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Tag "Neocon"

Ukraine, America’s Midas Touch – Again!

by Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich ‘All that glitters is not gold; all that shivers is not cold’ Mythology has it that Midas, the king of Phyrgia, was able to turn everything he touched into gold — ‘the Midas Touch’. According to Aristotle, the legendry figure died of starvation as a result of his greed to transmute everything from its natural substance to gold. This myth is a tragic reality when it comes

Is a Syrian “domino effect” being used in a power struggle in the US deep state?

written specially for the Asia Times Following the ratification by all parties of the recent Joint Plan of Action between Iran and the P5+1 countries, it is worth looking again at the official narrative explaining this “sudden breakthrough”.  It goes something like that:“Iran was ruled by President Ahmadinejad, a notorious anti-Semite and Holocaust denier, who did everything in his power to deny the international community the monitoring rights it demanded

Obama’s odious entourage

This will appear in the next issue of Al-Ahram Weekly Disappointment follows disappointment with each ‘new’ face, bemoans Eric Walberg, but there is a sort of silver lining Yes, we mustn’t expect too much. We all know it is the establishment that comes first in United States politics. Obama’s presidency could easily be sabotaged by the powers that put him there. But still. He would never have made it

Yesterday the puppet, today the puppeteer

This from the BBC: Barack Obama has started forming his administration by asking Rahm Emanuel, a former adviser to President Clinton, to be his chief-of-staff. So that’s who Obama will put in the single most sensitive position in his White House and that is who will form the rest of the Obama team for “change”. I can’t wait to hear the rest of the names…..

OMG! Obama wants Ziocon Rahm Emanuel as his Chief of Staff!

Check this AP news item: Barack Obama’s campaign has approached Illinois Rep. Rahm Emanuel about possibly serving as White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel is, along with Joe Lieberman, just about the most fanatical Ziocon in Congress. He is at least as evil and fanatical as any Richard Perle or Paul Wolfowitz. The simple fact that Obama is seriously considering making him his Chief of Staff really says it

From Pristina to La Paz: Expelled US Ambassador to Bolivia had been in charge of Kosovo Secession

The Balkanisation of Bolivia By Wilson García Mérida URL of this article: Global Research, September 13, 2008 – 2007-01-17 George Bush sent to Bolivia his Ambassador of Ethnic Cleansing [original title translated from the Spanish] He presented his credentials before President Evo Morales on October 13, 2006; but three months before his arrival in Bolivia, when he was still in Pristina fulfilling his role as head of the

Very interesting debate between Scott Horton and “Harvey from New York”

Two days ago Scott Horton debated a guy called Harvey Kushner from New York (I am not kidding!) at Texas A&M University and the resulting discussion is highly interesting to watch. First, Scott really ripped this poor Neocon into tiny little shreds over and over again. It is absolutely hilarious to see this so-called “expert” getting hammered by Scott who never pretended to be an expert on anything (even though

Will American Insouciance Destroy the World?

By Paul Craig Roberts for Information Clearing House The neoconned Bush Regime and the Israeli-occupied American media are heading the innocent world toward nuclear war. Back in the Reagan years, the National Endowment for Democracy was created as a cold war tool. Today the NED is a neocon-controlled agent for US world hegemony. Its main function is to pour US money and election-rigging into former constituent parts of the

And The Winner Is … The Israel lobby

By Pepe Escobar for the Asia Times WASHINGTON – They’re all here – and they’re all ready to party. The three United States presidential candidates – John McCain, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. Madam House speaker Nancy Pelosi. Most US senators and virtually half of the US Congress. Vice President Dick Cheney’s wife, Lynne. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. Embattled Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert. And a host of Jewish

‘Bush Intends to Attack Iran before End of His Term’

“The disease must be treated – not its symptoms” Hanan Awarekeh for al-Manar US President George W. Bush intends to attack Iran in the upcoming months, before the end of his term, Israeli Army Radio quoted officials in Jerusalem as saying Tuesday. The official claimed that a senior member of the president’s entourage said during a closed meeting that Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney were of the opinion that

Reading the Washington Pravda

The Washington Pravda (a.k.a. the Washington Post) just published an article entitled “Fighting in Beirut Threatens a Top Bush Administration Priority”. Carefully wrapped into a lot of Neocon bull, there are some interesting admissions in this piece. Judge for yourself: (Pravda text in italics) On the eve of his trip to the Middle East next week, President Bush faces the collapse of one of his three top priorities in the

John Bolton: might Bush bomb Iran? “Yes, definitely!”

Think Progress Thursday, May 8, 2008 In a Fox News interview this afternoon, former UN Ambassador John Bolton discussed his desire to bomb camps inside Iran that are reportedly training and arming Shiite insurgents who fight in Iraq. Fox host Martha McCallum asked, “Can you imagine a scenario where President Bush would do that before the end of his term?” Bolton responded, “I think so, definitely.” He added later, “This

Fallon ouster marks crucial Neocon victory and makes war against Iran very likely

CENTCOM Commander Admiral William Fallon, the man who had dared to declare “there will be no war with Iran on my watch“, has finally been fired. The pretext for his dismissal was a recent article in Esquire magazine. In his (rather sycophantic*) article about Fallon Thomas P.M. Barnett writes: If, in the dying light of the Bush administration, we go to war with Iran, it’ll all come down to one

How likely is a US attack on Iran before the presidential election?

Some Western observers have recently speculated that recent NIE notwithstanding, a US attack on Iran was still possible. The Deputy Head of Iran’s Armed Forces General Headquarters, Gholam-Ali Rashid, has even reportedly stated that such an attack before the end of 2008 was “probable”. So how likely is such an attack? There can be no doubt that the publication of the NIE has resulted in a dramatic loss of momentum

Bolton, Eagleburger and Rodman’s warning about Kosovo

(Note: I think that there is an American saying which says that even a broken watch is correct once every 12 hours. So please spare us the ad hominems about the authors of this piece – what matters is not who they are/were but what they say; or, if you prefer, that even they are saying what they say. In other words, recognizing Kosovo is something which even a patented

Reflections on the NIE on Iran and its consequences

It has been over a week since the publications on the National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) on Iran and a number of observations about ti can now be made with some confidence. First and foremost, this NIE is clearly the product of long and protracted negotiations between the UN intelligence community and the Administration. It appears that the office of the VP finally agreed to release this NIE as a way,

War Supplemental Makes Room for Iran

By Maya Schenwar The Bush administration’s $196.4 billion war supplemental spending request, released Monday, has Democrats reeling. Senate Appropriations Committee Chairman Robert Byrd called the supplemental “short-sighted at best,” while House Appropriations Committee Chairman Dave Obey remarked in a statement, “It’s amazing to me that the president expects to be taken seriously.” Yet beyond the request’s mind-boggling size, its open-ended aims point to the potentially vast scope of the “war
