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Tag "laws of war"

My take on the Geneva Conventions

I get a lot of comments to the effect that the Geneva Conventions (GC) are only for victors, or inapplicable in war, or wishful thinking etc. I very much disagree. For the following reasons: First, there is a difference between a solider and a thug and that difference is not in the guns they carry, but in what they do and why they do it. Yes, there are indeed bad

Givi and the Geneva Conventions

There has been a lot of criticisms of the battalion “Somali” and Givi for the way they treated the junta’s prisoners, including the Colonel who, apparently, was the commander of the junta’s 93rd Brigade. Let me begin by agreeing with those who say that the treatment of these prisoners did violate the Geneva conventions, no doubt about it in my mind.   The law (or how it maybe would be

A few basic reminders about wars, civil wars and human rights

Robert recently posted the following comment on this blog: Manicheanism tends to take over with civil wars. Both sides tend to believe all that is good is with them and all that is evil with the other and this usually leads to fiendish atrocities on both sides. The media often then gives selective reporting of atrocities by the side they favour. In a war with a foreign enemy you can
