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Tag "kashmir"

Lashkar-e-Taiba commander killed by Indian forces in Kashmir

Press TV reports: The Indian military says it has killed a senior military commander of banned Pakistani group Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) in Kashmir region. The militant commander was identified as Iqbal Malik, the LeT’s southern Kashmir commander, the military said in a statement released on Friday. It added that Malik and two other insurgents were killed earlier in the day as they were trapped in a cave during an exchange of

The Saker interviews Taimur – a Muslim student living in Indian controlled Kashmir

Little did I know that when I would open my own IRC channel it would yield such amazing possibilities as interviewing somebody at length from inside a war zone! (In fact, I had no idea that my blog was read in such places…). Taimur agreed to be interviewed in very bad conditions, the electricity supply on his side was iffy, and the 10 hours difference means that he was typing
