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Tag "Kolomoiskii"

Kolomoisky finishing Ukraine up

Source: By Valentin Katanosov Translated by Claudio About 15 years ago, “natural selection”-based oligarchic capitalism started being developed in Ukraine: oligarchs devoured small and medium businesses, as well as state-owned assets. As resources of primitive accumulation were going to be exhausted, oligarchs began to devour each other by means of administrative pressure, raider attacks, corrupt courts, trumped-up charges and, if necessary, murder. This process was quite similar to a

Is Uncle Sam “tossing” Kolomoiskii?

Events in the Ukraine are taking a very serious turn: Poroshenko has declared that private “pocket” armies of governors will no longer be tolerated and he has now given Kolomoiskii 24 hours to lay down arms.  Poroshenko’s chief henchmen – Arsen Avakov and the CIA’s Valentin Nalivaichenko – have indicated that Poroshenko has their full support and loyalty.  In other words, the full power of the junta is now threatening

Two “MUST SEE” videos about the *reality* of the war in the Ukraine

Dear friends, Remember the guy who did the excellent video “We know with 99% certainty who shot down MH17“?  His name is John Martin, and he has just released another superb video entitled “Crimea… What really happened?”.  This video is, in my opinion, probably the best I have seen in terms of explaining what really took place last year.  Once again, I am amazed (and elated) to see that unpaid
