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Tag "inter-religious dialog"

The Second Coming, the End Times, the Antichrist, Orthodoxy, Islam and an Open Thread

Tomorrow Orthodox Christian celebrate two events: the Presentation of our Lord and Meatfare Sunday also known as the Sunday of of Second Coming. What is interesting about this day is that this is the day when during the Matins service, after the 6th Ode of the Canon, the Synxarion of the day is read. A “synaxarion” is a short text discussing and analyzing of the person or event commemorated during

Joint Christian-Muslim resistance against the Empire (a quick reminder)

In a previous post entitled “Russia and Islam, part eight: working together, a basic “how-to”“, I have discussed in some details the basic principles which could be applied by both Christians and Muslims to jointly take a stand against the current Empire.  I don’t want to repeat it all here, especially since in that article I was discussing this issue specifically in the Russian context.  What I propose to do
