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Tag "Here Comes China"

Here comes China: The world rotated one more time

By Amarynth for the Saker Blog The world rotated one more time since the last report on China. So, what do we know? China is rock-solid behind Russia in all of Russia’s objectives, and in some instances, up ahead. It almost seems as if an agreement was, if not stated, then understood. Russia will do the shootin’ for now, and China will keep the economic boat afloat. We see consistent

Here comes China (and they don’t stop!)

By Amarynth for the Saker Blog and collaborating with Godfree Roberts’ Newsletter, Here Comes China Biden / Xi Summit. In perfect Chinese diplomatic terms, it looks like business as usual. Taken outside of the perfect diplomatic terms, it is a true spanking. Let’s take one paragraph only and remember a few things first: Washington, as usual, threatened and danced something like the haka and warned Xi not to support Russia

Sitrep China: As the competitors start entering the newly constructed Olympics villages the war beat goes on

By Amarynth and the Here Comes China Newsletter by Godfree Roberts What were we talking about just three or four months ago? Remember? China was going to imminently attack Taiwan. There was wall-to-wall coverage. The jingoism did not work. Nobody attacked Taiwan. China stated that Taiwan will be integrated with the mainland at the right time, and follow the correct procedure. China is dealing with a recalcitrant province that historically

Here Comes China: From Clichéd Debt Trap to Democracy Trap with peripheral hot spots.

By Amarynth for the Saker Blog “You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” ― Buckminster Fuller My thesis is that this is the best and most reasonable position for a Geo-political watcher and analyst to take, now that we are as a world deeply into both breakdown of single, unlilateral polarity and the changes around

Here Comes China: Taiwan, RCEP, Earth-science satellite and The Plenum

By Amarynth for the Saker Blog Taiwan. In this article, Taiwan crossing the Red Line when the leader of the Taiwan region, Tsai Ing-wen, admitted to the presence of US military trainers on the island for the first time, was discussed. This was an open secret but the admission in public made it necessary for China to respond.  Now it is clear what form the response is taking.  At the

Here comes China: BRICS, The Dollar Bite, Power, Common Prosperity and The Real Mao Zedong story

BRICS As both President Putin and H.E. Xi Jinping attended the 13th BRICS Summit together, one could surmise that BRICS is either being propped up, or there are some new plans for this initiative that seem troubled in the last number of years. Here is Xi Jingping’s speech: Advance BRICS Cooperation to Meet Common Challenges Together Remarks by H.E. Xi Jinping President of the People’s Republic of China At the

Sitrep : Here comes China : Military Drills, Extortion, the ‘Religious Freedom Balkanization’ Plan for China

The main news of the day is the Biden administration’s effort to sell 40 155mm M109A6 Medium Self-Propelled Howitzer artillery systems, 1,698 precision guidance kits for munitions, spares, training, ground stations and upgrades for previous generation of howitzers, to the island of Taiwan in a deal worth up to $750 million. China is, to say the least, livid. Military Drills: US ‘large-scale’ military exercises cannot scare China, Russia The

Sitrep: Here Comes China: Giant Pandas, Elephants and Decoupling

Selections from Godfree Roberts’ extensive weekly newsletter: Here Comes China. You can get it here: Further selections and editorial and geopolitical commentary by Amarynth. Geopolitical moves: Most of the geopolitical space was taken up by the US withdrawal from Afghanistan.  Soon Lavrov and his Chinese counterpart Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi, moved in, boots ‘n all, with SCO. A geopolitical story of note is the confirmed friendship between

Sitrep: Here Comes China: Elephants, Finance and Trade, RCEP

Selections from Godfree Roberts’ extensive weekly newsletter: Here Comes China. You can get it here: Further selections and editorial and geopolitical commentary by Amarynth. If you do not know about the wandering elephants that are firing up imaginations, you cannot possibly be up on your reading on China.   The launch of the Huawei Harmony operating system is the first serious competition for Apple and Google in the world. 

Weekly China Newsbrief and Sitrep

By Godfree Roberts selected from his extensive weekly newsletter : Here Comes China Editorial Comments Before we dive into Godfree’s newsletter for this week, those that are interested in space, satellites and imaging will enjoy this.  China’s new ‘multi-mode’ satellite releases first high-res images and they are truly magnificent.  Take a look as we do not have permission to post anything here. This week from the Here Comes China

China Newsbrief & Sitrep

By Godfree Roberts from his newsletter This week we focus mainly on China’s development and business. We still see signs of an unrestricted and type of unformed war on China that is described by many names, examples cold war or, hybrid war.  The main characteristic of this war is where nothing that disrupts the enemy is off limits. Despite an unprecedented downturn in US-China relations during a pandemic, US businesses
