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Tag "interview"

Part 2 of Saker’s interview with Straight-Bat on Marxism in the 21st century

Note: the first part of this interview was posted here Foreword: Apologies for the delay in contributing to the interview part 2 – I had to be busy with my professional life. Coming back to this interview, I feel that, adding supporting documents, statements and excerpts to my arguments has always been my strength. I’m extra careful this time while responding the questions put down by The Saker in the

Sergey Lavrov Interview for Film on Extremism in Europe – November 2022 – English Subtitles

Note from Michael Rossi Poli Sci who subtitled that video: Dear Patreon Supporters, First off, thank you once again for your pledged support and votes of confidence on my work. Unfortunately, YouTube decided to remove the latest video I uploaded today (Sunday November 27) of Sergey Lavrov giving an interview on political extremism in Europe AS “hate speech”. How they came to that conclusion is beyond me, but I suppose

The Saker interviews Michael Hudson

Dear friends Today I had the honor and immense pleasure to spend one hour talking to my friend Michael Hudson and I am happy to share this video with you.  I have immense respect for Michael, both as an economist and as a friend, and want to clarify this because some trolls have viciously attacked Michael in the comments section and I want to make something abundantly clear: any rude

Michael Hudson: Interview with RT – Transcript

Michael Hudson’s interview with RT – May 19 2022. Peter Scott, RT anchor: Joining us now is Michael Hudson, economist and author of “Super-Imperialism” and the recently-published “Destiny of Civilization”. Welcome to the programme, Michael. Michael Hudson: It’s good to be back. PS: Let’s say all these European programmes like the REPOWER Programme come into effect, how do you expect the EU standing to be on the stage after that?

The Russian website GEOFOR interviews the Saker

PUTIN-BIDEN: THERE ARE THINGS THAT RUSSIA WILL NOT TOLERATE Translated from Russian into English by Lilia Shumkova source: GEOFOR: Dear Mr. Raevsky, I recall how after the Geneva meeting with President Vladimir Putin, his American colleague President Joe Biden, in response to a question about the continuation of high-level contacts between our countries, said that we should wait until the end of the year, and after that time make

GEOFOR interviews The Saker: Will Kiev decide on an open armed conflict?

Note: in late November I was interviewed by the Russian website Geofor.  Here is the English language translation of this interview. GEOFOR: Mr. Raevsky, no sooner have the American warships left the Black Sea than the British went in there. Apparently, “unscheduled exercises” of NATO ships and Ukrainian watercraft are about to commence, again. Again, near the maritime borders of the Russian Federation. Moreover, a couple of American military boats were delivered to

Interview with A.B. Abrams about his latest book and the war in Syria

by Andrei for the Saker blog A.B. Abrams has just released a new book entitled World War in Syria – Global Conflict on the Middle Eastern Battlefields.  Here are two locations were you can order this most interesting volume: For those who don’t remember who Abrams is, here are two of his previous contributions to the Saker blog: The book got A LOT of praise already,

The Saker interviews Professor Seyed Mohammad Marandi

[this interview was made for the Unz Review] Introduction: first, several friends recently suggested that that I should interview Professor Seyed Mohammad Marandi; then I read this most interesting text on Moon of Alabama and I decided to ask Professor Marandi to share his views of the current situation in Iran, the Persian Gulf the rest of the Middle-East who very kindly agreed to reply to my question in spite

The Saker interviews A.B. Abrams about the geostrategic developments in Asia

[This interview was made for the Unz Review] I recently received a copy of a most interesting book, A.B. Abrams’ “Power and Primacy: the history of western intervention in Asia” and as soon as I started reading it I decided that I wanted to interview the author and ask him about what is taking place in Asia in our times.  This was especially interesting to me since Putin has embarked

Ramin Mazaheri interviewed by Sputnik about the “Yellow Vests” and Macron

Macron Won’t Put Question of Resignation Up for French Referendum – Journo You can listen to the full audio of the interview here: The first referendum in 14 years could take place in France in May as part of President Emmanuel Macron’s response to the ongoing series of weekend ‘yellow vests’ protests. The newspaper Journal du Dimanche reported that Macron was planning to organise the vote on the same

Russian President Vladimir Putin interview to FOX News Vladimir Putin answered questions from Fox News Sunday host Chris Wallace in an interview recorded in Helsinki, Finland, on July 16. Fox News Sunday host Chris Wallace: President Putin, thank you for speaking with us. I am going to get to some specifics about the summit in a moment, but let’s begin with the big picture. President Trump said in his news conference that our relationship has never been worse, but that changed a few hours ago. How has the relationship, big picture, between

Ramin Mazaheri interviewed by Sputnik on US breaking JCPOA

Iran Deal: Europe Has Truly Broken Up With US Foreign Policy – Journalist On May 8, US President Donald Trump announced that the US was leaving the JCPOA (Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action) and promised to re-instate the toughest economic sanctions against Iran in response to Tehran’s alleged continued work on its military nuclear program. Ramin Mazaheri, PressTV’s chief correspondent in Paris, comments on the news. Sputnik: Despite numerous pleas
