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Tag "Katerina"

The Great Reset. Our way.

By Katerina for the Saker Blog In this one, which I promise to be the very LAST of my essays, I would like, first of all, to do a short re-cap on the responses to my three previous ones – feedback so to speak. Always useful. Although in this essay the main subject will be the reflections on a rather unfortunate current relationship between Russia and USA, in the same

The mortal battle of the Perfidious Albion

By Katerina for the Saker Blog In this my third and hopefully last essay I will try to analyse an ingrained and totally unresolvable animosity between England and Russia. Here what riles me a lot is when some people would describe England as “Britain”. I have lived in both Scotland and England and I have also spent some wonderful holidays on the Welsh coast and I can say this, with

Presidents that play chess

by Katerina for the Saker Blog This is a follow-up to my previous contribution, the “Relentless March” and I have to warn you, this one will be much harsher as it will be highlighting some home truths for east Europeans. If you are not ready or simply do not want to face those, I suggest you stop reading now. In this essay, among other things, I will also try to

Relentless March

by Katerina for the Saker Blog I left Russia at the tender age of 24, left not because I wanted to leave my country, just simply happened to marry a foreigner who was there at the time and for several years now been living and working in three very different countries, including Scotland and England. Now I am living in yet another English-speaking country that is equally unique and different.
