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Tag "julian assange"

AMLO yet again blows the whistle on Julian Assange, educating his journalists

By Amarynth for the Saker Blog The President of Mexico has now again offered full asylum to Julian Assange. “Mexico opens the doors to Assange,” the president declared. It is good to remember that AMLO spoke to Trump and offered asylum and he is now promising to speak to Biden, to again offer asylum. AMLO’s briefing to journalists included playing the ‘collateral murder’ clip. Ben Norton of has the

Sitrep: Julian Assange

Posted by Amarynth The Westminster Magistrate’s Court has issued an order to extradite journalist and Wikileaks founder Julian Assange to the United States. The order was sent to Home Secretary Priti Patel who has to sign off on extraditions. Assange’s defense has until May 18 to make submissions to Patel against extradition. Meanwhile Assange will remain in custody. He can only appeal once Patel has made a decision. British

Julian Assange trial: the mask of Empire has fallen

By Pepe Escobar with permission from the author and first posted at Asia Times The concept of “History in the making” has been pushed to extremes when it comes to the extraordinary public service being performed by historian, former UK diplomat and human rights activist Craig Murray. Murray – literally, and on a global level – is now positioned as our man in the public gallery, as he painstakingly documents

“The Fifth Estate” is a disgusting and vicious attempt at discrediting Julian Assange (UPDATED)

I normally don’t do movie reviews here, but after watching “The Fifth Estate” yesterday I felt that I ought to warn everybody that this is a crude hatchet job clearly aimed at maliciously slandering Julian Assange and, through him, his defiance of our “1%” overlords.A quick visit on Wikipedia showed me that there was some “controversy” around the movie.  I will let you read that section yourself, but let me

The Americas against the Anglosphere

Excellent news! According to SkyNews, The Organisation of American States (OAS) has called a meeting of foreign ministers for August 24 to discuss the stand-off sparked when Ecuador granted asylum to WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange. Twenty-three countries voted on Friday for the resolution proposed by Ecuador to convene the meeting at its Washington headquarters to discuss Quito’s stand-off with Britain over Assange. The US, Canada and Trinidad and Tobago voted

Pussy Riot vs Julian Assange – to each his own hero and villain

Two high profile freedom of speech cases are unfolding these days, the one of the Pussy Riot sentencing in Moscow and the granting by Ecuador of political asylum to Julian Assange.  I would argue that both cases are in many ways if not similar, then at least comparable to each other.  After all, in both cases we have college drop-outs breaking the laws of major power and in both cases

Ecuador grants asylum to Assange – FULL SPEECH by FM Ricardo Patino

Commentary: Even though I had little doubt that Ecuador would grant asylum to Assange, it was really heart-warming for me to listen to the absolutely beautiful statement of Foreign Minister Ricardo Patiño, in particular after learning of the mind-boggling arrogance of the Brits who dared to cross a line very few, if any, governments ever dared cross: threaten to violate the sovereignty of an embassy (the only other example I
