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Tag "Kalibr"

A “Cruise Missile Revolution” Took Place in Russia

Source: Sonar 2050 – В России состоялась «крылатая революция»  Translated by Sasha and subtitled by Leo. As it usually happens in Russia, the most important information passes unnoticed. This time too only specialists noted that Russia has achieved a truly revolutionary progress in the field of missile arms, which allows us to review our defeat in the technological race on one of the important fronts of the Cold War. Details

Naval Brief NB. 08/17 April 25th 2017 by LeDahu

Opener As part of the Russian Defence Ministry Board in Moscow, Russian defence minister Shoigu said on 21 April that “the frigates will be the main combat ships of the Navy.” The Russian navy commander, Adm Vladimir Korolev, in an interview with “Krasnaya Zvezda” outlined the scale of the presence of the Russian fleet on the world’s oceans. The US Navy and others in West Pacific First, let’s just put
