acknowledge and move on and start building bridges to the over half of the world and join humanity. I congratulate Saker for publishing this article.
“It’s almost as if conflict and conquest is a universal phenomenon.”
Because it is.
Conquest…the story of human kind…skin color regardless.
From the author: “America = Native Indians”
No such group.
We’re all migrants…and as for American Indians…the Aztecs, Incas, Pueblos all came across the Bering Straits from Asia…and ‘stole’ (conquered) each other’s land for centuries without any help from ‘White Europeans’…thank you very much.
As to the Romans and Greeks, history often said with regards to culture that ‘Captive Greece took Rome Captive.’
But if you go farther back to the first ‘Romans’ in Italy as the refugees from Troy…
…it may be more accurate to say ‘Captive Troy took Greece Captive.’
I shall bite. I think a more scientific approach to understanding colonialism (including Mongol and other central/east Asian, and e.g. Bantu and meso-American expansions) is through soft metal metallurgy. In the Eurasian case, it goes back much further.
Soft metal deposits always contain lead (Pb) in substantial concentration, e.g. copper and gold. In antiquity, there was little protection available from the lead poisoning that results from soft metal smelting, and modern technologies are typically needed to avoid same.
The resulting prenatal and infant lead poisoning results in a generation of thugs, resulting in the formation of empire. This is typical in Eurasia, meso-America, and due to the sub-Saharan African focus on iron metallurgy over soft metals (copper and its alloys being used mainly for cult and status objects rather than everyday objects), very slow imperial activity (the Bantu expansions taking millenia, with intermarriage with previous groups being much more common than genocide), except due to surface deposits (Ghana as an example; compare Egypt and Anatolia with similar surface deposits).
As lead (Pb) poisoning leads to reproductive harm, there is genetic selection against uptake per unit exposure. Thus imperialism can become attenuated over centuries (while soft metal metallurgy continues), until the mines become unprofitable/the deposits run out, with sudden imperial collapse, if other economic causes do not cause collapse first.
When a soft metal metallurgy practicing imperially expanding ethnic group conquers a non-soft metal metallurgy practicing ethnic group, due to the different rates of uptake per unit exposure, the conquered ethnic groups may become much more thuggish than the conquerers. Witness Maori perpetrated genocides and ditto Bantu (amaZulu e.g.) empires upon contact with the Europeans. Alternatively, when a newly soft-metal metallurgy practicing ethnic empire conquers those that already have practiced soft metal metallurgy for a long time (e.g. Mongols in east Asia with Chinese, Koreans, Japanese, Vietnamese), they are merely seen as thugs.
Another matter—the (western sponsored) genocidal Ugandan invasion of Rwanda—aside from Herman and Peterson’s book, and essays and interviews e.g. by Chris Black, the Military II trial transcripts are available online. I look forward to your comments.
“The Russian Foreign Minister, Sergey Lavrov, plainly told the world via an interview with Rossiya 24 news channel: “Our special military operation is meant to put an end to the unabashed expansion [of NATO] and the unabashed drive towards full domination by the US and its Western subjects on the world stage… This domination is built on gross violations of international law and under some rules, which they are now hyping so much and which they make up on a case-by-case basis.””
I don’t see how the SMO can do all that. It can put an end to NATO expansion depending on its result, as it did already regarding the announced expansion into Ukraine and Georgia made years ago (in the first decade of this century). It sounds like wishful thinking or arbitrary to say that the SMO alone can end that “unabashed drive.” An economic collapse (nobody wants) could do that. Of course, a real “war” that is lost can change all and do that.
Due to the SMO, the word “war” was criminalized in Russia right after the SMO began, together with the word “invasion.” This declaration is like the other side of the coin of that. It’s “too much talking.” Then they say they want to negotiate an end to the war.
“Whichever way the war in Ukraine turns out – I don’t have any doubt that the Russians will dust off Ukraine, even if NATO steps in, the end of domination by the West is over!”
This end of domination is the end of the “unabashed drive” Lavrov mentioned. In this quote, it is a a wish, really, an expectation, a desire….It’s a prediction that may come true for reasons larger than the SMO, as is clear from other declarations. Putin talks about a new tide of history, of a “multipolar world” that is “inevitable” (of something much larger than his SMO).
“…healthy compulsion to know the truth.”
There are levels and few love “truth”, right? There is that healthy compulsion but it ends when the truth “hurts.” Still, mankind is good and noble; Immanuel Kant highlighted that beautifully. Kant said “Education” is the solution to the problems.
