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Tag "Macron"

What are Putin and Macron up to?

This is the big RT headline: Putin and Macron agree on measures to halt escalation in Ukraine. Here is a machine translation of the official French statement: Telephone interview with Vladimir PUTIN, President of the Russian Federation. The President of the Republic held a telephone conversation with the President of the Russian Federation, Mr. Vladimir PUTIN, on Sunday, February 20. They agreed on the following points : – the resumption

Mr Putin’s telephone conversation with President of France Emmanuel Macron Vladimir Putin had a telephone conversation with President of the French Republic Emmanuel Macron at the French side’s initiative. February 20, 2022 17:15 In a follow-up to the talks during President Macron’s recent visit to Moscow and regular telephone conversations, the two leaders had an in-depth discussion of the developments around Ukraine as well as developments regarding long-term legal security guarantees for the Russian Federation. Serious concerns were expressed due to the quickly deteriorating situation along the contact line in Donbass. The President of Russia noted that provocations from Ukrainian militants were the reason for the escalation.

Vladimir Putin held talks with President of the French Republic Emmanuel Macron at the Kremlin.

President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Mr President, Emmanuel, It is a pleasure to see you. Last time we met was two years ago and, of course, there is a backlog of issues that we can and should discuss in a direct format. Still, over these years, our contacts have never been interrupted, and we remain in touch at all times. Moreover, despite the pandemic, bilateral trade is up. During the pandemic, it fell by 15 percent, but over 11 months of 2021 it grew by over

SITREP France: Is Macron a puppet and, if yes, whose puppet is he?

Check out this video of Macron at the biggest Zionist event of the year in France, the infamous “CRIF dinner”.  If you don’t now what the CRIF is, do not bother with the Wikipedia article – it’s all sanitized – but think of the French CRIF like (AIPAC+JINSA+ADL+B’nai B’rith)2: all the power of the Israel Lobby in the USA, but squared (yeah, I know, hard to imagine, but true). Now

Douce France

by Jimmie Moglia “Douce France, cher pays de mon enfance” – so goes the song [Sweet France, dear country of my infancy]. I did not grow up in France, but at times I feel as If I did, for I know her well. I can daydream about any town or village in the “France profonde”, and think of the lines, “On marche sur un mur de pierres, un petit pont
