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Tag "invincible Tsahal"

So it was the ‘invincible Tsahal’

Okay, now we know: yesterday panic about a US attack on Syria was all about the “invincible Tsahal” making the usual symbolic attack against some “Iranian” forces in Syria.  These guys were so totally macho and cool that they did not even bother informing Russia, and so totally loyal that they did inform the USA.  The final score is as follows: 5 out of 8 missiles intercepted (you can see

The Lowdown on Hezbollah’s Ambush in South Lebanon

Ibrahim al-Amin reports for al-Akbar:Near midnight on Tuesday, August 6, an Israeli commando unit began to move from the Palestinian side toward Lebanon’s northern frontier. The unit deployed to several points along the fence before starting to cross into Lebanon nearly 20 minutes later. The unit followed a path that is in the line of sight of both Labbouna and Jall al-Alam, the two largest Israeli outposts in the western
