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Tag "Miles"

Russian Federation Federal Law “On measures (countermeasures) to unfriendly actions of United States of America and other foreign States)”

translation by Miles for the Saker blog R U S S I A N F E D E R A T I O N FEDERAL LAW On measures (countermeasures) to unfriendly actions of United States of America and other foreign States) Adopted by State Duma on 22 May 2018 Approved by Federation Council on 30 May 2018 Article 1. Objective and scope of application of this federal law 1. Objective

Presidential Decree On national objectives and strategic tasks of Russian Federation’s development in the period up to 2024

translation by Miles for the Saker Blog P R E S I D E N T OF R U S S I A N F E D E R A T I O N DECREE № 204 Signed 07 May 2018 On national objectives and strategic tasks of Russian Federation’s development in the period up to 2024 To facilitate breakthrough scientific, technological and socio-economic development of Russian Federation, increase of

The most important part of Putin’s March 1st speech

by Miles for the Saker Blog If you look at western press and punditry as of late in regards to Russia or Putin (which, for some reason is basically the same in western MSM’s perceptions) or, more specifically, in regards to Putin’s address to Federal Assembly of Russia, you would inevitably get the impression that all he talked about was weapons. Russian media (those that took note of the Address,
