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Tag "Ivan Ilyin"


By Ivan Ilyin, from Книга раздумий (The Book of Rumination) translation by Edvin Buday You do not wear glasses? What a shame! In the opposite case, I would have told you a little something about glasses. After all, it is thanks to them that I have learned something in life, something that possibly might not be without any use for others as well. When I was a child I did

His Hatred by Ivan Iliyn

by Ivan Ilyin (excerpt from his book “Singing heart – a book of quiet contemplations) Translated from the Russian by Edvin Buday How burdensome, how almost unbearable is the feeling that “he hates me”… How strong a feeling of one’s own weakness seizes the soul… One does not wish to think about it, sometimes with success. But even without thinking, one feels that current through the spiritual ether, that stream
