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Tag "Israel and Syria"

Russia Squeezed Israel Out of Syria (Ruslan Ostashko)

Translated and subtitled by Leo. Russia started to give a rebuff to Israel for their constant dragging into Syrian affairs. Russian electronic warfare capabilities being located in the Middle Eastern country is hindering the work of the Tel Aviv airport, claims one of the Israeli TV channels. The stated Israeli media is also mentioning that the Russian military has taken control of the Latakia port, depriving in these ways the

Israeli Strikes On Syria: Weapons, Effect, Consequences The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) continue their bombing campaign in Syria. In the framework of this campaign, IDF aircraft strike what the Israeli leadership describes as Iranian infrastructure and weapon shipments to Hezbollah and pro-Iranian armed groups. Nonetheless, positions and equipment of the Syrian Armed Forces often appear to be target of Israeli strikes allegedly aimed solely against Iran. In rare cases, when Israel publicly admits strikes in Syria,

Israel Strikes Syria. S-300 Is Not Employed

Syrian War Report – Dec. 26, 2018: Israel Strikes Syria. S-300 Is Not Employed Late on December 25, the Israeli Air Force carried out a missile strike on targets in the Damascus International Airport area. According to reports, Israeli F-16I jets launched at least 16 missiles from Lebanese airspace. The Syrian media stressed that the Air Defense Forces (SADF) had intercepted most of the hostile missiles, but acknowledged that at

Russia SITREP June 25, 2017

by Scott Humor I find an argument that Putin rules America to be ridiculous. If it were true, the U.S. would have paid most of it sovereign debt while employing millions, and building high speed railroads, best rocket engines, mega bridges and churches; medical care and education would become free, mothers would be getting “maternal capital” to buy homes, and agents of foreign interests with corrupt government officials would be

Syria: The Faces Behind The Terror

by Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich In her extraordinarily bold and direct speech addressed to the Irish Parliament, Clare Daly (TD, Dublin North) called Obama a “war criminal” and “hypocrite of the century”. In describing the fawned reception of Obama in Ireland akin to pimping and prostituting of that nation, Ms. Daly hit the nail on the head. Sadly, America dwarfs Ireland and elsewhere in the undignified category of prostitution – the 29