In 1775, 13 self-governing colonies of the King of England revolted, citing taxation without representation, leading to a Revolution War. In 1776, those 13 colonies declared their independence from the King of England. In response, the King sent his navy and army to battle the colonies, secured many ports and forts, caused thousands of deaths, and very nearly captured the main army fielded by the former colonies. Facing defeat after defeat, the former colonies requested the aid of the King’s enemy, France. By 1778, the King of France responded by sending materiel and troops to the newly, self-declared, independent states. France’s contribution was decisive, leading to the defeat of the English King’s forces, and the rest is history.
In 2014, an Imperial, foreign country caused a bloody coup in Ukraine to unseat the democratically elected government and usurp the constitution. The peoples of the Donbass objected to the removal of their right to representation, and declared their wish to be autonomous. The Donbass requested the aid of the Imperial’s enemy, Russia. Russia proposed the 2 sides negotiate a peaceful settlement, and this proposal was accepted and promoted by the countries of Europe. The 2 sides did negotiate an Accord, but the unelected government of Ukraine refused to accept and ratify the accord they, themselves, negotiated. From 2014, the unelected government in Ukraine committed violence and atrocities against the peoples of the Donbass, causing a minimum of 14,000 deaths of innocent civilians. Desperate for security and freedom from tyranny, the people of Donbass again requested the aid of Imperial’s enemy, Russia. In 2022, Russia responded by sending materiel and troops to the Donbass, for the express purpose of liberating those people and enabling them to secure their independence.
The above are parallels separated only by time. In 1776, the Imperial King refused to accept the human rights of the citizens of the new states in their self-declared independence. In 2022, the Imperial President refuses to accept the human rights of the citizens of the new states in their self-declared independence.
There was no King of England in 1775! The Act of Union created an United Kingdom, and there was a King of the United Kingdom.
I love the swish of your pen, dear sir. As a South African whitey, I experienced the same hubris, sanctimony and hypocrisy in boarding school as a teenager.
The result is my anti-authoritarianism and resistance as I joined Iran as soon as I was able to.
Don’t fear for Africa as it will be the center of manufacture and agriculture before this century is out!!!
Masters of the Universe
Rulers of the Earth
We decide who lives or dies
which laws and lies are birthed
We are right and moral
with only good intentions
but if by chance you don’t concede
we’ll stage an intervention
Here is your new leader
we chose him just for you
the other guy is gonna die
and we’ve arranged a coup
Our good and faithful minions
share all of our opinions
so if you want to live
here’s what yer gonna do
Arrest our competition
and buy our submarines
and force your population
to submit to our vaccines
Jjust do as you are told
don’t make us use the stick
for we can be quite ruthless
when we want to be a prick.
Why get confuse between Europe and the US? What is the bias for? Most European didn’t want war with Russia. We have been dragged into it by the US through Nato. Very clearly Europe is going to be sufferings from this war if our leaders and people can’t find a way out. Yes historically the rulers in the US are of Europeans roots. But the US and Europe are very different.
I repeat to say, whenever this kind of articles comes to see the light at Saker, this is the most fantastic article I ever read. A fantastic bit of gospel. This is the future for all of us. Blessings from heaven. There is a future for us without a this western satanism. My soul is uplifted again. That happens nearly every time I go to the saker. And here we are reading this God-given gospel of today.Keep going Femi….!
That’s a religious experience, not politics, and you well described what others just say timorously.
I have lived in Spain for a long time as an immigrant and I have not had many problems because of it; what I do observe is the enormous nihilism of Spanish society and the degeneration that politicians have promoted for decades so that most of the people do not ask uncomfortable questions about their situation; to further derision we are called to vote for political oligarchies without electing anyone …they call this Democratic Fiesta.
Sounds like a load of racist tosh to me. But it seems to be flavour of the month to whack whitey by saying combined west instead of ‘those white people’. I’ll say it again, for those of you who aren’t paying attention, ‘Find me the English (Anglo Saxon/Celtic) person in the British cabinet.’
We are under an occupation government. Mushrooms, kept in the dark and fed bullshit.
Kaka mwafrika ameongea sauti ya kiafrika!
Translation: An African brother has spoken the african voice.
And to the saker team, asante sana, thank you very much, probably the west from this article will appreciate why Africa stands with Russia.
The West is not free. It’s occupied by a blood thirsty death cult that rules through brutality and deceit.
The people are either bribed into compliance, demoralized, or held in check by substantial threats.
The governments of the G7 are run by a globalist cabal that hates their own native peoples and is actively seeking to destroy them.
They justify themselves by substituting a false morality, i.e. wokism, that pretends the native people are full of irrational hatred for immigrants and LGBT. That was never the case until they manufactured it. But they still must export it to the world as if promoscious sexuality is some high cause.
Where does Putin say this? Can you provode a link?
Here is a link to an interesting article that tries to unpack what is meant by a “rules based order?”
