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Tag "imperialism in numbers"

Holocaust And Extermination A Terrible Normality

By Michael Parenti for “Information Clearing House” Through much of history the abnormal has been the norm. This is a paradox to which we should attend. Aberrations, so plentiful as to form a terrible normality of their own, descend upon us with frightful consistency. The number of massacres in history, for instance, are almost more than we can record. There was the New World holocaust, consisting of the extermination of

Growing Hunger in America

by Stephen Lendman for The People’s Voice In January 2010, Feeding America (FA, formerly America’s Second Harvest) released its disturbing new report on growing hunger titled, “Hunger in America 2010.” The Chicago-based organization is the nation’s “leading domestic hunger-relief charity,” serving the needy “through a nationwide network of member food banks, over 200 in all 50 states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico.” Its study is based on interviews
