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Tag "g7"

Trump and the bubbles from a sunken (old) world

This article was written for the Unz Review: First, a confession: I really don’t know how the corporate media has covered the Trump trip to NATO and the G7 summit. Frankly, I don’t really care – it’s been a long while already since I stopped listening to these imperial shills. There is a risk in completely ignoring them, and that risk is the risk to say “white” when everybody

G7 Boldly Displays Its Lies Regarding Anti-Russia Sanctions

by Eric Zuesse The official statement from the G7 group, of leading industrialized countries, publicly exposes the entire G7 group, by basing on provable and even blatant lies, the group’s support for continuation of Barack Obama’s anti-Russia sanctions. In its statement at the conclusion of the meeting of the G7 countries on May 27th, the G7 nations — the U.S. (who dictate to the others), plus the six others (who