South Africa Khoisa and Hottentots, really? That ‘s the language of people who violently dispossessed us in SA, trying to historically write us out of the geography of our country. And by the way, I did not know that the KGB organised coup de tat like the Americans did as comfirmed by John Bolton.
“Worst of all, by retaining the CIA we are accepting ourselves as a harsh and ruthless people. It’s the wrong game for a great nation. And the players we’ve got are losers.”
Every time a good person rises up to guide the world to a better place, the CIA steps up to extinguish the flame. But the best part is we pay them, classic.
That the CIA should be disbanded and then tried for their many crimes against humanity is obvious. However, the author paints with a rather broad brush. Both the US and Europe have been taken over by multinational corporations and their lackeys and in no way do they promote the interests of their respective peoples or reflect those peoples values. Elections in both the US and Europe are entirely fraudulent. Thus, the people have no real say in what their governments do. The author correctly notes that it is the responsibility of the people to throw off these evil rulers and replace them with a government for the benefit of the people and not the wealthy corporations. We shall see if the white man retains any backbone or if he will just go quietly into that good night.
My issue though is with the contention that the white man is inherently evil and every other race is just waiting for the chance to get rid of whitey so they can sing kumbayah while roasting marshmallows over the campfire. “When the baton is finally and irrevocably pass from Europe, perhaps the rest of mankind can finally leave Europe, with all her negative baggage, behind and march on to build a new relationship of mankind based on mutual love, respect, peace, fraternity, and solidarity…”
This is incredibly naive and historically ignorant. World history did not start in 1900 although the dominance of white nations over the rest of the world clearly solidified thereafter. But the white man did not invent slavery or empire or genocide. These things have been around since early human beings gathered in tribes.
The now beloved and idolized American Indians were constantly at war with each other and would wipe out entire enemy tribes, men, women and children. The Mayans and the Aztec empires practiced human sacrifice, cannibalism, slavery and genocide against other tribes. Pol Pot murdered millions of Cambodians. Mao Zedong murdered millions of Chinese. Is it better to murder your own people or foreign people? Does it matter to the dead?
There were many empires throughout history and not all of them were Greek and Roman. There was an Egyptian Empire, a Mongol Empire, the Han Dynasty, the Ming Dynasty, the Hittite Empire, the Assyrian Empire, the Zulu Empire. The list goes on and on. You don’t become an empire without conquering and slaughtering people.
In Africa, the Rwandans committed genocide against the Tutsi. In Syria and Iraq, muslims are committing genocide against the Yazidis, Shiites, and Assyrian Christians. War has been raging in the Congo, Sudan and Chad for years.
So, its either record shattering ignorance or simply bald-faced lies to claim that the white man is the root of all evil and every other race is just wonderful and full of rainbows and unicorn farts. The reality is that humans are imperfect and some are evil and the evil ones inevitably rise to power to commit evil deeds. The white man’s empire will eventually fall as all empires do. And the next oppressor’s face will be Chinese, or African, or Hispanic. Pretending that getting rid of the white man will change anything is just setting the stage for genocide against white people. And the beat rolls on.
Bravo! This is a good read. I enjoy every part of it.
This is an excellent article, but it was the Bantu originating from Nigeria that wiped out the most Khoisan in Africa.
The previous Khoisan range stretched from Cape Town up till Somalia, the Bantu migration eastwards and southwards then “disappeared” the Khoisan up till basically the Fish River in the Eastern Cape. The Bantu couldn’t migrate further because their summer rainfall crops weren’t suited to the winter rainfall region of the Cape, plus the Cape is an arid, drought prone region.
The White settlers then arrived in the Cape to finish the job the Bantu settlers has started. So, the biggest portion of the blame for “disappearing” the original inhabitants of Southern Africa, the oldest people in the world, the Khoisan, lies with the Bantu originating from Nigeria.
As to “venture a guess as to whether a genetic defect is responsible for the inability of Europeans,” of course there IS a genetic defect, and it is rooted in Satanism! It does defect the genes it infects, and purposes to spawn not just Western Europe but the entire human race. Even at that, its roots precedes Earth humanity, harking into the galaxies, well beyond our solar system. Its prize is series of entire planetary destructions, i.e., burnt-out planets. It is no coincidence that majority of peace-loving citizens of all nations, consciously or intuitively, even call it religiously, back Putin in the historic mission to end this scourge of Western darkness reasonably and systematically. Putin is not only being supported, I believe he is also being guided against the tactics of the very scourge that must be purged. Long live Russia!
Brilliant piece! An accurate rendition of informed viewpoint in the African world. Continental and Diasporan. Well done, The Saker!
Surprise, surprise.
