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Tag "Lebanon SITREP"

Lebanon SITREP: second letter from a Lebanese friend

My Lebanese friend just sent me this report about Hassan Nasrallah’s speech today: – There is much to say, but Sayyed did not allow the enemies any chance to turn this disaster into a ‘campaign’ against the Resistance, whereby the Resistance ‘reacts’ and gets led into their traps, further leading the country into chaos and destruction – it must be said, Sayyed calmly but categorically denied that Hezbolllah had any

Lebanon SITREP: Letter from a Lebanese friend

This was just sent to me by a good Lebanese friend: Huge disaster, investigation underway, on face value was caused by utter negligence, corruption and incompetence of Lebanese state, but I am one of those that has been stressing that the enemies could have exploited this state negligence and corruption to trigger this disaster through sabotage. Few simple reasons for this, including: a) this disaster completely serves current US-Israeli efforts
