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Tag "military provocations"

A few military secrets to put in your pipe and smoke, by Scott

After September 17th when the US  Air force bombed the Syrian troops that were besieged by the US terror troops in town Deir EzZor, and the following provocation with the UN humanitarian convoy, we have been waiting for the next Pentagon and CIA provocation. The military psyop specialists are getting paid millions of dollars to invent these provocations, and we, collectively, trying to prevent them from happening and to untangle

2 killed in shooting near Crimea military research center, ‘sniper detained’

RT reports:Two people – a self-defense member and a Ukrainian soldier – were killed and two others wounded after snipers opened fire from a partially inhabited building near a military research center in Simferopol. One sniper was detained, another is on the run. As RT producer Lida Vasilevskaya arrived at the scene, the perimeter of the Ukrainian military topography and navigation center was already surrounded by men in camouflage and

US-S.Korean maritime war games needlessly provocative

By Shen Dingli for Global Times The US and South Korea are implementing joint military exercises this month in the Yellow Sea, with the possibility of deploying the US aircraft carrier George Washington. The running of such exercises so close to China’s waters has left China strongly, and rightfully, dissatisfied. The US and South Korea may argue that the exercise is not in China’s territorial waters, so China has no
