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Tag "Intibah Kadi"

The Great Reset; ‘No pasarán’

by Ghassan and Intibah Kadi for the Saker Blog The revolving results and aspirations of having a clear outcome of the American Presidential elections are bringing many related issues to the surface. Perhaps none bigger than the heightened call by the World Economic Forum (WEF) for a ‘Great Reset’. The mission of the WEF, stated beneath its logo reads that it is: ‘Committed to improving the state of the world

Lebanon’s path of corruption and destruction

By Intibah Kadi for the Saker Blog With COVID-19 capturing almost total world attention, eyes are not focused on the numerous alarming events occurring around the world. In Lebanon, a disaster has been unfolding; a place in the long past described as the “Land of milk and honey” and even when one now wanders the hills, it still rings true to an extent. The fact is that now the ordinary

Is there really a group ready to hang Erdogan out to dry?

by Intibah Kadi for the Saker Blog Australian Investigator and Reporter, Chris Ray, has written an excellent piece [1]on Syrian born Imam Fedaa Al Majzoub, a graduate from the world’s most prestigious Muslim institution, Al-Azhar University, and who, until recently, enjoyed a privileged position in the Sunni Islamic community in Australia as a leader and academic and was presented as a “moderate”. Like many of his peers, he engaged with

Social Media as a Tool of Hybrid Warfare; The Case of Syria (IMPORTANT NOTE BY THE SAKER)

Note by the Saker: I was frankly appalled at the ugly nastiness of some comments posted here in reply to this article.  First, I take no position whatsoever on the substance of the issue.  I do however, vehemently object to direct and personal attacks on Intibah Kadi and her husband.  Whatever the merits, or lack thereof, of her analysis, Intibah Kadi did not name a single person in this piece,

The Muslim Spring, take II

by Ghassan and Intibah Kadi In a previous article titled “A Muslim Spring” published on the Saker, on the 12th of June 2017, the analysis of the then recent Qatar standoff took us into the direction of whether new Middle Eastern alliances were taking form and old ones dismantling. Developments since then reveal that the distinctive parts of the new embryos are already differentiating and emerging. The initial article foresaw

Orientalists, Gatekeepers, Evangelists and Subverters of the Syrian Defense Community

By Intibah Kadi A curious phenomenon has gradually crept upon the English language social media community that defends Syria; a small but effective group of “orientalists” with their varied agendas, gatekeepers amongst them of all shapes and sizes and evangelizers and assorted nefarious subverters. Syrians, having never experienced working together with people from across the world, had no experience of the pro and cons of such activism. In general, Syrians

Je suis Alyan?

by Ghassan and Intibah Kadi The human tragedy in Syria is one thing, and the hypocritical manner in which the West is dealing with it is an absolute shamble. To begin with, it was the Western sphere of influence that destabilized four states in the region over the last two decades; namely Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Syria. One may argue that Afghanistan had been a hotspot before the US-led invasion,
