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Tag "Gavin Don"

Violent Political Organizations – an opinion

by Gavin Don An old Chinese curse runs “may you live in interesting times”. These are interesting times. Today’s geopolitical strategists learned their trade in a bi-polar world, in which two clear competing ideologies wrestled for global dominance within a fairly weak framework of international law. Occasionally the wrestling match became violent, but for the most part lethal violence was confined to wars between states – North Korea against South

Will the air campaign defeat Islamic State?

by Gavin Don The Islamic State is not yet a state (imagine IS at the UN) but I was working yesterday on economic and oil forecasts for Iraq and Syria, and the thought struck me that although IS is not a state, its economy is larger than many actual states. Consider.  IS has sliced  approximately 5 million Iraqis and probably another 5 million Syrians out of the economies of Iraq
