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Tag "Libyan revolution infiltration"

Take a look at the so-called “Libyan opposition”

Okay, maybe there is another Libyan opposition. But this is the one I see, and this one makes me sick in my gut.  Take a look at them, and judge for yourself: Judging from the two characters representing the “opposition” on this show it is quite clear that these folks have no problems with the idea of turning Libya into another Kosovo or Bosnia.  It really does not matter to

Take a look at the so-called “Libyan opposition”

Okay, maybe there is another Libyan opposition. But this is the one I see, and this one makes me sick in my gut.  Take a look at them, and judge for yourself: Judging from the two characters representing the “opposition” on this show it is quite clear that these folks have no problems with the idea of turning Libya into another Kosovo or Bosnia.  It really does not matter to

Exactly what I feared

The BBC reports: Rebels in eastern Libya have said they will not negotiate unless Col Muammar Gaddafi quits and goes into exile. The National Libyan Council in the city of Benghazi also called for foreign intervention to stop government air strikes on the rebels. The council is led by former Libyan Interior Minister Mustafa Abdel-Jalil, who defected last month. Oh, and guess what?  Mr. Mustafa Abdel-Jalil also declares that he
