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Tag "Katherine Frisk"

Take The Red Pill Or Fight World War 3 – Interview With The Saker

by Katherine Frisk for the International Reporter Only those with their head in the sand are not aware that NATO, the western allies and the Wall Street bankers are determined to follow a course that will lead to World War 3. With Russia in particular and any other country that stands in their way. In a recent interview Vladimir Putin chided western journalists for the false narratives that are being

An Insight Into Orthodox Christianity: Interview With The Saker

by Katherine Frisk for the International reporter Just over a year ago I had little to no understanding of Orthodox Christianity, the Russian Orthodox Church, it’s history or how it differed from the West. It was largely due to the war in Ukraine that I wanted to get a deeper understanding of the people of Eastern Ukraine and what motivated them. After watching numerous reports from the region I came
