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Tag "Hizbshaitan"

Ukrainian Nazis and Chechen Wahabis now appear to be working together

Interesting news this morning: Khasan Zakaev, one of the terrorist which organized and executed the 2002 attack against the Dubrovka theater in Moscow and an aid to Shamil Basaev was arrested in Crimea when he tried to enter from the Ukraine with false documents. Khasan Zakaev I very much doubt that Zakaev wanted to visit Crimea to enjoy the beautiful sights, sample the local cuisine or to relax on the

The man from Satan declares that Party of God “greatest US security threat”

There is a certain irony in the following: Michael Chertoff, who is a Russian Jew whose name in Russian means – literally – “of the devil” or “from the devil” (Чертов or Chiortov) has declared that Hezbollah, which means the Party of God in Arabic (حزب الله‎ or Hizb Allah), is “greatest US security threat” and that it makes “al-Qaeda look like a minor league team”. How fitting, isn’t it?