The Euro-American snowflakes here are getting triggered by Mr. Akọmọlafẹ’s illuminating article, as he calls out “Western Civilization” for its sociopathic character and serial crimes against humanity.
Here are some of the alibis that Euro-Americans always peddle in response to the exposure of their malign “civilization”:
1. But, but other cultures and nations have done bad things too!
This is called the deflection or WhatAboutism alibi.
2. It’s a few bad apples, an isolated incident, and in no way reflective of “our true values of Freedom and Democracy”!
This is the “few bad apples” or “freedom and democracy” alibis.
3. You making unfair generalizations and tarring an entire people!
As if tarring an entire people isn’t what Euro-Americans have done for centuries with their instinctive anti-Black, anti-Muslim, anti-Arab, anti-Asian racism, etc.
America in particular has for the past generation tarred an entire people through its Islamophobia, Sinophobia, and Russophobia.
This is the hypocritical “unfair generalization” alibi.
4. It’s the Jews fault! Or it’s all the fault of “Globalists/Deep State”! America in particular is just an innocent victim that is secretly controlled by the Jews/Globalists/Deep State. So every crime that America has ever committed is not really America’s fault.
This is the Jews/Globalist alibi.
5. Rinse and repeat all of the above.
The conga line of All-American alibis never ends.
Except that those who accuse the author of making unfair generalizations about Euro-American people are unlikely to be the same individuals who engaged in said anti-nonwhite racism to begin with. Which immediately proves the point once again – it’s never black or white (pardon the expression).
One side doing it does not justify the other side doing it too. It’s still immoral regardless of who’s doing it.
Except that those who accuse the author of making unfair generalizations about Euro-American people are unlikely to be the same individuals who engaged in said anti-nonwhite racism to begin with.
How do you know that? Your assertion is debatable.
And all the whining about unfair generalizations from the Euro-American snowflakes avoids a fundamental issue: Is the generalization accurate?
It most likely is accurate. And that is precisely whey these snowflakes here are getting triggered.
Take America, for example. The United States of America has been at war for the vast majority of its 240-year bloodthirsty history.
Only 15 Years of Peace In The History of the United States of America
Given this history of America’s forever wars, one can accurately say that America is not a peace-loving nation but the very opposite: America is a war-loving nation and indeed a preeminent war criminal nation.
I won’t argue about the USA, but my question was with regards to the people who live there abd other parts of the so-called ‘Zone A’.
How do we determine if the writer’s generalization is accurate?
Here’s what I’m thinking: if it were the other way around – that is, if a white guy made a similar generalization about non-white people – would it be met with the same amount of criticism that the generalization made by the writer is currently getting? Is it a one-way street?
“I won’t argue about the USA”
“the so-called ‘Zone A’.”
“How do we determine if the writer’s generalization is accurate?”
Generalisations are always misguided and therein lie their opportunities for some, and protection for some others, in facilitation of “How to drown a drowning man with the minimum of blowback ?”, hence the evaluation standard of utility is “inaccuracy quotient”, sometimes known as “The American Dreams”.
Waaahhh, history doesn’t support my racism so I’ll make up a funny word called whataboutism to disregard all of human history and just continue hating people solely based on their skin color and where they were born! BRILLIANT!
If “Euro-Americans” have tarred entire peoples through racism why would you want to be like them and do the exact same thing you claim they do? Its truly amazing how many excuses racists can come up with for their racism. You may want to seek out God to heal all the hatred within you. Otherwise, you’re simply doing Satan’s work and continuing the cycle of irrational hate against entire groups of people you don’t even know.
“I won’t argue about the USA”
“the so-called ‘Zone A’.”
“How do we determine if the writer’s generalization is accurate?”
Generalisations are always misguided and therein lie their opportunities for some, and protection for some others, in facilitation of “How to drown a drowning man with the minimum of blowback ?”, hence the evaluation standard of utility is “inaccuracy quotient”, sometimes known as “The American Dreams”.
“The current depraved degenerate genitalia-worshipping idiots at the helm in the West have blown away the aura of invincibility their ancestors craftily constructed.”
Beware of sole agency, since they got by with a little help from their “partners” – (apologies “friends” would be a gross misrepresentation) -, including but not limited to their “citizens”.
“It is time that the question is asked: What exactly is wrong with the “free world”?”
Simple really, they are in fear of losing free access to other peoples resources for free.
I disagree with only one thing in this article: Africa is not underdeveloped. Africa is overexploited – by the same western oligarchies this article mentions at length.
However, I think African nations are catching on fast. I hope they exit the current neocolonial trap and very soon become a powerhouse in their own right.
give them some time! they’ve only had 500,000 years!
Europeans are so evil! I wonder why so many millions of people want to live in our countries then? Maybe they would be better off at home.
Truth presented powerfully.